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Can someone please explain to me, why people find it necessary to take a posting in a completely different manner, than it was supposed to be taken?

Can someone please explain to me, why people are so nasty when they comment about said postings, which they took the wrong way?

Can someone please explain to me, why people can be so ignorant, at times?

Can someone please explain to me, why people, at the age that they are, still act like children having a temper tantrum?

Can someone please explain to me, why I even worry about situations that are this petty, and to be completely honest, <span style="font-weight: bold">stupid</span>?

I swear that I'm going to go insane, with the way that people act. With the way that people respond!

This kind of stuff, really tires me, at times...

I apologize for littering the forum with this posting, in advance.


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To be honest, I don't know what you are talking about. I have been a member here for a number of years and I have always found everyone to be pleasant and helpful. More so than any forum I visit. It has been my experience that if there is a Reatta problem, a number of people jump in to help most of the time if they can. I'm always happy to help when I have the answer or advice to solve an issue. Off the top of my head, I can't say I've ever seen a response to a post that was rude or unkind. I'm sure there have been some, but they don't come to mind. As far as throwing tantrums, again I've not seen that. Your post is as close as I have ever seen to tantrum material. While I've never met personally, anyone who is a frequent visitor here, I consider folks like Robert, Mike, Alf, Jim, Padgett, F14, Barney and the others to be my friends and I'm offended that you call them/us "ignorant, even at times". Every one here is a Reatta fan. The Reattas were interesting cars when they were new, and even more so today. This forum is a technical forum. It's purpose is very clear, to promote the driving pleasure and preservation of the Buick Reatta with fellow owners. Nothing more, nothing less. To be blunt, and forgive me in advance if you think my post is rude, but if you are not happy with the advice and help you receive here, then don't visit! Nothing could be simpler. With all that said, lets stick to something much more fun to talk about and that is the Reatta. smile.gif

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Guest Motu 56

We need to post as if the person we were replying to were right in front of us. The posts use to be worse when we let people post without registering. Don't take it personally it says more about them then it does you.

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I don't find you or "Robert, Mike, Alf, Jim, Padgett, F14, or Barney" to be of any problem. In fact I like you guys, and you're always helpful with everything. I wasn't saying that you people are ignorant... only two people who posted in the Stock or Mod thread. I could have written down names but I thought that to be rude, which I wasn't trying to do. And to write down everyone who isn't a problem, would have been completely ridiculous (thanks Alf). The post is certainly not rude and I am more than happy with the advice and help that I recieve here. In fact, you are absolutely correct that this is a technical forum. Apparently, you've taken this thread out of it's context, as well... which was one of the things that I mentioned in the original posting. as for not seeing any rude or unkind responses... you'll have to look around to see them, and they are there... not just for my postings and/or comments. As for the tantrum... you're right, that posting does sound like a temper tantrum... now that it's the next day and I'm no longer angry/depressed about what I read on Stock or Mod. So I apologize for regressing, and to all of you who may have been offended by this material. As I said in the original posting, it wasn't my intention to litter the forum with these things, and I apologized in advance. frown.gif

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I've been around here long enough to know that sometimes these situations can take on a life of their own, so let me just set the record straight.

I disagreed with the statements you posted, and I believe I respectfully offered a rational point-by-point response to the statements I found to be in error.

At no point did I accuse you of having any Nazi sympathies, or anything of the like, merely that some of the statements you had posted were complete rubbish. In an effort to make my response more palatable, I closed with an (admittedly lame) joke as the last line of my initial post and added a smiley for good measure.

Again, I was not trying to be rude, and if somehow you took my statements as an attack upon you it was not my intention for it to be taken that way, Okay? grin.gif

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Yes, everything is okay... beyond the fact that I had a <span style="font-weight: bold">horrible</span> weekend. In any event, yeah, I understood what you were saying. I just got a little unnerved when I saw you jump all over me about the whole thing. I quoted a single line from that "propaganda" to explain something, simply. I could have gone into detail, but what was the point, when the thread wasn't about any of that. The rest of that particular piece propaganda sounds absolutely <span style="font-style: italic">ridiculous</span> (thanks, again, Alf)! I certainly didn't agree that the Freemasons were responsible for any of things they were accused of. In fact, I had posted the thing in it's entirety on someone's MySpace blog, thanks to the fact that the conversation in her blog was entirely out of hand. I wrote my thoughts on the subject, and left it at that. If you like, I'll try to PM what I wrote, to you, so you know where I stand. I say, try, because I seem to be able to NOT send PMs... or at least it doesn't record them on my forum homepage, as being sent??? I wasn't really upset with you, more than being upset at being labeled a "Wannabe Store Dick" in WalMart. I think that is what pissed me off the most... and it didn't make my mood any better for the weekend. I'm still deciding if I should become a recluse from society, after this weekend, and the last two weeks, in general.

We're strait on my end... now if everyone else would care to forgive my temper tantrums. As for the WalMart "store dick" commenter... I have no interest in knowing him/her, or speaking with him/her, ever again.


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Please let me assure you that Rawja's posts are <span style="font-style: italic">always</span> well-intentioned, well-thought-out and technically right-on! In my not-so-humble opinion, he's one of our most valued contributors.

(You have my address for sending the check, Rawj...)smirk.gif

<span style="font-weight: bold">-- ALF</span> laugh.gif

Guess my tombstone is gonna say, "He taught someone to spell 'ridiculous.'" And I was hoping for a Nobel....

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