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Can cars swim?


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I'd like to thank Ron Green for inviting me to go along to Smith Mountain Lake to take his Amphicar for a swim. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thought a nice touch was while I was leaving, I tooted the horn on my car and I got a reply from Ron, who was under the bridge I was crossing. Thanks again Ron.

First photo: Ron and his wife returning from a quick dip to check out the lake area where we were.

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I was really hoping to get to Roanoke for a while today, but ended up spending most of the day under the bathroom sink. Amazing how plumbing will let go at the most inopportune time. But at least it did it while I was here. I would have really hated coming home to a flooded house.

Still wondering about the reaction to an Amphicar on SML!

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Ron had a lot of people waving "hi" with a confused.gif puzzled look on thier face. A couple of offers to race were given. cool.gif Several thought it was neat with the drive in and motor away concept. What I thought was funny was some of the waving "hi" gestures were so suddle that it wasn't more than a hand barely moving blush.gif like they were embrassed blush.gif that someone might catch them waving at something that wasn't really there.

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I bet that was pretty funny. Wonder how many people have never heard of one, much less seen one on a lake.

It was nice to re-meet you, meet your wonderful dad and get to meet Ron, his wife and see their car.

And we couln't have had a nicer day for a show.

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I'm use to the water part. The best part was everyone else's reaction.

As I told Ron, about 20 years ago there was an Amphicar at a car show in NY state. The show was held on an island at the end of one of the Finger Lakes. I was in a friend's motorhome as we watched the car cross the bridge, leaving the show. A few minutes later it came down the creek next to the motorhome and went out into the lake.

I've always thought they were neat since then. Wouldn't mind having one if I had the room for one.

Been having some fun today telling people that after the show we took one of the antique cars out for a ride and drove it into the lake. grin.gif

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novaman, I enjoyed taking you and your father out for a swim, though I had to convince your dad somewhat as he seemed a little unsure, but was fine once we got started. Nice pictures.

The other couple are friends we met last year at the Hagerstown meet and it was their first time also. This hobby does bring people together from all walks of life. From the car bridge you mentioned we went around the next corner past the marina and traveled approximately 2 miles up a canyon. It was absolutely beautiful with the tall cliffs on each side, smooth water and no other cars, I mean boats. smirk.gif

I have already lined up a few victims for the Founders Tour who want to give it a try and just by luck there is a nice lake 12 miles away. The same distance away as was Smith Mountain Lake, go figure.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Been having some fun today telling people that after the show we took one of the antique cars out for a ride and drove it into the lake. grin.gif </div></div>

This has to be the funniest line of the whole story. I am still laughing over this one. grin.gif

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Shop Rat, I was still having fun with that line today at work. They all know how serious I am about the antique cars and the reaction I got basically was a puzzled look with "what happened?" Then I told them it was an Amphicar and the reaction was "A what?". grin.gif

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Guest Moepar

Hey, I wonder if you can pull someone on skis with the car? now THAT would be a sight to see! You think we could talk ALF into it?!? shocked.gifgrin.gif

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Moepar, I was just thinking about that on my way home from work. When I crossed the reservoir, I saw a boat circling back to get the skier he lost and was thinking, with the reaction we got from some of the guys, wonder what it would have been if someone was skiing behind the car shocked.gifgrin.gif.

Sorry, no pictures of me. Didn't want to break Ron's wife's camera. My dad doesn't do the digital camera thing. Not sure if he even does anything with a camera anymore. I did take more pictures.

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novaman, Our car club met tonight and had Bill and I do a report about the show. So I had to include your funny line about driving an antique car into the lake.

A member that was sitting with us shared a story about Lyndon Johnson. Seems that he loved Amphicars and kept one at his ranch. When he would have dignitaries to the ranch he would take them for a ride in the Amphicar and then act like he was losing control of it and drive into the lake on the property. Hal said the story went that L.B.J. never got tired of pulling that joke on people.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Shop Rat, I was still having fun with that line today at work. They all know how serious I am about the antique cars and the reaction I got basically was a puzzled look with "what happened?" Then I told them it was an Amphicar and the reaction was "A what?". grin.gif </div></div>

<span style="font-weight: bold">Here's my Amphicar's plate....</span>


<span style="font-weight: bold">LBJ's blue car still resides at his ranch in Texas</span>


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I would be afraid to try and pull any type of skier with the fragile bumpers and the couple of bolts that hold them on. Remember these bolts go thru the hull and need to be watertight so the less stress the better. I did talk to a fellow owner that pulled his son who was very small with no problems. Seven MPH is slow in the water.

FYI, When I pulled the bilge plug at home Sunday approximately ½ gallon of water came out. Not bad for all the time it was in.

A discussion was held with a Hershey Region member who suggested that we take the Amphicar down the canal which is a stop on the Founders Tour. I am sure for liability reasons that won't be allowed.

John you never cease to amaze me with the pictures you always seem to dig up.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey, what's that coming out the back? shocked.gif Ron's car ever had to take a whiz. grin.gif </div></div>

Just before that I was letting a friend drive the car. When he opened the trunk he accidently rolled back the hood seal before closing it. We were out in some heavy waves so the water was comming in at a good rate through the gap. When we had water around our ankles he freaked! Bob started to prepare to jump. shocked.gif I assured him it is no problem. smirk.gif Very funny for a guy who spent 25 years with a dive boat business in Hawaii. crazy.gif This is the car bilging out all that water on the beach.

John Bevins

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I don't know to many that have a Pepsi machine either. You need to add a blue one to complete the collection. I assume there is a Harley in there with a sidecar somewhere?

My garage houses a few interesting things like signs that state: "no jap car parking", "drummer parking only others will be beaten", "horn broke watch for finger", etc. Plus a complete drum set in case the neighbors need a jolt or are becoming complacent with the vehicles.

FYI, The Amphicar distributor caps are now available at NAPA or so they say as I ordered one and it will be in tomorrow. Its been over a year since they were available anywhere. Having spoke with Hugh yesterday he still can't seem to locate them.

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Guest Moepar

It would be interesting to do a skier-or maybe someone on a tube. Guess it would be a prob finding a place to attach a line.

Shop Rat-wouldn't wanna know how long it would take to dry Alf out! grin.gif

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