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Good car insurance.


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Of course it depends on your state, but I use All State with a Hagerty rider to cover the antiques.

So far its been a good relationship. We will see how theyy handle the truck since it was hit last friday. Since it is over 6 years old, they will probably total it, but that is insurance for you.

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Matt....Last year I was unfortunate enough to be involved in a traffic accident while riding in a beautiful classic. I suffered a broken wrist and various other injuries. I was the passenger. The auto had been thankfully retro equiped with seat belts, or my injuries would have been far more severe. The insurance underwriter( a large national company marketed by a recognizable name in the antique car world ), was very slow for my medical bills and refused to pay any lost pay. It took me six months to get my out of pocket expenses back and since I am a salesman paid on commission only, and not paid an hourly wage, my lost time was not reimbursed. Throughout the process the insurance company kept trying to encourage me to sue my friend who was driving the car. I refused to sue a friend or hire a lawyer; who would settle quickly and take half the money tendered. When you choose a company find one(if they still exsist) that will settle fairly and quickly. Note, I only wanted what I was out of pocket and lost time on my job.

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Matt and Harry...

Just a suggestion to a much wasted function on this forum...click on the "Search" block at the head of the page. Punch in Insurance or Castings.

So many of these subjects have been tabled in the past and the information is just sitting there. Try it...

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I recently got my 1st classic insurance. My other cars are on a "regular" policy. For the 1950 Packard valued at $15,000 with towing it cost me $138 for a year with 2500 miles usage in the expensive Southern California market. Without towing would have been $123. Oh yeah, it is Hagerty.

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Guest Skyking

I use Haggerty and put in a claim for damage done to my Metropolitan this past summer. A check was received a week after the claim..........I have my Buick insured for $25,000 and my Met for $10,000 and it cost a little over $200.00 a year.

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We use Grundy on our two that we don't use as daily drivers. Two days after the insurance went into effect, the wiring harness in our '61 Chrysler fried (imagine that- a Mopar with wiring problems crazy.gif). Anyway, we got to calling around, only company that didn't hang up on us when we told 'em what we had & needed said new harness would be $898 (saw my huband's hair turn gray). Anyway, we had the claims man out within a matter of a couple of days, by end of week we had a check to cover it as well as some other minor electrical stuff that got toasted.

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We use Grundy and had a claim a few months after getting our cars covered. They sent a check out in about a week and even wanted to pay me for doing the repair work on our car! ( door handle damaged when someone tried to get in the car while parked in a parking lot ) No mileage limits and you tell them what amount you want the coverage for. Seem to be a good company- check them all out and compare. I want to be able to drive my cars when I want to and as much as I want to.

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