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Hi, Randy...hope all is well.

Wow!! Has it been a whole year already? Your subject appeared familiar to me from the fairly recent past.

Time sure flies...Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

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Peter, I think you're thinking of last fall's Hershey thread where this subject came up.

PA's alcohol laws are moronic in the extreme, but there is a complication to bringing stuff in from out of state! As I posted on the "Hershey" thread in response to a similar suggestion from Rocketraider:

<span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold"> [color:\\"green\\"] <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> ...we brought our own refreshments up from VA 'cause Pennsylvania has such screwy ABC laws. </div></div>


You might want to take note that the land of brotherly love enforces a $10 per bottle fine on alcoholic beverages brought in over the state line. [color:\\"red\\"](Dom Perignon or the Silver Bullet, it's still $10 an individual bottle or can!) [color:\\"green\\"] And believe it or not there is actually a staff of officers whose job it is to hang around in MD and NJ liquor stores watching for people buying with PA plates and follow them back across the state line. Some people contribute to society, others..... flylicker.gif

There's virtually no chance of being found and fined coming up from VA</span></span>(with out of state beer bought some distance from the state line)<span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">[color:\\"green\\"]. But a word to the wise....." wink.gif </span></span>

One consolation: if you go to a PA "Beer Distributor", where a case of 24 bottles/cans is a minimum purchase, you can often purchase beer cheaper than almost anywhere in the U.S. Most large beer distributors are contract/commercial distributors for one or two major breweries, and therefore have a much lower price for that family of brands.

Also (now) there are a few "chains" (the actual business structure that had to be created to allow for this to occur could fill a Master's thesis!) with names like "Savon Beer" and "Beer Warehouse" where discounts can be excellent! You just have to give up on the idea of buying only 6 beers at a time. crazy.gif And if you buy in PA you can pick up some excellent local brews like <span style="font-style: italic">Straub</span> and <span style="font-style: italic">Yuengling</span> that really are worth looking for! smile.gif

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Hi, Dave...

Yes, you are possibly correct (Carlisle, Hershey, Frogback, Arkansas, etc-etc). All I recall is it is the same topic that, really, did not mean that much then and less now.

May have mentioned it as an example years ago. Dealt with a rather huge valve actuator customer within the Norfolk, VA area (Japanese owned). Purchasing was taken over by a Japanese lady. In idle chatter, she mentioned making a trip up to the Lancaster, PA area on a weekend. Quite frankly, I was shocked at the beration directed at me for how backward PA is as they could not purchase a 6-Pack on Sunday. I'm sitting in her office specifically to discuss my frustration with her company's lack of engineering communication capabilities to benefit their goal of gaining ground in sales within the U.S. All she harped about was a 6-pack.

It has been a few years since I ceased wasting my time with them...

Regards, Peter. (I'll take some digital photos at the Hershey Hillclimb on May 2nd. You would love it. Vintage race cars from '58-'70.) Great venue...

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The one that got us, was when we had dinner in a fine little Italian-owned pizza joint, we could not buy a beer to wash it down. Excellent pizza, but no tavern license. Pizza Hut had a tavern license, but I cannot stomach Pizza Hut pizza.

Guess we've gotten spoiled to VA/NC ABC laws. Some localities are dry, and some prohibit Sunday beer sales (the county merchants here are always squalling about that because the city allows Sunday beer sales after 1PM and they lose sales), but we can buy our beer and unfortified wine in any grocery, jiffymart (that's a convenience store to y'all not from here) or even drugstore. WalMart does a booming beer business.

Kinda funny- Sheetz in their home state of PA don't sell beer. The ones here have LARGE walk-in beer coolers and the lowest prices next to WalMart. And with the Martinsville race this past weekend, it stayed nearly empty.

Guess what Dave? We can get Yuengling here. Still no Genesee though.

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Yes, our Pa liquor laws are anachronistic, but on the bright side we don't have those trashy looking liquor outlets scattered along our main roads. Drive into Maryland from almost any point in Pa and you'll see what I mean. Somehow I always feel dirty when I visit one of those outlets, almost like I was trying to buy porno... Our system also does a decent job of keeping alcohol out of the hands of kids. Sure would be more convenient though if I could pick up my Grey Goose at Sheetz rather than making a special trip to the "State Store".

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