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Hill Climb Exibition for PRE 1919 Cars /Speedsters/9-11-2004

Guest imported_mikewest

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Guest imported_mikewest

In the Village of Livonia, New York (Upstate 30 miles south of Rochester NY)A reinactment of a actual hill climb event, that originally took place in 1918, will be run again on Sept 11,2004.The climb will take place on the original paved road as in 1918.The original run was sponcered by the AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF ROCHESTER.The run is 1/2 mile from a standing start and will be timed .The classes will be by piston diplacement.Class 1:UP to 161 cubic inches,Class 2: 161-230 cubic inches, Class 3 231-300 cubic inches Class 4: 301-450 cubic inches Class 5: 450 Cubic inches and up Class 6: UNLIMITED;any engine displacement can participate. Some of the cars that originally ran that we would like to see participate are:NATIONAL 12,GLIDE 6,McFarlin 6,PACKARD TWIN 6,CORBIN 4,DART 4,any others. We are going to have a cut off of 50 cars as in 1918.The cars will be staged for the event on Main Street and a area for trucks and trailers will be reserved close by. The entry fee is $15.00 for preregistered,and $20.00 per entry the day of event.A set of rules will be provided by request or by pre-registering.This is going to be a weekend of fun,as the whole weekend will be full of events,great food,and live music. For details,and a copy of the original program write or email MIKE WEST 100 WEST AVE LIVONIA NY 14487 Email at mwest729@aol.com PLEASE,NO PHONE CALLS

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Mike...first, Welcome to the Forum.

I cannot make the Hillclimb event, however, it certainly sounds like a great historical recreation that would benefit anyone who could make it...especially the younger folks.

Thanks for publicizing this...never know who you will reach!

Regards, Peter J.

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Mike, Welcome to the Forum, this sounds like a great event. My 1912 T came in third in the rerunning of the Sprot Hill Hillclimb in Fairfield, Connecticut years ago. That was a fun event and yours should turn out well. There is a restored Corbin Speedster down here. I'd try to see if anyone in the Vintage Sports Car Club of America might want to run up your hill in a vintage car. Good luck!

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Guest imported_mikewest

I would like to include a STEAM CLASS ,and possibly a 1 and 2 cly class.What would be the best way to contact STEAM CAR OWNERS??? MIKE

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Guest imported_mikewest

JIM Thanks for the heads up onthe Stean Club.I will notify them ,Also Jim I sent you a message ,through Toms email by mistake .MIKE

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  • 3 months later...
Guest imported_mikewest

The flyers are ready for mailing,please email me if you would like to attent th hillclimb.The course is 1/2 mile on a wide paved highway,the original route! Lots of great food and music all weekend in the village.Email me a mwest729@aol.com for info!MIKE WEST

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Several years ago I ran some hill climbs on Eagle Rock Ave. in West Orange N.J. They were great fun. They were a reenactment of climbs that started in 1901 and lasted into the 20s. They were held in November. I can still see a steam car puffing great clouds into the cold air.

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Guest imported_mikewest

Al , I can send you a flyer if you wish,we/d love to have you and your car!We have some great machines signed up aleady!Please send me your address and Ill send you several sign up sheets,You can pass them around! Thanks for the interest!MIKE WEST

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Guest imported_mikewest

Some of the interesting pre-regIstered cars are 1911 VELIE,1912 NATIONAL,1914 FORD(88 in wb/42in track)1907 PREMIER,1916 HUDSON,and a TWIN SIX PACKARD! When are YOU GOING TO REGISTER??????

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest imported_mikewest

I was emailed about the fees for entering the hill climb,Each car pre entered pays $15.00 .Extra runs in other classes is $5.00 each run.Prizes will be awarded in each class .There still is plenty of room in each class. ll the cars will be displayed on Commercial ST in Livonia ,with the run up over Main st hill to the village line.Plenty of close by parking for the trucks/trailers .Lots of events going on,great food tents,and music all weekend.emal me for more details. Why not bring that early car out and have some fun??? Classes for the smallest to the biggest !!!!

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  • 3 months later...
Guest imported_mikewest

Yes My grandfather founded SAMUEL F WEST DIST. in the early 1940s.The hill climb is getting a fine lineup of cars ,but we till have room for more.Anyone needing info or a sign up sheet please email me Thank you MIKE

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  • 1 month later...

Chris Its Mike The 07 Premier did not run the hill ,only because i ran out of time .The caris running and driving,but have had problems with the oiler,didnt want to risk the new engine.We had 15 cars and most ran the 1/2 mile up hill in aprox 44 seconds.We are planning next years event as we speak .Only 1918 model year and back .the Premier will be a major contender next year.I will email you pics if you desire MIKE

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