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National Drive Your Classic To Work Day?

Matt Harwood

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OK, without dealing with the appropriate definition of "classic" is there any interest in trying to develop a day when everyone drives their collector cars to work? I'm constantly lamenting the fact that most old cars are squirrelled away from the public's eyes, and the hobby is suffering for it.

A friend of mine here at work has a motorcycle and just participated in "Ride Your Bike To Work Day" which is where I got the idea. Just one guy came up with it a few years ago, and it has really taken off. I don't know if anyone noticed a lot of bikes on the road a week or two ago, but that was when it happened. I saw a lot more bikes than usual, and discovered several people here at work who ride that I didn't know about. Pretty cool idea.

This might be a great way to increase the exposure of the hobby and have some fun with our cars. It won't cost anybody anything and everyone you pass will see your collector iron--kind of like a rolling car show. It might encourage more young people to join our hobby.


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Great idea! Now we have to choose a date!

I would suggest somewhere in September to get all people back from vacation. Also it should not be a fixed date but rather something like the second Monday of the month to avoid getting it on a weekend.

As far as I am concerned, I'll go to work in one of my old cars on that Monday, unless it is any other day that is agreed upon!

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I drive my older Buicks all the time, even in rain... The last time I used my "supposed daily driver" 1991 Ultra was before I went to Flint... I'll drive it enough this winter!

Last winter, I have been driving my 1975 Electra for about 2 months when I blew the engine in my 1991! The 1975 is still on it's winter tires in my garage as I am still in the process of repainting it since march! I guess it will be ready for this winter in cars my 1991 breaks again!

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Is National Drive Your Classic To Work Day a recognized classic car function? Depending on your plate and insurance you may be in violation of both. Now there maybe a shop on the way to work that you need to visit but in general all of the "old car" policies I have seen strictly prohibit driving it to work. Their risk assessment and pricing exclude this type of driving. That is why they want a "newer" car for each driver in the household.


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