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Ford Model A Tires?


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I’ve had these 2 tires in dry storage for many years.  I was always told these were my grandfather’s Model A tires but I’m really not sure.


I would like to identify them and also find a good home for them.  

Can anyone provide info, possible place to sell and possible market value?  

Thank you in advance for any help!







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1927 Essex front wheels

used both 21 and 20 inch tires.

12 spoke 

8 hub flange bolts

the view of wheel with center hole, view is of inside or brake drum side of wheel.

Essex used no front wheel brake drum, and I do not see brake drum mounting marks

Jackson wheel rim retainers used under lug nuts.

Therefor I suggest Essex 

1927 ESSEX FRONT WHEELS second series, 

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