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Phil....with the hands like “George the Animal Steel”


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It’s not often we get small cars through the shop. Ed’s rule #1, Never, ever work on something that is commonplace or  mundane. Seldom, very seldom, I get involved with a run of the mill car. In this case, the 95 year old owner needed help, and I was more than happy to assist. Here is a photo of Phil, keeping me from driving a product from the Rouge. It had a Columbia two speed, and while a bit long in the tooth, went well considering. It ran out of steam at 68 mph, but it was fun, and handled well compared to the three ton monsters I’m use to dealing with. Phil enjoyed it immensely.......as you can see. 

The 1929 Stearns auto show car is in the background.



Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, 1937hd45 said:

That guy looks good for 95. 

Phil is 70, the cars owner is actually 96.........I stand corrected. 

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