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Irma Darre-Brandt's 1934 Plymouth, Norway


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Hello fellow vintage car enthusiasts. Recently I bumped into a story about a female from Oslo Norway who entered ralley racing in 1934.  She bought a 1933 Plymouth and raced it with good results. There is an interesting story of Irma and her car here: https://www.allpar.com/corporate/bios/irma-brandt.html Details go on about how she managed to keep it from the Nazis during the  occupation of WW2. The car remained in her possession and was restored for her 50th racing anniversary. Back in 1984.


Is this car still in Norway? Has anyone seen it lately? It does not appear that Irma had any children. She passed in 2003. I wonder who has possession  of the car today?


Here is an article from 13 years ago. It's in Norweigan. Google was able to translate it for me https://www.oblad.no/underholdning/ndash-kvinner-ta-styringa/s/2-2.2610-1.3797787

The car looked great back then. Perhaps it is in a museum in Norway? Just curious about this old car with good known history.



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Good Story (English one!). I have a friend in Norway who sends me the monthly Model A Ford Club of Norway magazine, called Avisen. Great pictures but I cannot read it at all. It is not online so I cannot have it translated. I will email Keith’s link of the Norwegian story to Ivar.

This, another somewhat related note. A friend here in Minnesota currently owns a Model A Ford Phaeton that his grandfather hid from the Nazis. He kept it  in an abandoned mine shaft until the end of WWll.

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