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Pontiac V8 sign


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It looks made up to me (a fantasy piece)  and aged to look old.  It looks neat, but I don't think it's original.  Post some close up photos of the Indian and where the rust stains are on the Pontiac name.   The wood doesn't seem to have any age to it either.  Hopefully I'm wrong.  It's still appealing just in a different value tier if it's not original. 

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Pontiac launched their  Over Head Valvue V8 in 1955. The sign would   have  neon lights on the display.  Dealers  usually hung those  in the showroom window., or in the Service Dept area.  If you Google Pontiac dealers from the mid Fifties, you may be able to see one .If it is a copy, somebody did a nice job. John

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Yes, I'm 100.1% positive it's a fantasy piece.  Looking at the construction, the wood top and bottom are new, the sheet metal is nailed onto the wood, and the top curved edge is crudely formed.  The bracket seems to be something from a hardware store, and even the Pontiac lettering is fairly crude.  I think someone made or bought it for their man-cave as it certainly was never meant to hang outdoors.  It's obviously been artificially aged.  I believe it was patterned after this much heavier, neon porcelain sign.  Would not think it has much value other than as a decorator item in your garage or man-cave.  Probably $150  and that may be high.


Hope you did not spend too much for it.


Pontiac sign original.jpg

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Thanks all for your replies and thoughts on this piece! I had thought maybe it was an inside showroom sign,but I think maybe you are right about it being a fantasy piece a Pontiac fan has made for his man cave!It is well made for a fantasy piece,alot of detail.I enjoy this side of collecting and selling vintage items from all genres,research is enjoyable!You never stop learning! The term 'Fantasy piece'is new information for me,great to put a name to these items.

In any case,it has some vintage to it,I will sell it for its aesthetic value,thrilled if it finds a new man cave to reside in...a beer or two downed pondering it's past life!
Thanks again for your expertise,connecting with passionate collectors from around the world is a pleasure!
Cheers from Oz,


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Yeah my wife tries to find me some sort of not too expensive sign for Christmas , so something in the 100-200 range.  I like odd stuff and cardboard so it's still possible,  but those fakes from India are pretty convincing,  except when you see 4 of the same ones listed at the same time with the exact same Patina in the same spots.  I told her to search US sellers only on feebay.  That cuts it down quite a bit,  but people are still selling ones bought there as they import them,  then they are from a US seller.  A google image search can really help in determining authenticity. 

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Don't mean to hijack Sigrid's thread but I was at my paint shop yesterday checking up on my T-bird. My body shop guy has this reproduction, it's big, maybe 8 feet long. Neon works. He wants $4K for it. Says an orig. will bring $12K. Does that sound accurate?



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You'd think so wouldn't you Mike, however I buy and repair a lot of neon and I know that part of it can be very expensive.

So if a guy has, say, $1,500 into the neon and another $1,000 into the sign/metal/paint work,  I don't know. I guess there's some profit there. But at $4K I wouldn't be a buyer either.

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