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They best way to apply that "blue" on a NOS tire


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Guys, I just bought an NOS tire for my 1961 Lincoln.  It's never touched the ground but someone washed away all the original "Blue" dye that I would like to re-apply.  Anyone done this?  I could thin out some water-based paint, but I'm wondering if there is not a better method.

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I remember the stuff you mean. It was a kind of thin rubbery water soluble coating. Probably some kind of latex tinted blue or green. It was only used on whitewall tires no doubt to protect from getting black scuff marks from the other tires when being stored and transported. Wonder if you could get some plain latex and tint it?

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Just spread on some liquid Dawn Dish Detergent,

great for cleaning whitewalls, and just washes off when you need to.

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I might have found the answer.  This is a water soluble paint used in kindergarten schools  When mixed with water and sprayed onto the tire, it should give me the look I was seeking.....and it can forever be just washed away with soap and water....just like an original.  I'll paste pictures when completed.  Thanks for all the input.




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Having painted half the earth with tempera paint when I was kindergarten age, I remember chalky powdery stuff that did not much resemble that blue stuff on tires. If it were me, I think I would call Diamondback or Coker and ask if they know what the blue stuff actually is.


Either way, let us know how it goes.

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