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Pennsylvania Dealership?


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A friend of mine looked at a building for sale in Galeston, PA yesterday and sent me a pictiture.


It is at 22 Bridge Street, Galeton, Pa,, near Coudersport. It sure looks like an old dealership to me and in the 1960's was called the Osgood Garage. I found a HS yearbook ad showing it. Any old Bucktails out there who remember some of the history?




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Hey Bernie,

About 25 years ago myself and two of my friends were traveling through PA looking for junkyards. One of the leads we had was to a yard in Coudersport nicknamed by the guy who told us "Children of the corn." We had gotten the lead from some guys in a Pontiac Club up in your part of NYS, at a HUGE yard in MT Pleasant Mills PA.. They had told us that the parents had passed away and the older siblings took over the family and were managing the yard. We stayed in a hotel called Potato City (that was a name I could never forget) while in search for this yard, that nobody knew anything about for two days of searching. We did the usual detective work asking repair shop and a like if they knew of the place, still coming up empty. I think the out of state plates on our vehicle did not help us and we got the impression that nobody believed that why we were looking for the place, so we got a lot of run around. In retrospect I guess I could see why we were suspect, why would they believe 3 guys would drive 350 miles looking for a junkyard. Even though the NY boarder was pretty close, once we spoke it pretty obvious  what part of the state we came from. (slight NYC accent's, very slight! I don't think I have one, everyone else has an accent not me) While yards like that were common in PA in the Greater NYC area they were long gone even if they ever existed at all, and the people only knew what they knew from their perspective, and in their world those yards were common.  One of the search stops we made looked very similar to the building in the photo. We spoke to a guy who was renting a small portion of this large building to do repair work,  we had asked about the building and he told us it was a Ford Dealership, I am not 100% sure if it is the same building but I would say I am pretty darn close to being sure, but a lot had happened in 25 years.


By the way we did find the yard and it was pretty good, but one of the guys had to get back home for work. When we found the yard it was around 9 AM but nobody was around and we did not feel like getting shot or arrested so by time we found the owners it was about 1 PM, then the rain started and picking were slim because we did not have enough time to explore, Shame on us we never returned, I guess we thought also that things like this would last forever. As a matter of fact ironically I had just sent out a radio I bought there for my 60 Impala to get rebuilt. The one in my car had a first gen AM/FM conversion done that never worked correctly, that Is another story by itself, so now it is time to make it right.

Hope I was of help..... There were one or two other of those old type dealership buildings around also, but the arched entrances stood out to me.

Edited by John348
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3 hours ago, 60FlatTop said:

A friend of mine looked at a building for sale in Galeston, PA ...

It is at 22 Bridge Street, Galeston, Pa,, near Cloudersport.


Bernie, thanks for sharing that picture!  It looks interesting,

and thankfully the exterior (at least) hasn't been modified much

from the original.  You can see a lot of old architecture in those towns.  


Car fans like old car buildings as much as old cars.

If your friend buys it, eventually he should replace the garage doors

with ones that are historically accurate for that 1910's-1920's architectural style.

It's just like owning and keeping an old car.


By the way, the town is GALETON (no S), near COUDERSPORT (no L). 

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The Old Osgood Garage
238C MLS# 121544
22 East Main Street, Galeton PA 16922
Historic well built commercial building with existing 1150 sq ft office. Building is 124' x 73' in total with three overhead doors. Possible retail area 1050 sq ft in excellent location on Route 6 in Galeton. Other area for possible warehousing 2560 sq ft. Full basement with overhead door access. Second floor rooms for possible conference or more offices 1150 sq ft and 1050 sq ft. This is an excellent business location with plenty of parking available on Main Street (Route 6) in Galeton. Sellers are HIGHLY motivated, make an offer!

Shelly Wattles    email   pinecrk@verizon.net




wow, what a price!!!!!


Pan around this "street view" it's very nice - https://www.google.com/maps/place/22+E+Main+St,+Galeton,+PA+16922/@41.7364769,-77.6414951,3a,75y,189.68h,78.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slOA8vqlHcEIKHxOmG7vcwg!2e0!7i3328!8i1664!4m5!3m4!1s0x89ce19efea31cc21:0xd11864eaf6e5cedf!8m2!3d41.7364479!4d-77.6414779!6m1!1e1


R. Frank Evans, of Galeton, ...on Oct. 5, 1985, in Galeton, he married the former Jerry Ann Larrison. He owned and operated Osgood's Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Garage in Galeton for many years. He was a partner in E & G Auto Plus and Battery Warehouse in Coudersport. He was a member of the Galeton Masonic Lodge and the Ruffed Grouse Society.

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