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Baking soda is a base but not powerful enough to eat oil.

A weak solution of Sodium Hydroxide when heated will produce the desired results.

I have used both Prestone Super Flush and a NAPA product marketed as MAC.

The "secret" ingredient you want to find is "contains organic compounds" ie; lye.

This is what is used to de-oil and de-scale new boilers so they will conduct heat as well as possible.

I used a pint (maybe a quart) of liquid Sodium Hydroxide in the boiler of a 60 HP Case steam engine I had.

What it did was nothing short of amazing!

Flush the system, throw in a bottle, add water to fill and drive for a day or two or three.

You'l be surprised at the crud that will drain out and how much better the engine will cool.




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I used CLR on just my radiator . Had mostly calcium on top blocking half . There is thread on it in Technical under Zoo Tool, two months ago at most . It did great job do not know about running through whole system . You may need to determine what problems you have . ie oil ,rust ,calcium  ,dirt  or etc .

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