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DA Axle Key

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On my DA, I am about to replace rear hub (wooden wheel) on the axle. I know this should be done without grease, but what is the correct way to do this? Should the key be put in place on the axle then the hub pushed on, or should the hub go on first, then the key driven in? Also, how tight should the key fit in the keyway? I think the axle is actually NOS, so the keyway is very good, and I have new 5/16 key material, but it is very, very tight. Should I file down slightly?

Thanks, John


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Bullfrog, if you bought the hardware store shiny key stock like they sell us Yankees it is neither square or to size. It is very soft too. I buy 1018 cold rolled square stock but I have a machine shop.  Mick it carefully and like was suggested before make sure there is no burr hanging over the edge of the key in the shafts. Contact Cled and ask him what he uses. He's one of you down under guys, and a good guy to boot. A good key fit should SLIDE with resistance, not have to beaten in place.

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Thanks  nearchclatetown, spot on. The key material is slightly oversize. I have now taken it down to size and it pushes in (firmly) as you suggested. I only had to take it down a couple of thou, so I did that with a piece of emery paper on a sheet of glass, very carefully with lots of measurements to ensure that it was as straight/parallel/square as possible and seemed to work out OK. As you said, it is probably a bit soft, as it was really not that difficult to do, but I think it should be OK. Have emailed Cled, but not heard back from him yet, it is Sunday after all.

I am really kicking myself though. I spent a bit of time checking the keyways but did not think ti check the key itself. Another of life's little learning experiences.

 Again, thanks for the help, nearchclatetown and others.


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