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Tossing fruitcake & a rusty truck

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Anyone into MGs?  Family friends had a white convertible (black top) back in the 1980s; I rode in it a few times &, as a youngster, was fascinated (for lack of a better term) by the 3 windshield wipers vs. the conventional 2!  While it seems a popular color is British Racing Green, of these 3, which color do you prefer: red, yellow or blue?
While the rusty truck is interesting, the building behind it is somewhat of a mystery.  Any ideas what it is!?
Among other things, today (well, 01/03/2016) is National Fruitcake Toss Day!  Not sure where they come up with things like this, but I bet many people love to toss fruitcakes. ;)  Meantime, a gorgeous red Chevelle is featured:
Cort > www.oldcarsstronghearts.com
pigValve.paceMaker.cowValve | 1979 Caprice Classic (needs new owner)
"I guess the winter makes you laugh a little slower" __ Counting Crows __ 'A Long December'
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Appears to me to ba a boarded up bungalow.


Similar to my thoughts, Greg!  Others, tho, have suggested other roles for the building, which seem plausible, too.  My guess now is that it was used for multiple purposes during its lifetime.  Whatever the case is, I'd love to explore it ... LOL!



In the photo with the yellow MG, the rest of the cars are Fiats.



EXCELLENT!!!!  You are now the 2nd person to have caught this; it makes me smile when people show they're doing more than just glancing at things.  Thank you!!!



Fruitcake = good door stop


LOL!  Yes, I'd say so.   However, 3 people on another forum claim to have had awesome fruitcakes.  I told all 3 of them I wish they could send me a sample. ;)



Cort > www.oldcarsstronghearts.com

pigValve.paceMaker.cowValve | 1979 Caprice Classic (needs new owner)
"It's a no-win situation" __ Michael Bolton __ 'How Can We Be Lovers?'
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