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Please help identify -

Peter Gariepy

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"Dear Mr. Gariepy:

Here I am again, the guy from Massachusetts who keeps sending you photographs of old cars for identification.  This time, it is my grandfather's vehicle, and I have no idea what it is, but I am sure that you, or someone who visits the website now and again, will be able to identify it.  I suspect it won't even be a challenge...

Thanks in advance.


Charles Mattina"




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I see that some '37 Fords have body colour on the hubcaps and some don't.  Is that a way of telling Deluxe from Standard?  From what I can find out the Standards had body colour windshield frames and front grilles.  I think the difference between Standard and Deluxe in price was about 10% which is quite a lot for a bit of chrome and wood grain.

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Woodfiddler,I don`t think there was any differances between exported and statside models just becuse we had most of the models here in Sweden.But the slantback model wasn`t very common what I remember(Chevrolet slantback those years was more common,at least in my home village),my broders Slantback had only 35000 miles on the odo when he bought it.My school teatcher had  the model you attached with a trunk.

Leif in Sweden..

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