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BCA Portland 2014 - which judging category should I enter?


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I'm bringing my car to the BCA Annual Meet in Portland, Oregon this summer. This will be my first BCA show ever.

In filling out the registration form I'm faced with deciding whether to have my car judged on the 400 point system, or simply enter it into the "Driven" class.

Its not clear what the difference between these two categories is. I see that 400 point judging costs a bit more. My 1965 Riviera GS will in fact be driven from Vancouver, BC. My car has always been a 'driver', not a trailer queen. I've participated in a couple of ROA (Riviera Owner's Association) meets but these use a peer judging system, which of course is quite different.

So, which category should I put my car into at the BCA show? Is there any judging at all in the "Driven" class? Or is it simply that you get to put your car on the show grounds? How are the cars arrayed at BCA shows? Are they placed by model, year, or randomly?

My car is in very good condition for a driver (won 2nd place int the GS class at the ROA meet in Monterey in 2012). Although I've endeavored to keep it as stock as reasonable she is 48 years old and rides on radial tires. Would I be badly embarrased to put my car in the 400 point judging class? I would be curious to know how it might score. However, if the competition in this class is mostly pristine restored cars then maybe I wouldn't find it so enjoyable to get 'slammed' by the judges.

Any advice from those of you who have entered your car into BCA shows?

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Here is a short description of the various classes and what's judged.

Driven: The vehicle has to be driven from where it is, to the meet, completely on it's own power. Some modifications and vehicle condition are not a consideration. Modifications must be period correct. For example, a 38 with A/C would be in trouble.

Archival: The vehicle is judged based on how much of the car is the original parts. There are few disqualifications, for example, more than 75% repainted. Condition is not judged. A crunched quarterpanel would not be as detrimental as long as it is the original quarterpanel.

400 pt: Everything else. This is for restored/refurbished/original cars. Here condition and quality of work is judged.

In all classes cars are not pitted against cars. Each vehicle stands on it's own against the standard for the class. The standard for the 400 pt class is how close the car is to the day it came out of the factory. There is no deduction for over restoration.

The judging manual is here: http://www.buickclub.org/BCA%20JUDGING%20MANUAL/BCAjudgingrev2.pdf

Also note, Judges are trained to not kill the car. No BCA guy would ever cause you to be embarrassed about your car. And all the judges are BCA guys. The driven award is informal, delivered on the field. The archival and 400 point awards are much more formal and usually delivered at the Banquet.

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As Driven Class Chairman I often hear this from people who entered the class expecting more formal judging. Driven class is not formally judged. It's a certification and an easy one at that. Did you drive? Is it a Buick? Is it more or less unmodified? If you can answer yes to those three there is a good chance you are getting your driven class badge.


Based on your description I'd recommend going for 400pt judged, honestly. But we'd love to have you in driven class too. Regardless just come with the Buick... so we can all ogle it!

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Hi Alex;

I plan on bringing 2 cars to Portland, one I will enter in Archival (primarily to see how it does), while the Electra will likely be "display only". If I can get a few things done before July, then I might enter the Electra into the 400 point judging just to see how it does. You know your car better than anyone, but I would agree with what's been said and try out the judged class. It's all a matter of what you want to get out of the show.

In case you wanted to caravan to the show, I'll be leaving for Portland on the Thursday morning!

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Thanks for eveyone's feedback. Based on what I'm hearing I'd like to enter my Buick into the 400pt judged class.

Trouble is my wife sent in my registration and I had marked "Driven" as the class to put my car in. I was holding on to the form pending whay you guys said on this forum.

Is there a way for me to change the judging class after the registration form has been mailed in? I'd need to pay the cost difference, of course. Can I make the change at the show? Or how do I do it beforehand?

As Driven Class Chairman I often hear this from people who entered the class expecting more formal judging. Driven class is not formally judged. It's a certification and an easy one at that. Did you drive? Is it a Buick? Is it more or less unmodified? If you can answer yes to those three there is a good chance you are getting your driven class badge.


Based on your description I'd recommend going for 400pt judged, honestly. But we'd love to have you in driven class too. Regardless just come with the Buick... so we can all ogle it!

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Send the e-mail in. Roy will take care of you, although payment may be desired sooner.

I'm late to the party, but it really depends where you sit. If you go for the Driven class and drive there (meeting the qualifications), you will come away with a medallion (about the size of a belt buckle). The awards for 400 point are plaques with a logo specific to the meet - gold, silver, and bronze, depending how the car scores. It may be a bit tougher if you have no experience with BCA judging, but if you go through the basics in the manual linked earlier, you can get an idea of how your car will do. One down side to 400 point is that if you don't score enough to get a bronze award, you will come away from the meet with just the goody bag and whatever souvenirs you purchase. I'm not suggesting that's a bad thing, just that everything depends on what sort of person you are and what your desires are.

I was in Vancouver for a whirlwind event on April 12 (was there for a total of about 26 hours).

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Any registration can be changed as long as it is before the published deadline. Just contact the registrar listed at the bottom of the registration form and tell him what changes you want to make. Any difference in fees should be handled before the show so everyone balances. Some changes can be made at the show but it can not be guaranteed due to time and space restrictions. So it is much better to take care of this before the show.

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Thanks Brian, Derek and Roy for your advice. I'll call the registrar to make the change and maybe they'll accept payment for the extra cost on my credit card. Enjoy the weekend!

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