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A bit OT, but in the interests of understanding between countries......

Guest Grant Magrath

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Guest Grant Magrath

As you know, I'm a Kiwi. So is Allan, Terry Stocks, NZ Car Nerd (who I met the other day. Cool guy!), Mike Hanning, and plenty of others. Then you've got our Aussie friends, Danny, Stuart, and co. We have a friendly rivalry between our counrties and love to give each other a good ribbing. But we're working out our differences. We let them smash us in cricket, and they kindly let us do the same to them in rugby. BUT, did you know it's an offence to call a Kiwi an Aussie? It's true. Check this out...


Quentin Tarentino knows that you never do that. This is from his movie, Death Proof.......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOgNZVHMAJkEnjoy your Thanksgiving! Grant

Edited by Grant Magrath (see edit history)
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I think being smashed in the Rugby has more to do with where our "coach" comes from. (and I use that term "coach" veeeeery loosely:mad:).

I thought it was the national pass time over there to want to be an Aussie.:confused:

There can't be too many Kiwis left over, they're nearly all over here taking all the good jobs, drinking our p!ss and sh@gging our sheilas.

Well, that's what my mate Rusty C tells me anyways. :) :) He's flogging his part of the Rabbitohs off which is a bit of a bummer.

It's funny that the rest of the world confuses our accents and yet we can pick a Kiwi here the second he opens his mouth.

Sweet as hey.


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If it was not so crazy stupid, it is good to see the rest of the world has some of the same problems as the US. I'll bet those two would have a problem even if not originally from different countries. Aren't you guys down under glad they are in England and not over there causing problems. And thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes.



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Well Mates, Maybe it has something to do with hangin around on the earth upsidedown all the time, sort of like bats hangin from the barn ceilling.... ;) Say, If you folks down under had a space program, would you also land on the bottom of the moon? :confused: Dandy Dave!

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Guest Grant Magrath

Yeah! And who decided the orientation of the earth anyway? All that land must be heavier, so therefore it must sit at the bottom!


That's better.....



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My staff in Australia gave me one of those maps, as a friendly reminder of who was on top. Strange that it disapeared from my office just before I retired. I always wished I still had it - very clever. As you said, who ever determined that the North Pole was on top?


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Yeah! And who decided the orientation of the earth anyway? All that land must be heavier, so therefore it must sit at the bottom!


That's better.....



Oh that's easy Mate, It was the Bloody Brits that decided they were on top.... well at least before 1776 anyway... Now we are a third world nation. Dandy Dave!

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Guest Grant Magrath

Bloody Poms!!!! Anyway, I have the solution to all your troubles. Pop the lid on the Whitehouse and pour a can of Seafoam in there. Seems to fix everything else!

To all you wonderful American friends, a very happy Thanksgiving.

Texans, 10-1. I'm just saying........!



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Bloody Poms!!!! Anyway, I have the solution to all your troubles. Pop the lid on the Whitehouse and pour a can of Seafoam in there. Seems to fix everything else!

To all you wonderful American friends, a very happy Thanksgiving.

Texans, 10-1. I'm just saying........!



I like that fix. :D With all the squeeking and squaking going on down there, It is going to take a mighty big can to soak the rust out.

Thanks for the Thanksgiving Day Wishes. The plump bird was excellent, the stuffing just right. The potatos sweet and nice, I'm sure glad there was not any rice. Turkey soup tomorrow. Dandy Dave!

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Grant, thanks for the compliment. I drove the 46 route for the last time today (as you might know the bus routes are all being changed and another company is taking over the new version of that route). Your dad arrived home briefly to get something from the garage while I was there at the terminus about 4.30 but I did not have time to catch up with him.

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