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Guest 1930

But Ray, it has the following options :P

You are bidding on a 1937 Dodge Bothers 4 door

sedan that has the following options:

6cyl Buick engine

Automatic trans

Air ride suspension

Shaved door handles

Electric trunk

Lokar shifter

Another genius that ruined what may have been a nice car

Edited by 1930 (see edit history)
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Guest 1930
I know that there are a few here who think hotrodders are the scum of the Earth, but do we have to dredge this subject up every day? I, for one am tired of reading about this.

Ray you just keep posting what you want to post, this is a site dedicated to original cars and if some posts pointing out the degradation of cars bothers some people than too bad and dont read the posts.

I guess some people feel its OK to tell other people what they should and should not post but fortunately for us not everyone that adds to this forum is able to edit other peoples opinions.

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Thankyou Jason. I really enjoy reading all the different opinions on this forum, even if I don't necessarily agree with them! Understandably, some contributors may tire of the continued 'rod' bashing but from my point of view, I knew things were bad in the States but I had absolutely no idea quite HOW bad.

In all honesty, I guess I am still suffering from 'culture shock'! Perhaps I have too parochial an outlook, but in my country, when a rare or unspoilt veteran or vintage car emerges blinking into the daylight after years of hibernation, it is treated almost like the prodigal son returning home! Hurrah! :)


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I see a couple of phone numbers on the 37 ad.

Maybe i will give them a call and see what the title calls it. Or do I want to argue with the DMV of that state? If it isnt a Dodge then what would one title it as? I dont think its a Buick.

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The question I posed has not to my knowlege been asked before on the forum. What I wanted to know was whether it was legal for someone to describe a car as a "Dodge Brothers" when to the best of my knowledge, all reference to the Brothers had been dropped by Chrysler years before. It is probably just a matter of semantics.

The fact that the car in question bears little more than an impression of a Dodge now apparently does not alter it's status in law, as Jack implied. The title will still say Dodge, regardless of the alterations, unless the chassis is from a different make. So my question has been answered. I just hope the seller does not take offence - none was intended.


Edited by R.White (see edit history)
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I have removed the original post

Ohhh. Too bad. Now others reading the thread in the future won't know what the concern was in the first place. Maybe you could at least post the photo of the car in the first post so others would know what's being discussed. (Now that there actually IS a thread here)! ;)

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Guest 1930

Cmon Ray, you have to be kiddin me.

Heres the wonderfull, fantastic, beutiful car in question......E-bay item # 230783125350

I think this guy ought to win an award for his work and I hope that one day I can shake this fellas hand and hopefully get some insight on a future project I am working on cause thats what its all about, not expressing how we truly feel but instead repress those emotions cause we might one day need the guy for something.

You are bidding on a 1937 Dodge Bothers 4 door

sedan that has the following options:

6cyl Buick engine

Automatic trans

Air ride suspension

Shaved door handles

Electric trunk

Lokar shifter

Gotta love those options ;)

OOh Baby, I kan jus heer that 6 Cyl buick engone purrrrrrrrr, gettin goosebumps jus thinkin about er, cannot wate tll the verylas 6 secunds so me can snip this bad boy up, ooh golly, yes ser eee, Im a goin huntin in bout 23 hrs away, gonn get me some bad boy 6 cy buick powered Dodge luvin tonit ;)

Sorry, this is just too classic to screw with ;)


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Guest 1930

Ray, as far as I know you did not break any rules and anyone with decent comprehension abilities can go back thru the posts and see who made the first derogatory/negative comment, you did not and neither did I so dont be afraid if you see a car thats modified so wonderfully that everyone here on this antique automobile forum dedicated to the preservation of antique automobiles would just enjoy seeing than please post it here.

Edited by 1930 (see edit history)
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No problems, Jason. You can ridicule any car as much as you want to. It's only when you get into defamation issues that people can legally get at you. No problems with calling someone an idiot but best to avoid accusing someone of something they have not done. It would be difficult to get anything on line to hold up in court but it's just not worth the hassle!


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This has got nothing whatever to do with forum contributors. The seller has advertised his car as a Dodge and I made a false accusation regarding representation and legality; an accusation which for legal reasons I have withdrawn. Legally, the car is a Dodge Brothers whether we like it or not.

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Yup. In some States in the US, if you modify a car significantly (like change the engine to a different make AND year, modify the frame or suspension in a meaningful manner, change out the complete interior for a modernized one, etc) the vehicle is considered "modified". Many States then require the owner to have the vehicle safety inspected and registered as a "Hobbiest" or "Modified" or "Hand Built" vehicle (there are many other names depending on the State).

And here is another point to ponder. Like here in WI, many States title and register the older or antique vehicles BY ENGINE NUMBER! So in this case, the '37 Dodge, as titled previously, has been JUNKED. This vehicle - for argument's sake - is more a BUICK than a DODGE! But not really any resemblance to a Buick either. Hmmm. Interesting dilemma!

Then - in my opinion - that vehicle, as in this case, is no longer a "Dodge"! It is then, and forever after will be, and should be titled and registered as, a "2012 Smith" or maybe a "2012 Jones" or what ever the rebuilder's name is, as it is no longer a "Dodge", like in this case!

I think that is what Ray was getting at initially. Correct me if I am wrong.

But also I do go along with the idea that making reference to the rebuilder's education level, background, genetic diversion is not necessary even in an intended joking manner. "Never burn bridges" I always say. Some day you may need the assistance of a "rebuilder" and you would be up the proverbial creek without a paddle!

Edited by 1936 D2 (see edit history)
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1936, you basically have it there. It is only because Ebay sellers are anonymous that people can falsely claim that adverts are misleading without getting into hot water. I am not actually at risk of litigation but there is no way I want to invite aggrivation from anyone! As you rightly point out, the whole issue of title is a legal minefield. If someone describes their dodgymobile as a Dodge or Dodge Brothers, they may or may not be correct - there is no way of knowing from first impressions.


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Guest 1930

Quote........But also I do go along with the idea that making reference to the rebuilder's education level, background, genetic diversion is not necessary even in an intended joking manner. "Never burn bridges" I always say. Some day you may need the assistance of a "rebuilder" and you would be up the proverbial creek without a paddle!

.................After thinking about it I decided your right D-2 :P, I have edited my posts above and hopefully I have finally learned my lesson. ;)

I hope you believe there is no dis-respect intended, (toward yourself ) all in good fun :) Imagine if all had to carry the identical personality to the guy on his right.

What a boring world this would be.

Edited by 1930 (see edit history)
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Othe brand thing. In Oregon in 1972 the Marine board was established. Small pleasure craft were not regulated very well before that.

So there are a bunch of 1972 'Smiths' and 'Jonses'. Or the owner could even make up a year of manufactor.

I am in the middle of a restoration of a 1957 "Bristol". No such thing !! I have turned the internet inside out looking for one of these boats and the closest I can come is a huge yacht. have been in touch with several historical boat orginizations but to no avail.

It happens that I put a 3.8 Buick V6 in it. Hmmm, I like 'Bristol' better as I dont want to confuse the cop on the river as it is not a Buick boat. (by the way a Hemi wouldnt fit, to wide, and believe me I tried, and I dont do SBCs).

Now, if I search out 37 Dodge I am finding a bunch of cars that look like the one in question here.

Now, since my Starcraft has an Evinrude on it would I call it an Evinrude? NOT !!

Well since it rides more miles on an EZ Loader, maybe I should try that. Oh yea, in Oregon the EZ Loader boat trailer is a motor vehicle. But with no engine I may have to title it as an Evinrude.

Never mind, I just confused myself.

Cant we all just get along ??





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Good one "Captain JACK"! (Now I finally get where the "Capt." comes from!) :D

Gettin' along!

I dont remember which thread, but I explained all of that a couple of weeks ago.

I was a boat guy in my previous life.

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Guest 1930

Quote............I am in the middle of a restoration of a 1957 "Bristol". No such thing !! I have turned the internet inside out looking for one of these boats and the closest I can come is a huge yacht.................Maybe some genius got ahold of that boat before you did and chopped, channeled and basically modified it from its once glorious role as a pleasure yacht to the now defunct shell we see here.

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Guest 1930

All kidding aside in reality I do like the size and shape of that boat, know nuthin about them but I dont remember seeing a shell that shape so its uniqueness appeals to me

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Well Jack, Bristol was a major British Port (harbour) in the days of the great sailing ships. At present, the S.S. Great Britain - the first steel ship (built by Isombard Kingdom Brunel) is moored there.

"ship shape and Bristol fashion". is a nautical term means anything that is well sorted.

Bristol is also the name of a high quality British car (and one of my all time favourites which remain out of my reach)

My head is full of useless information but if some of it can be of help you are welcome to it. ;)


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I see that there are some good ideas out there. I guess I knew that Bristol was a British place.

We have a Bristol in Tennessee, and I would expect others.

Years go I converted an old passenger bus that was a 1947 Bristol. Kinda wish I still had that one, but we all have those stories.

As for the boat, it does have some unique lines. This boat came across my lot some 30 years ago as a consignment. The seller had done his own restoration of sorts and it appealed to me, However since I already had about 100 boats it didnt make much sense to buy another one. I kind of befriended the buyer as I would see him on the river on occasion. Several years later I had made the comment that if he would ever like to sell it I would be interested.

The moral is be careful what you wish for.....

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