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save this car!


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This is another example of an unspoilt Dodge Brothers Sedan which is at risk from the hot rod crowd who are circling like vultures with their angle grinders and hemi engines; ready to trash a car which deserves to be restored with integrity.

I have only today parted with a heap of cash for another 'modern', so at the moment, I am pretty broke. If I could afford it, I would buy this little gem; just to save it.

Is there anyone following this forum who could be a hero and rescue this fine old DB ?

:eek:Dodge Dodge | eBay


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Guest anissayuz

I have one just like it in my back yard waaayyyyyy rougher than this one. Not sure what is going to happen to it. My husband bought it for the lights to use on something else. Then didn't use the lights. I would like to see it go. If it stays I am sure he will take it to the chopping block for a rat rod or something. If anyone is interested in ours I am sure he would part with it.

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If your car is way past restoring, you could part it out and sell spares to other Dodge Brothers Club members either via this forum or the flea market in the magazine which never seems to have much on offer. The lights, for example, would find a new home as would dozens of other bits and pieces; and help keep other DB cars on the road.

The car on Ebay is eminently restorable and should not, in my opinion, be turned into any sort of 'rod'. Here In Britain, there is normally a stampede to buy an original 'barn find' and they often sell for high prices. We love originality and enjoy restoring cars back to stock; just as many of you guys do. It is just a great hobby.

I extend no disrespect to the guys who do things differently, we just have a fundamental difference of opinion.


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Guest anissayuz

No worries no disrespect taken. I know exactly where you are coming from as far as keeping cars as original as they come. I have a gorgeous 1936 dodge brothers coupe for sale right now on this site and actually a gentleman from europe is on his way next week to buy it from me. I love the car as is but am torn as I would like to street rod it. My husband and I can't do it. This car is completely original and is in excellent shape. We cannot cut it or modify in anyway. so I ahave decided to sell it and use another body from a car we have that isn't very nice and is missing it's insides to do something with. It was a barn find when I got it( literally) The guy that had it bought it from a dealership that was doing work on it and the guy couldn't pay his bill so this minister bought it and never drove it in the winter. It was just a toy. His grandson inherited it and it was stored in a barn for years and the grandson decided to part with it about 2 years ago and I bought it. It's an awesome car. I jusst hope I don't regret selling it.

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Quote..........I extend no disrespect to the guys who do things differently.........Im the polar opposite, I extend every ounce of dis-respect I can muster ;)

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Hey Jason, you sure know how to win friends and influence people :D He He He!

Mike, you are so right! I am sure this club has one or two members with very deep pockets - it wouldn't take much to save it would it? I think they would win a lot of respect.


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Hey Jason, you sure know how to win friends and influence people :D He He He!

Lifes to shory for a Dog and Pony show.......I think Ill add that to my siganture :D

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The car is so complete and original it would be a real shame to rod it.

So true Mike! I already have two or I would be dragging it home on the car trailer!

Ray, is this the friendly thread? The weather is much better here.......

Jason, There has been a major problem with all your posts! I have never seen a photo of your car! Can you start a new thread please and post some pics?


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Why not something along the lines of:

"forgive the criminal but not the crime; if you rod a car you should do time!"

Apparently there is a 500 letter limit on the signature so since its apparent we all cant just get along I got rid of that one and I had to cut and modify a few others as well.

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Quote.....Jason, There has been a major problem with all your posts! I have never seen a photo of your car! Can you start a new thread please and post some pics?


My car sits in my garage quietly, there is very little that I do not know about that car so it has been a long time since I have posted any pictures/questions, maybe irrelevent at this point to anyone but you at this point Bill but it is a 1930 DA 2 door Victoria.

Very rare bodystyle and I am proud to be its caretaker. If there is anyone other than Bill that would like to see pictures than I am more than glad to take them and start a new thread as Bill requested or you can send me an e-mail ( Bill ) at jhason2@yahoo.com and I can send you all the pictures you would like.

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Ray, is this the friendly thread? The weather is much better here.......


Sorry Bill, have I spoken out of turn again? I just get frustrated when I see restorable cars like this being rodded. I can't change anything, so I just have to like it or lump it I suppose. :o


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Sorry Bill, have I spoken out of turn again? I just get frustrated when I see restorable cars like this being rodded. I can't change anything, so I just have to like it or lump it I suppose. :o


Heck no Ray! I meant just the opposite! With the bunch on this thread I could sit and have a beer and shoot the bullhockey all day! What?


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I can't change anything, so I just have to like it or lump it I suppose. :o


Thats what they want you to think Ray when in fact you are changing things every time you make a post with your opinions, all of our opinions regardless of the many different ways they can be interpreted make a difference and change.

Maybe you dont like hot rods, chances are someone will read that post and maybe some of your others as well and think to themselves this guys seems like a good fella that dosent like hot rods, I admire this fellow and envy his convictions, I am going to try and be more like this fella, you get my point.

Sitting silently inside of a cardboard box going with the flow is a terrible waste of human spirit

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I feel a lot more reassured now, thanks guys. :)

What is always at the back of my mind is that thing called 'popular culture'. It would be wrong to dismiss it out of hand simply because I don't like what one heck of a lot of other people seem to enjoy doing.

And it's not just young lads who are into rodding for kicks - I hadn't realised how many old buggers there were who really ought to know better!!! Sorry, it's old English, you know................ What? :D


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Heck no Ray! I meant just the opposite! With the bunch on this thread I could sit and have a beer and shoot the bullhockey all day! What?


You cant buy this sort of entertainment :D

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Hey Jason: Put me on the list to see photos of your "project car". I like photos no matter what vehicle or parts they are from. Thousand word pictures! Good stuff! :)

(BTW: I have seen that the Forum can accept photos of like 4.3 Mega Pixels or just a bit more so those can be blown up in the viewer to be able to see details quite well. This is well over the 2000 x 2000 pixel limit we have used as a rule of thumb in the past. I saw a 4.3MP image that was 2394P x 1795P that posted no problem. They were great shots!)

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Nice car Jason! I knew you had a Victoria and have seen many details you've sent me about your car, but don't remember seeing it in its entirety. I haven't worked on my car in about 18 months due to job situation, so it's nice to live vicariously through other's cars.

BTW, did someone say "cold beer"? :)

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Thanks Bob, unfortunately restored in the 70s but it is a nice car, hoping one day I can do it over again and right this time.

I have already done all 4 fenders, hood, trunk, trunk platform, doors, running boards and some odds and ends on it.

I dont want to get into it too heavily though until I am sure that I can devote whats needed to start it start to finish in one shot.

I know what you mean about job situation and lack of money.

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Very Nice Jason! Like you, I can do paint & body work, Engine & mechanical, but interior work I am all thumbs. It's 5 grand in my area for basic interiors. I have all the equipment to do interiors but none of the skills! When my parents were alive they reupholstered for a living.

Use your best photo for your avatar! Even my hunk of junk made the avatar!


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Thank-you for asking Ray, there is no production information broken down between bodystyles that I have ever been made aware of. There were a total of 123481 DA vehicles built between 12/17/28 and 3/14/30.

I have literature that implies 2dr models had to be almost given away back then because people had large families and so needed more room. Also due to the modification craze 2 dr models have always been more susceptible to becoming destroyed.

I knew of 3 other Victoria's that still exist, one is in upstate N.Y, I have had very little luck with convincing the owner to help me with some needed info, his is the only one that I believe is in the closest state of originality.

I am hoping that someday I can use the excuse of visiting my brother in Ct and he will allow me to pop over and give the car the once over with the camera.

Second car believe it or not was located less than two hours away from me until just recently and I was blessed to have it so near, while also a restored vehicle to about the same grade as my own ( maybe a little better ) it now resides all the way across the country. I had hoped that one day the owner whom owned it for many years ( before selling it to a guy that that just was interested in owning an old car and not much more ) would give it to me because he knew I would care for it properly but again that idea has been thrown out the window.

I have spoken with the new owner on several occasions and it sounds like its in a better place now. I certainly hope so.

Third car was prob. by far the nicest of any of them, restored beautifully, original almost to the line. It is the car that I was able to get many of my parts for my own car from. No point in going any further into that as I am sure you can guess where its going and I am starting to feel a pain in my chest and numbness down one side of my body.

The Victoria shared possibly the same body as a 2 dr. Brougham but I have been told that the body was a close coupled Brougham and with that I assume it is an even shorter body than the brougham. I have never bothered to look into this any further although I bet I can answer that question myself within my data books if I cared enough to look.

It was unique in that it had the seemingly integrated trunk platform on the rear, ( for later models such as mine ) earlier models had a trunk rack and the third example I mentioned above had a double rack for two trunks.

Maybe some will argue but I can prove that the trunk/ trunk platform was not an option on my car, due to poor sales they were trying to sport them up a bit and so all Victoria's after......... ( cant remember the date but can look it up ) came with a trunk like it or not.

Another feature of the Victoria was the stationary front seat and behind that front seat was a large compartment advertised as a compartment for a ladies handbag or hat.

I have read that the compartment ( which was modeled after the Victory six 2 dr. Brougham body ) was used by many to smuggle items that maybe some people did not want to get caught with, it is deeper that one might think and have spoken with people about there being a secret cover below the initial upholstered cover that would lift off to expose another section. Mine did not have this inner chamber but again my car was already done over by someone.

Pass front seat folds up and under the dash when not in use and with that up the interior compartment becomes a much larger appearing area. Victoria is the only DA model with E-brake all the way to far left as apposed to near the shifter on all other models, again this was done to facilitate a more roomier cabin.

I could spend hours discussing all of the details and availabilities of the car but I will stop for now here.

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Thanks for lifting the veil on your car, Jason. For me it is a great help and plenty to digest for now.

can you tell me if the car which I started this thread about is a DA

Also, what is the main difference between a Victoria and a Victory six please.

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The Victory six is the car that this thread was started over, Victory six production ran 11/11/27 thru 12/8/28. The DA was its replacement and it has been documented that some later DAs carried Victory six parts. I have some Victory six parts books that clearly show same part numbers that coincide with DA part numbers but having never owned a Victory six I cannot comment much further except from what I read.

The model names of Victory and Victoria although sounding similar are not in any way linked.

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Very useful to know these things, Jason. If we don't ask we don't know. If we don't know we remain ignorant. Can't thank you enough. I have one book on the Dodge Brothers by Charles K Hyde; what would be a good book to look out for which would have more about the actual cars ?

Up until recently, the most significant fact that I learned from my book about the Victory Six was that it was the first American car with a unitary construction body which was stronger than anything that had gone before.


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Well, the 1928 Victory Six, which inspired this thread, has been sold for $3,600. To me that is cheap because the body - an example of the first unitary construction on any American car, with only surface rust and not one dent to be seen - would be a restorer's dream.

We will probably only know whether it has gone to a good home if the new owner contacts this forum and makes their intentions known. We can but hope.

In the imortal words of the Joni Mitchell song : "we don't know what we've got 'till it's gone".

Amen to that.


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The book by Charles is one of the best, tough to suggest books because there are so many with so much wrong info. Best to find literature printed from the factory. I have some ideas I will post tomm though

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I agree, Jason, there are so many books out there professing to be an authority on a subject which are laced with popular myths and legends. I like the Hyde book because he has obviously carried out his own research, rather than blindly copy information from other publications which may or may not be accurate.

Nothing to do with Dodge, but as an example, probably similar to your own experience, is if you pick up almost any book on Jaguar, the introduction or first chapter will inevitably focus on the firm's origins; with the first cars being built by Swallow Coachworks. Cars like mine are predictably referred to as being either Mk1 or Mk2. These designations were thought up by our Register founder, D. Doughty; they never had any such factory nomenciature!

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quote..........These designations were thought up by our Register founder, D. Doughty; they never had any such factory nomenciature!...........perfect example

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That is really a beautiful car Jason. Do you happen to know the color code on the blue? I'm planning to do my touring car w/black fenders and some other body color (and I'm partial to blues).

No, I dont know as it was painted before my purchase but I can send you one of the many chips that are flaking off of it if you would like for a color match.

My car was originally a dirty maroon, toga maroon was its chip name.

I also have considered changing the color to something I like, problem is that I really like hemi orange with some heavy metal flake and accenting black pinstripe but I don't think that's gonna happen so I have learned to look at Toga maroon in a little better light.

You guys with the earlier cars are really kinda screwed in your original color choices so I feel for ya when it comes to wanting to pick a different color.

I like blues also by the way. also greens, Petes color on his car would be close to something I would pick if I were to decide to change its color from original, my car was at one point paited a similar green as can be seen in the layers of paint.

The Toga maroon though is growing on me because chances are it will be very unique ( cause it sorta blah ) and it is defanitely an old timey color which I like the idea of

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Hi Jason, if you can put a couple of chips in an envelope for me that would be great. No rush. Maybe I can get a color match. As much as I like originality, I think I'm going to do the black fenders with a body color of my choice (although preferably a period color). All black just doesn't do it for me (and it shows off less than professional body work).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest donnymopar
Quote..........I extend no disrespect to the guys who do things differently.........Im the polar opposite, I extend every ounce of dis-respect I can muster ;)

Lol...Atta boy, stay true to your colors. I gotta respect that...just make sure to stay in the slow lane.

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Guest donnymopar
I feel a lot more reassured now, thanks guys. :)

What is always at the back of my mind is that thing called 'popular culture'. It would be wrong to dismiss it out of hand simply because I don't like what one heck of a lot of other people seem to enjoy doing.

And it's not just young lads who are into rodding for kicks - I hadn't realised how many old buggers there were who really ought to know better!!! Sorry, it's old English, you know................ What? :D


Ray, you come off as a very nice "chap"...but, don't EVER feel pressured by popular culture. As long as you like it (and you are not hurting anyone, or treading on someone else's rights) then DO IT. What the world needs more of is RESPECT for people and things that are different. If Hot Rods are not your thing, no big deal...just build the cars you like. I really like looking at someone's build, (stock or not) as long they have their passion in it. I could give two-sh*ts about someone who shows a turn key ride and knows or cares very little about it. Alot of time, (for me) the owner behind the wheels is as interesting as the machine.


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Ray, you come off as a very nice "chap"...but, don't EVER feel pressured by popular culture. As long as you like it (and you are not hurting anyone, or treading on someone else's rights) then DO IT. What the world needs more of is RESPECT for people and things that are different. If Hot Rods are not your thing, no big deal...just build the cars you like. I really like looking at someone's build, (stock or not) as long they have their passion in it. I could give two-sh*ts about someone who shows a turn key ride and knows or cares very little about it. Alot of time, (for me) the owner behind the wheels is as interesting as the machine.


Well said.

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Guest 1930

E-bay item # 270966485891

This hot-rodder/romantic/idiot didnt even care enough about this particular car to find out what year it was before he destroyed it, no-one getting hurt?? I feel a great sorrow and pain for this little Dodge that minded its own buisness all these years until this idiot came along.

Wait till next week, there will be at least 3 more that have met similar fates.

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