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How full do you keep your tank?


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I drive my '41 once or twice a week. Usually the run is 25-30 miles.

I've been keeping 1/4 or less in the tank. The only gas available here contains 10% ethanol. I do use the Marine STA-BIL additive.

Should I keep more or does it matter?

(or should I keep the tank full because gas is a great investment:D) $4.36 per gallon yesterday.:eek:

Your feed back is appreciated.


'41 Super 51


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Guest Grant Magrath

Still cheap compared to the rest of the world Wayne! And a country full of great old cars. Yes, I am jealous......!

I'd keep it full and top up. They say it's better to do it that way. My 2c!



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Temperature changes during the day make the air in your gas tank expand and contract (gas itself will change volume too but to a much, much smaller degree). So during the warm part of the day air will be expelled from the tank through the vent. And during the cool period air will be sucked into the tank. The more air you have in the tank, the more air that is cycled in and out.

The air drawn in will contain moisture which can condense and migrate to the bottom of the tank where it is trapped. So the longer the car sits, the bigger the temperature differences during the day are and the higher the relative humidity in your area the more water will accumulate in your tank.

You can mitigate this by keeping your gas tank full.

Newer cars shouldn't have this issue as the fuel system is sealed...

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