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Guest Rob McDonald

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Guest Rob McDonald

My name is Rob and I am car-dependent. There, I've said it. I thought I had my problem under control 20 years ago, when I married a lovely woman who cares nothing at all for the appliances that provide her transportation. Lately though, I've been spending far too much time online with other people (you fiends!), who allow themselves to be ruled by the logos on their car keys. I'm backsliding, big time.

Last weekend, a buddy at work attended the always-wonderful Portland Oregon Swap Meet. Hans is "one of us", sad to say - his garage bulges with a '66 Toronado, a sweet last-model V8 Thunderbird coupe, an NSU Prinz (huh?), and several old motorcycles, some of whose brands even I don't recognize.

On Tuesday morning, Hans comes smirking into my office and slyly asks, "Just say you could buy a car you've always wanted, what would it be?" My mind immediately darted to an old favourite, whose prices have recently skyrocketed.

"Oh, I don't know, probably some kind of station wagon, maybe one with wood nailed down the sides of it and a big bird on the hood."

He's practically giggling when he hands me a home-made flyer describing a 1949 Packard Station Sedan, the ultimate bathtub woodie. Dark red, original paint. Original interior, almost mint. Original wood, with some dark spots at the joints - let's call it "patina". 44,000 miles, second owner. Reportedly needs no work, drive it anywhere, even 2000 miles back to Canada. Price? Absolutely affordable, well within my socio-economic range.

Now I'm hopelessly car-smitten, a sensation of which I have prayed I was no longer capable. Good sense (and wifey - same thing) sternly remind me that I have a "project car" in the garage, on which I've hardly worked since before we hooked up. I'm told that I also have an MGB that I bought new, restored recently at considerable cost to the family fortune, and have been complaining ever since how primitive and annoying it is.

But Honey, this is different. This is a PACKARD. This was the finest wood-trimmed luxury car that one could buy, five years before I was born. So? asks the sweet Voice Of Reason. I blurt that I could get rid of the Buick and the MG and be happy for the rest of my days, if only I could bring this magnificent automobile home. Yeah, right, sniffs VOR.

Heck, it has less than a third of the mileage that's on her faithful BMW wagon. Admittedly, it is four times older and probably didn't come with air conditioning, a CD player, or cruise control. But that wood! that silent straight-8 engine! that upright SUV-like driving position! It'd be the ultimate grocery-getter - as long as we stock up in early October, to get us through until May, when the snow is done for good. Wifey wanly acknowledges the desperate attempt at humour and turns back to her book.

Why couldn't I have married a golfer? she sighs.


Edited by Rob McDonald
to try to visually justify my compulsion (see edit history)
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Guest Kingoftheroad

I suffer from the same disease, I get the urge to buy every time I see a vehicle for sale I like. So, my advice to "buy it if you like it & can afford it" probably wouldn't make you very popular with the wife...lol

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When do you bring the Packard home Rob? It can also act as your old car drive whilst the Buick is being freshened up.

Voice of Reason...pfffft

I shouldn't talk much...She Who Must Be Obeyed has recently been making noises about my buying habits...but Love, I have this nice big shop building now to store things away in....

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Well this is certainly not what I expected from the title...

Pretty sweet, ditch the MG, but keep the Buick. It's only money.

(sorry, you aren't gonna find any VOR's here!)

I'm with Mike on this one! VOR never finds out until I have it in the driveway! Find a nice new owner for the MG, Keep the Buick and "Pack" away the Packard.

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Guest Rob McDonald

You guys are all "enablers", you know. Ought to be ashamed of yourselves. But now that I know Derek has lots of available storage space, a mere 16 hour drive east of me, my problem is sorting itself out. =>:^]

Here I am, getting all cranked over a fuzzy photo and a third-hand description of a car that's two mountain ranges away from me. What an awful affliction this is.

We all know about the magic of fuzzy photos:




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Rob, remember it is always easier to get forgiveness than permission :D. It is a Packard, you know! I am in the majority with Mike, Derek and King..Good luck with the VOR, where ever that is....

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This will not solve your problem.. after you get this, you will find no love and a cold sholuder.

Your kids will start ignoring you, your wife wont even acknowledge your exsistance.

Pretty soon lawyers and judges will be involved and your wife will get the house, the kids, the dog and all your favorite guns and fishing rods (for spite). If her lawyer iws good, she may even get your tools even though she doesn't know a cresent wrench from a screwdriver.

You will be left with a car to sleep in and not much else.

Its a slippery slope you are climbing, make sure it is worth the risk.

Dont ask me how I know this stuff......

Edited by Bill Stoneberg (see edit history)
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Don't listen to him... Plus it's a station wagon, you can sleep in the back and store the MG on the roof rack. Buy it - I saw the ad and its totallly worth it!! If I had less than twenty vehicles or it was a Marmon, I'd already have it !!! -Sam

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Guest R-ajax peterson

It is a mans responsibility to provide a future for his family. Invest your money. Dont't just "spend" it. If you know a lot about the Stock Market you could go there......Risky though.

It would be much more prudent to put your money into something that you know will retain, or increase in value. Say....a 49 Packard Woodie.

Just my 2 cents.

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16 hours? I thought you were in Edmonton? What, is that measured driving a Ford or something? 8 hours from here to Saskatoon (maybe less now that SK has increased speed limit on twinned roads) and about 5.5 from Saskatoon to Edmonton. The shop is SW of Winnipeg, so you wouldn't even drive all the way to Wpg, although it would be similar timing....

Enabler? Who, me? Pshaw....

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It's a hard thing to pass up a good deal when one comes along, but a few years ago I found myself with three cars, all driveable but ,in need of work , and it was really tough. I prayed for relief and out of nowhere someone came along and bought the roughest one. Hated to see it go but it freed me up to move forward on the remaining two. I made up my mind that I would not buy another car till I fixed what I had, but lately I learned that one of my dream cars may just come available soon. It's gonna be a tough summer waiting on that one and deciding how I can afford it.

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Guest Dan Cook

"So? asks the sweet Voice Of Reason. I blurt that I could get rid of the Buick and the MG and be happy for the rest of my days, if only I could bring this magnificent automobile home. Yeah, right, sniffs VOR."

Rob, you just aren't using your God given talent of lying to the one you love.

The way I see this really isn't a problem and there is no need to miss out on an opportunity to buy the car of you dreams. First off, buy the Packard and ask the owner if he can store it for you for a few months ( your Voice of Reason will never need to know ).

Once this is complete search for and buy an old homestead with a barn up in the Canadian Rockies. This will solve 'MOST' of your problems. You will have the car you want, a place with a view to keep it plus the Buick and MG and on top of that the Voice of Reason will just be an echo up the canyons.

You will need to brush up on your lying skills when you start telling you wife you will be taking extended "business trips" once a month. No cell phone signal.....no problem. I'm sure she will believe you when you say cell phones haven't invented in South America yet.

Just think, all this and a whole lot closer than moving in with Derek. AND, if she ever gets the lawyers involved, as in Bills case/experience??? you have a place to live. She'll never find you way out there.

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Guest Kingoftheroad
"So? asks the sweet Voice Of Reason. I blurt that I could get rid of the Buick and the MG and be happy for the rest of my days, if only I could bring this magnificent automobile home. Yeah, right, sniffs VOR."

Rob, you just aren't using your God given talent of lying to the one you love.

The way I see this really isn't a problem and there is no need to miss out on an opportunity to buy the car of you dreams. First off, buy the Packard and ask the owner if he can store it for you for a few months ( your Voice of Reason will never need to know ).

Once this is complete search for and buy an old homestead with a barn up in the Canadian Rockies. This will solve 'MOST' of your problems. You will have the car you want, a place with a view to keep it plus the Buick and MG and on top of that the Voice of Reason will just be an echo up the canyons.

You will need to brush up on your lying skills when you start telling you wife you will be taking extended "business trips" once a month. No cell phone signal.....no problem. I'm sure she will believe you when you say cell phones haven't invented in South America yet.

Just think, all this and a whole lot closer than moving in with Derek. AND, if she ever gets the lawyers involved, as in Bills case/experience??? you have a place to live. She'll never find you way out there.

LMAO !!! Oh yeah, this is gonna go over real well....lol


VOR ??

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Guest Rob McDonald

DAN COOK, clearly, you are a lawyer when you're not on this Forum. Did you know that in the Newfoundland dialect, "lawyer" and "lier" are the same word? You'd make Queen's Counsel, for shore.

BILL, BERG OF STONE, "Your kids will start ignoring you, your wife wont even acknowledge your exsistance" And that would be different how...?

The pangs of Packard passion have eased, to tell the truth. Yes, I do believe that this bathtub woodie is among the finest expressions of 'Forties extravagance. It's one of only about half a dozen must-haves on my dream car list. Thing is, I don't Must Have any of them.

I'm warming up to loving the one I'm with, to paraphrase Stephen Stills. I spent all last weekend with Old Faithful. That's the Buick, not wifey, although she's faithful too. I think. I feel just as automotively fulfilled with an obscure, low-value oddball car, as I'd be with one that everyone else worships. By that, I mean Hemi-Cudas, 567 Chevs, or silvery Porsche 911s, not weird old Packwoods. Even hardened car nuts tell me those are the ugliest cars ever made. Hey, there is some distinction to that but what about the '53 Nash?

I've invested close to forty years of daydreams in my Buick. It would be tragic to flush that away, so relatively close to finally completing something in my life. I never made it through university. Quit more jobs than I can count. Built a new house that will never actually be finished. Can't be bothered to match up my clean socks.

Procrastination is an unheralded form of mental illness, one without a special coloured ribbon or a fundraising half-marthon. It can be beaten though. Like a wise old JackOfAllTrades once said, "Can't finish unless you start".


Edited by Rob McDonald
Even uglier (see edit history)
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