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Head room - coupe


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Last weekend Suzanne and I both sat in the car. Granted, we were a bit bundled up as it is winter up here. Both of us had issues in terms of head room and we're both only about 5'8" to 5'9". We did play with the seats (not the 16 way) and things got better, but still almost feel like hitting our heads. I don't like a leaned way back driving position, but if I put the seat back up more, my head hits the roof.

Have others experienced this? Are we just missing something in terms of seat adjustment? There's a lot of winter yet, so I'm not in a huge rush. We did put the seats down, back, and tilted the seat back back. Perhaps it will just take some getting used to.

Since Marck is trying to tempt me with storage, are the convertibles worse with the top up? I think that is typically the case with the bows and such.


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Does your car have the sunroof? I can't remember at this time.. Of course, sunroof cars have less headroom, but only about 3 inches.

I'm about 5'11, and I have an after-market sunroof in my car. My headliner is drooping, jsut a bit, and the top of my hair barely touches the headliner. I think the key is just playing with the seat, and finding a comfortable position where you're not scalping yourself.

According the the '90 brochure, headroom is the same for both the coupe, and vert. 36.9". I believe playing with the seat is the best way to get your result.

Keep in mind that the storage would be outside, but under a cover (can pick up a nice one for about $50). But I am glad to supply storage if I can to anyone and everyone on this car. I might be tempted to clean it up a little though, if you don't mind... ;)

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Derek's car does have a sunroof. You loose at least 1" (probably a little more) head room with the sunroof. Technically the standard or 16 way seat seat should not make a difference in the amount of adjustment front to back and up and down.... the extra movement of the 16 way is for the power recline and the leg bolster.

There have been several people post here that they are over 6 ft and have no problems with a sunroof car.

However we are not all built the same. I am about 6 ft but only have a 30" inseam, meaning I am slightly out of proportion ..my torso is proportional longer than my legs. Some of these 6 ft + people my have legs that are longer so from the seat bottom to the top of their head may not be an greater than a person that is 5'10".... just my observations.

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Issue was that Buick apparently ran out of development money when it came to the seats and wheels so they just used off-the-shelf items, seats from the Riviera and wheels from the T-Type. This is also why our 16-way seats are really 12-way.

Without a sunroof the headliner has recesses for the heads. Years ago I remember a mention that there was 2" less headroom with a sunroof.

I am 5'10"/29" but fortunatly like a 60s-style reclining position so the roof vent is not an issue and a real plus when parked in the Florida summer sun. I was able to gain about an inch by modifying the seat rear mount (& lost some rear travel - cannot go past the stud) and removing the extra plastic.

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Cool. Thanks. I don't know why I didn't immediately think of the sunroof. That said, when things warm up and we get doing something on the car, we'll be playing with seat adjustment.

When I first got in, I had ski goggles over my toque on top of my head and I couldn't set my head straight up...of course, that was before any playing with the seat. If nothing else, it will just take some getting used to. Perhaps, if her hair is hitting the roof and getting frizzy from static, Suzanne will let me use the car...for those of you who have met me, you know I don't have tall hair.

It is good to know what the general experience is. Thanks again.

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The seat track in the rear has a Z shaped piece that raises the travelling part enough to clear the mounting stud and is riveted to the rear of the ttrack. Replacing this piece with a flat plate lowers the rear of the seat by nearly an inch but the seat will not travel much beyond the stud (raise/lower channel huts the nut) so you lose about an inch of rear travel.

Could get both lower and full travel by replacing the stud with a bolt having a short head but I did not need that.

Before GM had reclining seats I used to replace the front seat bolts with longer ones and use a 1/2-20 nut as a spacer to get a lilttle more angle.

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Guest Kitskaboodle

I agree with you on the coupe headroom issue.

I'm 6'1 and I have always had to angle the seat back to clear my noggin. :)

Anyways, the seats are as high as they are because they have to accomodate

the power seat motors underneath the seats. I'm thinking the only way to fix the problem is to either remove some of the padding (or get shorter, denser foam padding) or try some seats from another car that do not have power seats.


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