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Ever use a Car Bag?

Guest Steve Hughes

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Guest Steve Hughes

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I have used a car bag for my '32 every winter since 2003 (when it was restored). Before enclosing in the bag it also is covered with a high quality cloth cover. Of course, the whole procedure is inside a garage. If you are considering outside storage, that may be different issues.

For drips, once you drive over the bottom of the bag, I use a drip pan and some cardboard, and otherwise use an absorbing cloth to wipe of any other stray drips when I take it out. I have no gasoline leaks, so an vapor accumulation has not been a problem. However, I would not consider opening the bag in the spring if there was any nearby ignition source. Just in case, you know.

The drying bags they provided with the bag in 2003, can not be placed into a microwave, with removing the material from the bags, so that idea does not work all that well. So some other descissant (several available) should be used, and I have not noted any rust problems. The car is warm when you drive over it unless you disconnect the battery first and push it in. So, I think that small bit of heat will dry some of the moisture.

I hope this helps.


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Don't have one but they must work well. John is modest but his 32 Buick looks like it was painted a few weeks ago then detailed to perfection. Very well preserved paint and chrome!!

I like my soft California cover but it does not seem to stop the mice, I may look into the bag also.

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There is a product on the market called the Car Capsule CarCapsule: The Ultimate Car Cover

It's a vinyl based bag that zips together along the perimeter after you drive onto the base. It has a small 12 Watt computer fan with foam filter that pushes air into the closed bag. In about a 1/2 hour the bag is totally inflated. The manufacturer anticipates a small amount of air leaks out through the zipper seam. Its supposed to run continuously, but there are some that use timers on it to run it for say 8 hours in a day. A 12 watt fan doesn't really draw that much. I've used one since 1998 and still no problem. The little bit of air that cycles through it keeps dust off it and I would advise using a good cover over the car.

There are various lengths and heights and at one point they even offerred a silver outdoor version, though it doesn't show up on the order list any more. View the videos on their website under the Information Tab.

Edited by Friartuck (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Steve Hughes

Bump. I'm not interested in the car capsule type of product, only the bags. I am basically doing a feasibility study on possibly producing these and becoming competition with the "CarJacket" people. I am hoping to be able to provide a product that is at least as good at a lower price. There is one other source that is cheaper, but it is a "Made in China" product that is a "one size fits all" and it is humongous. My biggest issue to deal with is getting a place big enough to do this. The material storage, cutting tables, etc. would take up quite a bit of room that I don't currently have. That might be my downfall on this project.

I guess the real question is whether there is sufficient market to support another manufacturer.

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Guest Steve Hughes


Thanks for the comment. What would you think the length and height of the cars would be that would qualify as micro-size vehicles. You can PM or email me so as to not get this thread too commercial.

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