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Happy Father's Day

Guest Jstbcausd

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Guest Jstbcausd

On this Father's Day I just wanted to say thank you to my dad for so many things. Most importatly for being my dad, but also for sharing his wisdom, his integrity, his strength, his virtues, and to honest his love of cars, especially Buicks. I have fond memories of "helping" my dad wash and work on the cars as a child, and then as I got older learning how cars worked as well as how to maintain them, and even now I am still amazed and proud of him when I see him do something on his cars that I will admit I find too daunting, even if it does a few wrinkles in the paint I think it came out great. And although I realize I may not always say it, thanks Dad for everything, especially the Buicks.

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Thanks Justin. Your message brings tears to my eyes.

For those who don't know, I have three boys, two who participate on this board occasionally, and I'm immensley proud of all three. All of them turned out to be great kids, who are still keeping me young at heart! All are bright and willing to work hard for what they have.

You know, some people wistfully wish to go back in time, to some younger days, but I just wish I could freeze time right now. I wouldn't trade this time with my kids, or my wife, for anything. I love you all...

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and I strongly suspect mom and pop had a little to do with that.

Generally is the case...you're not doing so bad yourself as the daughter has stepped up to driving a Buick :D that you may never get back.

My father has been gone nearly 8 years now so Father's Day is somewhat bittersweet, but it has its rewards. I don't know that I'm doing much of a job, but at least they don't act like I repulse them completely and they are becoming Buickful children.

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We will see how Buickful your kids have become when one asks to take his / her date to the the prom in one of your Buicks. (Probably the 38).

My Dad taught me everything he knew and it amazing how much smarter he got as I got older. There was a while when I was in my teens that one of us didn't listen or know much.

Thanks to all the Dads out there.

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True, but I prefer the styling of '36 or '37 over '38. She Who Must Be Obeyed finds the '33 styling most to her appeal, so that is likely what we will wind up with. There is a half decent one for sale locally (has been for a couple years). If the seller ever gets realistic about price, then it will probably be ours. Hopefully not in the next 2 years though - shop this year and big house renovation next year will take care of most of our money.

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I don't see you listing 6 Buick drivers in your signature Mike...again, keeping She Who Must Be Obeyed <strike>happy</strike> content is where the priorities lie. I'm already pushing my luck after buying the Electra and starting to build a shop.

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Kidding brother.

Remember, I had to trade the Wildcat to the plumber who worked on my house....

and bringing it back to the original post...so that I could try to provide for my family knowing that indoor plumbing was more important than a 401 powered convertible. All of us dads do the best we can and hope that one day they appreciate it like Justbcausd stated.

Cheers again to all of you.

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Mike: I had to sell a 1972 GS Stage I convertible in 1980 to pay for a new waterline into my house. The things we do for our families. The rewards are definitely there, though.

My dad put up with me taking up his garage space with my first old Buick, a 38 Special. After that was sold, he put up with my 39 Special for 3 years in his space. He is gone but the car is still here and carried my daughter in her wedding. Thanks for putting up with me, Dad.

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All's good here Mike...well, except for the budget. I hope I didn't offend. Life would be a lot easier if there weren't probably half a dozen folks who will send me ads for just about any Buick...sad to say I can't have them all. Don't let that statement stop anyone from sending me info about a Buick truck, but the others can wait....

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John D., It was an entire replumbing of my 1941 house, and new plumbing for added on bathroom and laundry room. Plus, he gave me a check to cover the difference. I broke even. First time ever in this or any other hobby!

Dave, I hear ya.

Derek, Seriously? You know you can't offend me. ;)

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