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Amphicar questions

Bill Stoneberg

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Dont ask me why but I woke up at 3 am with a question on my mind.

When you are finished with your Amphicar, how do you have or get the guts to actually drive it into the water ? Aren't you afraid of it sinking ?

Where do you start Like a boat ramp in a shallow spot or something like that ?

When you get in, are there items you have to do to make the car go forward iin the water ?

What if you are in a fast flowing river, how will the car handle or is it a better lake car ?

Thanks, like I said, dont ask me why....

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Everybody has a different method of testing them the first time. Some just drive them in and check the pumps occasionally for water that may be coming in. This is what I do after my yearly maintenance which is removing the seats and cleaning out the slime in the bilge, flushing the brake system, thoroughly checking the rear axle rubber bellow condition and clamps, etc

After a total restoration I check both doors with several dollar bills (close door and water latch). You tug on the bills and they should stay in place and not easily pull out. I leave the seats and the floor board out, open the rear and front compartments, tie a rope to both the front and rear, drive it in the water and have some friends pull it over to a dock. We then checks for water that may be leaking in. Some do the opposite, fill the amphi with water on land and look for drips

The Amphicar will take a lot of abuse (and incoming water), far more than what many think and what has been written. Unfortunately the Amphicar never had a chance to develop since they went out of business rather quickly

A lake is better however rivers present little problem unless they are dangerously fast, then it is better to go with the current. Or you can forgo all of this and have a few beers and hammer down as suggested above

Check out our website www.amphicar.com for more info.

Edited by Ron Green (see edit history)
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I almost sunk mine 2 years ago. We were leading a bunch of amphi’s while at a swim in up in Canada. We darted out of the river to wait for the group and both my passenger and I forgot to pull the watertight door handles up when going back in when the group finally caught up to us.

Typically this is not a problem if your doors are adjusted correctly however we were in the water a very long time. Other amphi’s were coming up alongside and saying that we were listing however jokingly I blamed it on Louie my passengers big a$$. When finally exiting up river at a ramp I heard the radiator fan blades hitting water (the death rattle). We just made it out prior to the engine stalling. We also made the front page of the Toronto Star newspaper.

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Thanks for the answers... I am like msmazcol I dont know if I would have the guts to drive it into the water, though I think it would be fun once I got over it.

I have looked at the site Ron, and will see about the swim in Austin later this month. Who knows, I may need a new car...

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Bill, you should give Warren (great guy) a call regarding the Austin swim in. It is typically a small one with 5 to 7 cars. Two year ago the amphi's were invited to the LBJ ranch for what would have been his 100th birthday. LBJ owned an Amphicar and it still resides at the ranch. He was quite the prankster with it pretending it was a normal car while driving dignitaries and friends around the ranch, then pretending the brakes failed and driving it into the water.

Here are a few really old pictures of my 1st time driving in the water. My buddy Ralph (standing in the water) just asked me how I was going to drive it into the water which I replied that I am really not sure since I have never driven a car into the water. The other picture is us checking for leaks. Found one by the rear taillight.



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"When you are finished with your Amphicar, how do you have or get the guts to actually drive it into the water ? Aren't you afraid of it sinking ?"

After I get done with an Amphicar restoration or just maintenance upkeep, I am NEVER scared about taking them in the water. I know every seal and each potential leak. I also know for certain that no leak I may have missed could be serious enough to be a concern. I have a primary bilge pump and a secondary pump rigged so I can toss it to a friend if needed. I have taken one car (straight from a 20+ year nap in a warehouse) 14 miles down a river with rust "repaired" with duct tape and temp door seals made from window seals from Ace hardware.

"Where do you start Like a boat ramp in a shallow spot or something like that ?"

If a ramp is available I'll use that first because if you have a mechanical failure (or operator error) it will be where you have the support vehicle just in case.

"When you get in, are there items you have to do to make the car go forward iin the water ?"

As you approach the water you come to a full stop, lock door locks, depress clutch, engage props via a floor shift (F-N-R), release clutch and drive forward into the water. Once you're in the water, depress the clutch and move the land trans into neutral, release clutch, open beverage of choice, smile cuz somebody is taking your picture!

"What if you are in a fast flowing river, how will the car handle or is it a better lake car ?"

Rivers are awesome! You can have a longer trip and a destination to get out and drive back. I wouldn't swim in any river I wasn't familiar with. The Rock River in Il that my great friend "Dave the Wave" swims alot runs at idle speed. Facing upstream, in gear and at idle you almost are stationary in relation to the bank. In a lake with windows and top up, BIG waves are a blast! I've had mine in 5 foot swells with the nose submurged to the top of the windshield (top/windows up) and boy is it fun! Sitting with my girlfriend under the moonlight with engine off, just drifting in the quiet with only the sound of the water slapping on the bumper (or the occasional sound of a leak you didn't know about) is a nice way to spend an evening.

"Thanks, like I said, dont ask me why.... "

You are welcome and coming from a guy who works on Amphicars every day, I don't need to ask you why! :)

Here is what it looks like at about 25 MPH from the fron seat. That is my sister screaming at me in the back seat and my Bro-in-law laughing!

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RJTAa9PaqY&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RJTAa9PaqY&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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Hey Ron, Never ask my husband to check out your Amphicar for how water-tight it is. Ever the jokester he suggested filling it with water to check for leaks. :eek: :rolleyes::D

Susan, Don't laugh! :D When I restore an Amphicar, filling with water is exactly how I do preliminary checks of the lower hull before paint is applied. The original "car pool" if you will! Here is one I was filling and another shot of me in the water. The second pic was a shot used in a wheelchair magazine (New Mobility) recently.



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There has to be something about an item you work so hard on and invest money in being driven into a lake. I don't like driving my stuff in the rain if I can help it.

Love the photo history.

Isn't that what is done with antique boats?

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Amphicars are unique in the old car world in that most of us are just average Joes who love them. Most are swam and driven regularly. I feel it would be a shame to spend the $ and time it takes to restore one and not take it for a swim. Once you do you will understand why I tell my customers that owning an Amphi is "terminal." It will be with you for life! I stopped counting at about 1000 people from 17 days to 99 years old who have ridden in my Amphicar. I have met 2 girlfriends because of it too. Amphicars make people happy even before they know what it is, then are in shock and disbelief when I tell them about it's unique talent.

I have had more fun in my Amphi than any other car. I have met countless folks because of it too. Some of my best friends are Amphi folks. From Seattle to Tampa Bay, from SanDiego to Maine and many places in between. You will never look at a body of water the same once owning an Amphicar!

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I will be sure and tell Bill you would let him check Amphis for you. :D

I wish that you were closer. The Telecom Pioneers here in W.Va. host a yearly event known as the International Sports Jamboree for the Handicapped. Children that are blind, or legally blind, and children in wheelchairs come from all over the US and Canada to participate in all kinds of sporting events geared just for them. It is held in a state park near where my dad grew up. Those kids would love to meet you and ride in your Amphicar in the nearby river.

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I will be sure and tell Bill you would let him check Amphis for you. :D

I wish that you were closer. The Telecom Pioneers here in W.Va. host a yearly event known as the International Sports Jamboree for the Handicapped. Children that are blind, or legally blind, and children in wheelchairs come from all over the US and Canada to participate in all kinds of sporting events geared just for them. It is held in a state park near where my dad grew up. Those kids would love to meet you and ride in your Amphicar in the nearby river.

I can get in touch with any fellow Amphi folks in the area and see what I can do to get that to happen. Let me know the details. I have always accepted invites to do rides for anyone. If I were closer, I'd be there in a heartbeat! To give anyone an experience that will be with them forever is one of those gifts that probably makes me happier than them. The car is really the star, not me. I'm just the current caretaker.

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