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Are you a member of the Reatta Division of the BCA?


Are you a member of the Reatta Division of the BCA?  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you a member of the Reatta Division of the BCA?

    • Yes, I am a member of the Reatta Division of the BCA
    • No, I am not a member of the Reatta Division of the BCA

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I think there should be a 3rd button to reflect those like me who are BCA members but not Reatta Division members. I voted NO based on the poll request

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The poll was not intended to determine the number of BCA members. I guess I have stated more clearly that the poll is about how many users of this Reatta forum are members of the Reatta Division of the BCA. It is a given that if you are a member of the Reatta Division you are a member of the BCA.

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What does it cost to join? What are the advantages? Bill Belk WEB 38

The cost of joining the Reatta Division of the BCA is $10.00 but you must be a member of the BCA in order to join the Reatta Division and the cost of the BCA membership is $50.00 per year. The advantages are many and I would be happy to discuss them with you if you want to give me a call at 316-655-1099. or send me your phone number and I can call you. The Buick Club of America and the Reatta Division has a National meet scheduled for the end of July in Ames Iowa and it will be a good time.

Thanks for asking

Chuck Kerls

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Jim, I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm not trying to tear down the BCA or the Reatta Division. I think both are fine organizations that have members that have the best of intentions. As of late though, I feel like there are a few club members that want to make people like me feel like we are outsiders on this forum because we choose not to be members of the clubs at this time. They seem to have forgotten that this is a public forum sponsored and provided by the AACA. Some non-members have been outright asked to leave this forum because of being critical of the BCA. I have read here where some have said they think this should be a club members only forum.

The purpose of this poll is not to run down the clubs. I posted it to see if I'm in such a minority that maybe I should move on and quit posting here. If the poll shows that this forum has turned into a club members only forum then I will leave. I encourage you to place your vote in the poll.

I like being on this forum and most of all, as you might be able to tell, I like having the opportunity to help others when they have a problem if I can. However, I don't want to be a thorn in anyone's side and I certainly don't want to participate in this forum if I'm not wanted.

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Guest steveskyhawk

"I cannot understand why you are now taking the low road and trying to make the BCA and the Reatta division look bad. "

Ronnie isn't taking your "low Road". He is simply be objective. Objectivity is something the BCA is desperately in need of.

"Good will" is when opinions other than your own are accepted .

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I fail to understand the purpose of your post. how is Ronnie tearing down the BCA and Reatta club? by pointing out the sad truth that many people have no interest in paying 50 bucks to the BCA? is it bad to see how pathetic the membership is as opposed the the number of Reattas out there?

what does the BCA have to do with the Reatta club? I asked this question before, and haven't received a single response.

as I pointed out, the TC club has no affiliation with the Chrysler club (WPC), neither the Allante Club of America or the Allante club have any affiliation with the Cadillac/LaSalle club. why should they?

how much more effective (and fun) could the Reatta club be if the dues for the Reatta club were $50, with no BCA affiliation, and 5,000 members?

the messenger is truly being shot here. the real truth is actually quite ugly.

over and out.

Mike Rukavina


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here is another one of those puzzling facts.

why on earth would the club not provide a roster of members?

I've been in car clubs for over 30 years, and have never been a member of one that did not provide a member's roster after I joined. a new, updated roster would come out every year.

this just gets more puzzling by the day. and they wonder why the numbers are so low.

still haven't heard why the Reatta club needs any connection to the BCA.

Mike Rukavina


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Some non-members have been outright asked to leave this forum because of being critical of the BCA.

I don't think so. Presenting such a generic comment is part of the problem. An issue in shadows, not facts.

Why don't you and Steve name names rather then say "some have said" or "I've been told" Those comments can not be verified.

Again, I'm a BCA member but not a Reatta division member. No matter what the results of your poll, the AACA funds this site and except for one group which got cantankerous - they have not shut down a forum.

So who has been kicked off this forum - specifically?

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what does the BCA have to do with the Reatta club? I asked this question before, and haven't received a single response.

Mike Rukavina



The Reatta Division of the BCA was created by BCA members a few years back who had a specific interest in the Reatta. There are many divisions and special interest groups within the umbrella of the BCA. Such as the 37-38 Owners group, the Pre War Division and so on.

By the same token, there is the Riviera Owners Association (ROA) that has no affiliation with the BCA. That is your model, if you are a club starter, because some of those guys took issue with the BCA years ago which created a schism and they simply went out and started their own club.

Ditto the GS Club's (specific names - not sure) which cater to the muscle cars.

Your question has been answered, nobody is being elusive.

What are your thoughts about starting a stand alone Reatta Club? Are you and Steve going to start a Reatta Club not affiliated with the BCA or are you not club joiners that just have an interest in the Reatta?

Are you suggesting that the current Reatta Division break away from the BCA? If so, that would end the BCA functions some people like, but I understand that's always an option.

What are your thoughts on the future of Reatta clubs?

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as I pointed out, the TC club has no affiliation with the Chrysler club (WPC), neither the Allante Club of America or the Allante club have any affiliation with the Cadillac/LaSalle club. why should they?

how much more effective (and fun) could the Reatta club be if the dues for the Reatta club were $50, with no BCA affiliation, and 5,000 members?

the real truth is actually quite ugly.

Mike Rukavina



I was a WPC club member for 2 years. In review of the "Chrysler" clubs there are many many of them. It does not surprise me that the TC Club was born to cater to that car.

There is a Plymouth Club, a DeSoto club, an Airflow Club and lots of local Mopar clubs which mostly cater to the muscle cars. Each a distinct 'club'.

I mentioned by seperate post HOW the Reatta Division got started. It's not a stand alone club but a chartered division of the BCA. All it took was some initiative from some interested BCA members to start the division.

To me, this is an apples and oranges debat. You keep mentioning the Reatta Division of the BCA as a club. It simply is not. Even if our numbers are low in the division, it represents just that - not a stand alone club.

If I buy a Reatta, which I hope to soon - I would be as an outreach of the all inclusive Buick interest I have (see my footer) and I can understand if this does NOT appeal to you and Steve and others.

Can we not come to some agreement to disagree and continue this forum in a manner that supports a great modern collectible car?

I may never get over Steve's description of my beloved Iowa ;) but after a near record snowfall this winter I can appreciate SoCal.

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I don't think so. Presenting such a generic comment is part of the problem. An issue in shadows, not facts.

Why don't you and Steve name names rather then say "some have said" or "I've been told" Those comments can not be verified.

Again, I'm a BCA member but not a Reatta division member. No matter what the results of your poll, the AACA funds this site and except for one group which got cantankerous - they have not shut down a forum.

So who has been kicked off this forum - specifically?

No problem Jake. I usually don't like to name names but since you are basically calling me a liar I will this time. Here is what I actually said: "Some non-members have been outright asked to leave this forum because of being critical of the BCA." I believe the quote below verifies what I said.

I also said: "I have read here where some have said they think this should be a club members only forum." Although the post quoted below is not the post I was referring to, it seems to verify that statement as well.


It's abundantly obvious you don't (for many reasons) like the BCA and the Reatta Division of same.

Thank the Lord we, as adults, can make these choices.

Seems to me the simple choice for you is to permanently jump off this forum and leave it to the folks who do like the BCA.

And, from someone who was born and raised in the great Midwest, I'm happy you're happy in California. Seems like a good place for you to stay!

Happy motoring,

Bob Leets


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Can we change my vote? Yesterday I Voted as a non member, Today I mailed in my App. and check. Thanks to Chuck and Barney Bill Belk WEB 38

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Delete the cookie and start fresh (did I just recommend a way to pollute the results?).

Just an observation... I find this thread and recent activities in the forum entertaining yet exhausting. Patronizing the organization is important. No matter how much I participate (or lack there of), agree or disagree of its politics, rules or regulations, I have a vested interested in its success.

Proud member of BCA, its Reatta Division and my local chapter. Live long and prosper.

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Wow! Nice to know someone noticed my opinion, and I stand firm.

If you don't care for the kitchen, go cook someplace else!

BTW, I was a member of the BCA Board of Directors when the Reatta DIVISION was proposed and accepted under the BCA umbrella. There are many inherent advantages to being a BCA Division, i.e., insurance coverages, sharing of The Bugle, etc., that would be a huge financial burden to a stand alone club.

I truly do respect the opinion of others. If you don't care for clubs, that's fine, but PLEASE don't throw stones at those who are content. The $60 I spend annually to be a BCA and Reatta Division member equates to only $5 per month. I blow more than that at the corner 7/11 for coffee every couple of days.

And, as a final point, I've only owned my '91 vert since last September and consider myself a totally green "Reatta rookie". The stuff I've learned about the car via this forum has been invaluable. Kudos to Barney and all those who are passionate about the incredible Reatta. BTW #2, the part I purchased from Steve was reasonable and shipped promptly. I was told it was something I would probably never find but he had a nice one. So, thanks again, Steve.

BTW #3, it's just finishing up a 6" dump of fresh, wet snow here in Flint, MI.

Do I enjoy it? NOT!! But the beautiful Michigan spring will be here soon.

Keep cruisin',

Bob Leets

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Guest steveskyhawk


What was it that I sold you? I don't Remember. Whatever it was I'm glad you are happy with it.

For those of you that don't know me very well I can explain why I am able to find and have Reatta parts. I have had 7 Reattas and and still have 6 looking for a particular 7th. Out of desperation I go out looking for parts one day a week. Some guys go fishing. I go to pick a parts. I don't mind not finding anything because i enjoy the walk. I visit 12-13 different yards twice a month. It is no secret that cars in LA last longer than most places so I am finding about 1 corrosion free Reatta in the wrecking yards per month. Lots of cars in LA and lots of Reattas. By comparison. I have accumulated quite an inventory of Reatta parts with my goal being to have enough parts to keep my cars going the rest of my life. The extra-extras I sell to offset the expense of hitting 26 yards per month.

I have always offered to go out and look at local cars (for sale) for forum participants. I know Reattas pretty well. With a small airplane (Cessna Skyhawk) my radius is about 500 miles. Additionally if you have a special parts request for any make and model car I invite you to to contact me and I promise to be your eyes and ears in the greater Los Angeles area. I will find that part.

I think the quote is 'If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen". Not a good analogy when talking about Iowa but I understand the message. Chuck was kind enough to explain the pros and cons of the BCA and Reatta division today via phone. I think I will join and try to make a difference. I don't mind heat so show me the way to the kitchen. Good thing I was in a good mood the other day when I made the BFE comment and reminded people about the merciless climate in the northern states. I almost said "Rustbucket Rodeo" at one point!

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I visit 12-13 different yards twice a month. It is no secret that cars in LA last longer than most places so I am finding about 1 corrosion free Reatta in the wrecking yards per month. Lots of cars in LA and lots of Reattas.

If we had that kind of salvage yard numbers and with what ought to be dry conditions, it would be a hobby of mine as well.

In the greater Des Moines area we have 1 pick-a-part yard. The other 2-3 are counter help only. I like to look around myself.

But no matter, they are muddy, swampy hot or cold - just not pleasant at all.

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Welcome to the club. I was the assistant director for several years and instead of moving up to director I made a phone call and talked Chuck into taking the job. He says he will never forgive me. :) He said under protest he will maybe stay on in the position for another year. We are always looking for good folks with ideas good or bad to hash around and help the members and have the club evolve. Join this week and come to Iowa in July and experience the midwestern summers and a free meal and libations ( hopefully ). Maybe you can even take Chuck's job in the future.

Here's a shot at Jake, Iowa has a county named Cerro Gordo. I am told that means Fat Pig. Now what state would name a county Fat Pig.:)



Chuck was kind enough to explain the pros and cons of the BCA and Reatta division today via phone. I think I will join and try to make a difference.

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You're spot on concerning the "kitchen quote", but I've my own version due to a buddy who, like myself, enjoys cooking. My second "sanctuary", other than my garage, is my kitchen. He came over one evening to "help" me cook and proceeded to tell me how bad my kitchen sucked! Nuff said!!

Sure glad some civility has returned to this thread and we can move on to improving all Reatta.

To refresh your memory, you sold me a whatchamacallit for the top of my 16-way power seat control. Having a senior moment and can't recall what the bloomin' things are called! Anyway, it was WAY better than what came with the car, and at a fair price, so I'm a happy cruiser.

Hope you can sit back, take a deep breath, and simply enjoy the fact that the BCA is seriously doing everything possible to make being a member a positive experience. Sometimes it takes many, many years of "tinkering" to make any organization what folks want it to be. Enjoy the ride!

Keep cruisin',

Bob Leets :D

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Steve I can see that Jim beat me to the punch but welcome to the club. When I joined the club I also wanted to make a difference and I don't know that I have made a difference but I have made a bunch of new friends and a few enemies. The continued growth of the club is one of my missions in life and I appreciate everybody on this forum. I just wish everybody could come to Ames and have dinner with us. Its a small thing but a very fun thing to do. I guess that we wont know till the April Bugle to see if we won or not but we have fought the good fight

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I know I joined the BCA, but not sure if I joined both. I thought I had joined the Reatta Division before. Now I am not sure what I did. Since there is apparently no roster, how can I tell what I joined and what I didn't. U

nfortunately, at the time, I didn't know enough to ask the right questions.


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Wow, Steve went for zero to hero for just 60 bucks. Maybe that would be a good investment for me too if I want to continue hanging around here. :)

Ronnie no body wants you to leave, I will invite you to join the club also, your knowledge about the car and the computer make you a value added source for those members who do not have a computer and do not reap the benefits of the forum. While we are all able to air our issues those folks who don't have the means are left without. It would be a good addition to our newsletter quarterly. Barney and Don always do a Tech article and we can always use some more insight. I am not trying to recruit just would welcome you if you chose to join for the good of the little car we all fight over


Chuck Kerls


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I know in the last few months a couple of people have been accused of being liars and now we can add another.

Chuck is lying.

He has made no enemies that I know of, in fact it has been a real pleasure knowing and working with him.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Ok I am current with the Dues. So I can say Yea, I am a card carrying member of the Reatta Division.

I would also like to make the Iowa-action this summer. BUT If I fix up the car I wont have the money to go, if I go, I cant fix up the car. whata drag.

Come as you are and the car you have, Its not about the car, as much as it is about the social gathering. You and your car need to come to Ames. We are waiting to hear to see if we have won the contest and If we have then its all about the party. We still have some rooms available at last count.

There will be lots of cars that the owners dont think that they are quality enough to be on the showfield, but who cares. It yours, you like it, its a Buick and it is welcome.

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