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Avanti R2, 1963, refresh

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Just to let you know, I along with 100's have been watching your progress even if we all don't let yah know that were out here watching. But I wanted to say that it's starting to look like a proper automobile again, very nice. I'm guessing you'er ready to enjoy the pleasure of driving it some now... Scott

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It is Thursday, April 1st. Well, some bad news, I have decided to sell the Avanti.........................................................Not, April Fools Day!

Wow, it is hot in the full sun, almost 80 degrees; but I am not complaining. Spent the morning rototilling, getting the garden area ready for planting. I have made several passes over it, so most of weeds are gone. Alice wants to plant lettuce today. Gong to be over 80 degrees over the next few days.

Back to the Avanti. Decided I would clean up the underside of the hood were the sound deadner was pulled off. I think I have the two pieces that are missing, but they are a bit ratty. I actually, may just pull it all off. It does not do much other than get dirty. Could not get all the glue off, but it looks better.

Then decided to get out my trusty dremel tool with a little felt polishing wheel. So hit the little rear wing wheels and then polished the bumper by hand. They came out pretty good.

Greg also sent me a couple of pics that he took yesterday at his place.

Going to take her out in a couple of hours. The speedo seems to be reading lower on mph that it feels. So will check the speed with my GPS, it is really accurate on all my other cars.









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Guest pfloro

Hello John:

Your Avanti is looking just great. Glad you're driving it as spring rolls along.

I believe that the underhood insulation protects the paint on the hood as much as it deadens the engine's noise. You might want to get a roll of material, make up some kraft paper templates and cut new pieces. Are precut pieces available in reproduction?

We had a 1982 Honda Civic sedan which had no factory hood insulation. After a bunch of years, the hood paint began to crack. I suspect it was from the heat of the engine (even from that little 4 banger). The Avanti's supercharged V8 will certainly pass a lot of heat into the hood after a good run.

I'm sure others have more experience in this area & will comment.

After you paint the car, I'd hate to see the hood get messed up.



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The insulation does muffle the engine noise a bit, enough that I noticed a difference with and without. I wouldn't worry too much about the heat, though, I ran without for years without seeing any damage. Maybe a fiberglass vs. metal thing?

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Ernie and Paul, thanks for the update. I will dig out the two missing pieces and see what is what. I know that pads are available from Studebaker International, a short one for $23 used on the 1963s, and a longer one used on 1964s for $28. Not much money in the grand scheme of things.

Well, have some troubling news to report. Alice and I went on our little ride, got about three miles from home and the engine started to surge back and forth like it was not getting fuel. Got about a half a mile closer and she died for good. Could I be out of gas? So we hoofed it home, two and a half miles, picked up 7 gallons of gas, tools, fuel filter and a tow strap. Got back and put in the gas. She started right up, so I head home, got to our driveway and she sputtered again and died. I know she has gas. So changed the fuel filter just in case, no go. Just a couple of little squirts into the fuel filter. So now it is sitting in the driveway. I poured gas in the carb, and with Alice behind the wheel we got her up on the flat and in front of the Avanti garage.

Could it be the fuel pump that I just rebuilt? I almost called Dave T. and ordered another pump, but thought better of it. I will pull the pump tomorrow and see what is up. There is no fuel in the oil, checked that, so maybe one of the little flappers failed. Anyway, I will pull the radiator shroud and the pump, and see what is up. I do have extra parts for the pump (I had two kits). If it is not obvious I will call Dave and order a new one.

Oh, the speedo is just fine, it agrees with the GPS on mph. So one thing is OK. I do have to get on to fixing the gas guage, that is now next on my list after fixing the pump.

I know that fuel will flow out of the line when I disconnect it from the pump. If nothing or very little comes out then I know that I have a tank issue with maybe a pickup broken or having a hole in it. Will let everyone know tomorrow. I am going to make a drink, a stiff one.

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It is Friday, April 2nd. Another nice day to work a bit on the Avanti, but I also have lots of farm chores that have to be done.

Decided to just see if the car would start. Fired right up and lots of fuel flowing through the pastic, see thru, filter. Checked the gas tank with a yard stick, but it only goes so far and hits a baffle; but there is gas on stick, about 8 inches so I do have about 3/4 of a tank. I just got a new LED flashlight and so peered down into the tank. I can see a line of rust in the tank. Here is a pic, and the dark line you see in the filler is the start of the rust and goes down as far as I can see.

So bottom line is that I have been avoiding pulling the tank, but I am out of options. I think that the line or pickup sock (if it has one) is partially plugged.

Also one other thing, the return line from the fuel pump (which is disconnected) started spitting fuel even with the tank 3/4 full so I capped it. It is really just a vent line with it open. Many run without the return line so that should not be a problem. Somehow, fuel is being forced into that line, but it should not be as I think it fits high up in the tank. Here is a pic of the capped line near the carb. So I may have an issue with the line in the tank.

I had the fuel tank of my 23 McLaughlin Buick redone by Gas Tank Renu last year. They did a great job, but $700 was steep and I had to go 160 miles round trip three times. I will see if I can find a place locally to do it. Or I may just have to bite the bullet.

If I get the chance this afternoon to drain the tank I will. My plan now is to pulling tank and have it someplace by early next week. Will keep you all posted.



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Guest bjl123

Here are a couple Avanti photos I thought might be of interest. I took these photos a few years ago at the Studebaker Drivers Club Southeastern Zone Meet in Birmingham. The Avanti Motor Company was located in Villa Rica, Georgia at that time, and they brought one of their new Avanti convertibles over for the show. I was able to park my '63 Avanti with the new model Avanti for some comparison shots of the earliest and latest models of this car.



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BJ, Sweet! They both look great, but especially yours. Post more pics if you have them. Would like to see them.

Got a lead on a radiator/gas tank repair shop close by (only 45 minutes away). Called them and made sure that they did repairs and seal, and they do. So probably on Tuesday I will take it over to them (if I get it out by then). Now the fun begins ......... Now where is that tank?

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Still Friday, got done with the farm chores, still daylight; so decided to begin the gas tank removal.

Took a look at the maintenance manual and it said to remove the back seats, disconnect the lines, and remove the tank. Simple, right!!!!!!! Wrong. Lots of steps the book left out, but obvious.

Well, I removed the bottom seat, easy.

Removed the two bolts holding on the back seat, but had to have help removing the bolts as had to get under the car to stop the nuts from turning. Then I removed the pad under the rear seat. OK, still easy.

Oh, something unexpected, a fiberglass panel held by about 30 screws. Sprayed them all with Kroil and all came out except two. Had to use the Dremel tool to grind the heads off. Ouch, those sparks are hot. After about 15 minutes got the panel off. Not so easy, but not hard.

Done for the day....... I think that the panels have been off before, probably to paint them black. The gas tank has not been touched.

Here are some pics for your enjoyment.






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It is Saturday, April 3rd. Well, the gas tank is not going to remove itself, so I better get to it. It is 9 AM.

Drained all the fuel from the line off the carb, just a trickle came out, at this pace I will be here all day. Blew air into the line, a gusher; there was a clog and this was the cause of my running out of fuel. Got about ten gallons out of it.

Then removed the fuel line from under the tank, and the fitting. That was on tight. Still fuel in the tank. Just love fuel dripping/flowing down your arm. Glad that I am outside with no ignition sources. Fuel all over. See the pic of the fitting, this was probably were the clog was. No sock, so it is just an open fuel line from the tank.

Removed the wiring, bent some brackets, removed the small return and overflow hoses. And then just pulled out the tank to the side, between the wiring bundles. Of course, more fuel inside the car now too. So clean it up before I pull the tank. IT IS OUT!

The rubber hose between the tank and the filler has cracked, and is about to fail. Another reason to redo the tank.

Just for fun decided to check the fuel gauge. OMG, it is about rusted out. No wonder it did not work. The tank looks terrible inside. This will be interesting. You will not believe the pictures. This is what happens when you leave a car sitting for 30 years. The gas guage did work I first put gas in it, but the wire that holds the cork float bent as it is just about rusted out.

Well, here are pics. I smell like a refinery. Took four hours from start to finish. I am sure that it will go back in quicker. I am glad I pulled the tank. I did not want to do it, but looking back I should have known.

The tank will go to the shop on Monday or Tuesday.







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Still Saturday, PM. Looked through the parts catalog from Studebaker International; and they have the fuel sending unit, gaskets, and rubber hose that goes between the tank and the filler. So for about $100 I will have the necessary soft parts to reinstall the tank.

Also received the most expensive plastic parking light lenses that I have ever seen. Look great and will mount them tomorrow. Will post pics as usual, but here is a preview.

Greg also called me and wants me to take his Avanti radiator to the repair shop on Tuesday to be reworked. So will have a report on that next week.


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I went and bought a gas pump today and lo and behold...there were studebaker signs in the garage. I asked what was under the tarp and the response, " and Avanti, the turbo charged one with no grille". I knew what I was about to see then!

I was able to take one picture of the front with my wife's cell phone. I will try to figure out how to post it here.

I emailed this thread to the owner. Hopefully, he will chime in.

What a small world!

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Brian, hope to see that garage find and learn its history. Exciting!

It is Sunday, April 4th. Easter.

Will be heading out soon, but have a few minutes to install the parking/turn signal light lenses. Here are some before and after pics. I also turned on the lights, but you cannot really see them in the pics. Maybe I will shoot a couple when we get home tonight. They look much better than the hand made lenses that were on there.

Have a great day everybody, and make sure you find all those hidden eggs.







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It is Monday, April 5th. It is getting hot, 85 degrees today. We are still 20 degrees above normal.

Today was a day of driving. Picked up the Avanti radiator from Greg. Got to look at his completed R2 engine, and his 1912 International Harvester "speedwagon". Here are a few pics. He said that in the next couple of days he will attempt to put in the rear glass for the maroon Avanti. He has the vinyl panels all made and installed that the glass fits over. So he just needs to make a couple of dry runs to make sure that everything lines up before he glues it all down.

Then Alice, Shadow and I headed off to the radiator shop with our gas tank and Greg's radiator. Dickie will give us a call in a couple of days with an estimate. He also told me to order the sending unit for the fuel gauge. So will oder that and a few other things from Studebaker International tomorrow.








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added pic of Avanti ready for back window (see edit history)
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It is Tuesday, April 6th. Sizzling, 93.4 degrees at 5:30 pm. It has never been this hot, this early, in many years. Will be about the same tomorrow.

In between roto-tilling, fencing fixing, sawing up downed wood, and llama poop patrol; I did manage a couple of hours on the Avanti before the garage turned into an oven.

Decided to remove more of the black vinyl paint from the rear seat wall panels. Doing a panel at a time to hopefully stop with the removal at some point and keep the back. Not there yet, but close. Here are pics of what I did today. Notice that you can see some red shiney stuff that was not painted. This is the original red, which has quite a bit of sparkle/metallic in it. However, using the vinyl paint remover, it takes this metal flake away along with the black vinyl paint. So you are left with a flat red. Really not a bad color.

Right now and after much discussion, we have decided to go with a combo red/black interior. We know that it is not correct, but this is not a show car, but a driver. So we will keep our plain red panels and get black seats, front and back. With purchase and installation this will be about $1000. For the exterior, we are considering staying with the metallic green. We have a preliminary estimate from Maaco (they do a lot of restoration work here) of $2000. This will give us right around $19,500K in the car, probably what it is worth. If we have the bumpers redone, well then we are about in it for $21K. It is our thinking that we will then be done, and our driver will be complete. Alice says that if it is too nice, she will not drive it.




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It is Wednesday, April 7th. Breaking all heat records for this area. We are 35 degrees above our average of 60 degrees. Spent the morning setting up 7 big fans for the llamas. We have not started shearing yet so they still have their winter coats on. The fans will help them with the heat.

Spent a couple of hours finishing stripping the black vinyl paint from the strips that go on the sides of the back seat. This is all I am going to do for now, and will see how the back seats look with the red strip. Worse case I can paint them black again.

I also spent a hour or so removing bondo from the inside of the SS door jam area. Why it was not cleaned up when it was wet I have no idea. The stuff was really hard and firmly stuck. Used a wire wheel on the Dremel to polish the SS after I used a razor blade to scrape off most of the stuff.

When it gets a bit cooler this afternoon plan on taking more cleaner to the vinyl in the back seat area.

I also ordered the fuel sending unit, gaskets, etc so when the gas tank is done we will be able to put it back in.

7 PM and it is still 94 degrees. I gave up and turned on the house AC. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Even the cats are staying in the house.








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evening update (see edit history)
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Still Wednesday. Life is full of surprises. I got a call tonight from the son (William) of Dr. Chasse, who I believe to be the first owner of the Avanti. Will gave me a little more information on the car and his Dad. He said that his Dad always liked the unique cars, and had the Avanti and a Corvette. He said that he remembered that the Avanti was originally Gold. A few months later while his mother was driving it, the engine caught fire. Studebaker took it back for repairs, but Dr. Chasse said that he wanted a maroon one (note: the title from RI said that the car was maroon) (Maybe Avanti Red turned into maroon at the DMV?). So the Avanti was re-born. The build sheet from Studebaker indicates that the car we have was Avanti Red, with the red/fawn interior. The motor is still the original motor noted on the build sheet. So I think that the Gold Avanti was scrapped, and Dr. Chasse given a new maroon (red) Avanti in an even up trade.

I sent Will a number of pictures and the link to this site. He said he would share the information with the rest of the family. He said that he believed that there are a couple of family pictures with the Avanti in the background. So maybe we will be able to have some new old pictures to post.

It is a small world. Will also said that he has a daughter who lives in Washington D.C., which is about 60 miles east of us. Hopefully, Will be able to come by the farm at some point and drive his Dad's Avanti. Now that would be a great picture.


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It is Thursday, April 8th. Did I say taxes? That is what I did all day, and only about 1/3 there. Oh well, I still have a few days left.

On a car note. I have a great interest in the 1920s automobiles, why I do not know, I certainly was not born then. But on Ebay a few days ago I bid and won a book titled "Everyman's Guide to Motor Efficiency" for $1.25 plus shipping. So for less than $5 I got a great book to read.

Well it came today, it was published in 1922 with the motto of "simplified short-cuts to maximum mileage at minimum cost" and a saying of "a minute of care is worth an hour of repair". Just too cool of a book; and it is in great shape.

I was looking at the back cover and saw the following handwritten notes from the original owner. Property of Frank Mastroni, Boston, Mass. USA, Sept 1924 E.B. Mass.

And on another page the following information:

Bought it March 7-25 (1925) Speedometer reading 7,500.

March 7, one used tire and tube, $4.50

March 28, 1 fan belt, $1.00

March 28, stop light, $.65 cents

March 30, battery discharged, $2.50

March 30, horn fixed, $.50 cents

April 6, Rim wrench and air gauge, $1.95

April 6, Polish, brass and body, $.60 cents

Amazing to find notes like these. There are no follow on notes that I can see, and the book is in great shape, not worn like my manuals. So it was not used much if at all. Frank must have had good intentions, but like many of us, decided that it was just too much trouble to continue to document his car repairs. But I am glad that he started, and that I now have his car manual.

No call back on the Avanti gas tank repair. I do hate waiting on other people. Oh well ........ there is always tomorrow.

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It is Friday, April 9th. Still plugging away on taxes, have not left the computer and paperwork all day. But the end is in sight, 3/4 the way done. Hope to be done tomorrow.

Still no call on the gas tank; but I did receive the sending unit, gaskets, and hose from Studebaker International. The sending unit is of a different design, so I hope that I will get an accurate reading from it. But then again, any reading would be more than helpful. When I fuel her up I will take notes on the readings for every five gallons. If it reads high that will be OK with me. Here are a couple of pics.



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It is Saturday, April 10th. Taxes are done! So was able to get outside and do some projects around the farm.

One project was to paint the bed of the 1968 Mercedes Benz Unimog that we use on the farm. The bed is pressure treated decking that I put on about three or four years ago. The wood is holding up well, but the old paint was starting to flake and ware off so it is about time for a paint job. Plus we do take the truck to a show or two during the summer so every couple of years it needs a rattle can paint job (it takes 8 cans). The rattle cans actually do a great job, and the truck still looks very military (which is what we want). After a air pressure wash and clean, Alice and I spent a couple of hours painting the bed and the insides of the bed sides. Looks great! Over the next few days we will paint the exterior, but need to do a bit of rust prevention first.

Still waiting for any word on the Avanti gas tank. Nothing today. Even the llamas are waiting.





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It is Monday, April 12th. No word on the Avanti gas tank. It has been a week now so tomorrow will call for status.

But, on the old car side, I took the opportunity to wake-up the 23 McLaughlin Buick and the 28 Buick. I had both on maintenance chargers and covered so they came through the winter fine. I checked all the fluids, disconnected the chargers, and filled up the radiators. Both started right up. I moved them both to the front yard so I could clean out the garage of duck poop. During the snow storms the ducks could not get out in the yard as the snow was three feet deep for weeks so I let them hang out in the garage under the cars. Here are a few pics of the cars. A little dusty, but presentable. I actually had to think about how to start them. Seems like it has been a long time since they left the garage.





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Here is an Avanti report from Greg. He is making good progress on the interior too.

"Something to report. On the fourth try, the rear window went in. I had even considered sending it to my local autobody paint and glass shop. When I approached them, they didn't hesitate to decline. They did give me some hints that might help. One was to, after applying the rubber and then the stainless, use wide tape to hold it to the glass; that two inch wide sticky packing tape. And wait for a warm day. Install the stuff well ahead of time. Use plenty of soapy water. All good information.

I also made a tool from aluminum sheet to hook under the rubber and pull it out and over the body edge. I'd put down a bead of gooey black sealant in anticipation that the glass might not come out .....and it didn't.

The windshield is on standby, rubber and all taped into position. Maybe tomorrow."



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It is Wednesday, April 14th. Not much going on, a bit of cleaning on the Avanti interior yesterday and more today. But, in actuality, just waiting for the gas tank to be done. I did call yesterday; and they said that they were working on it, and made a comment something like "it is really bad". They did not give me a price yet, but I am sure that "really bad" means big bad $$$$$$$$s. They said that the tank may be done by the end of the week. I hope so.

Greg also got word on his radiator re-core/rebuilding; and it should be done by the end of the week also. So hopefully I will be able to pick up both of them and avoid a couple of trips for each of us.

But Greg is making progress on his Avanti. Here is his report to me:

"Too chilly to work with windshield glass and rubber, so chose to work on the quarter vent window assemblies. Disassembled them by knocking out the hinge pins, stripped the old rubber gaskets out of the retainers, trimmed the new rubbers using the old ones for patterns, and wrestled the new ones in place in the retainers. Quite a struggle, a night's work. I'll next clean the glass and buff the stainless windows before reassembly. No hurry on this job. I've ordered replacement upholstery panels that must be in place before the windows go in.

I really don't recall having trouble doing these same jobs back in the seventies."

Here are pics of the vent windows.




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It is Wednesday PM, April 14th. A two fer!

Here is what Greg did today. "The windshield went in on the first try. I also have buffed and fastened the quarter vent windows to their frames."

And I worked about three hours cleaning, cleaning, and cleaning. I tried five different cleaning solutions before I found one that worked. I tried vinegar/water, vinyl boat cleaner, dish soap/water, Simple Green/water, and Fantastic. Actually, the only thing that worked well was Fantastic.

I got the passenger side of the interior done as well as half of the back seat area. The fawn vinyl really came out nice. I really had to take the time to scrub to get off all the grime, grease and dirt. The pictures do not do it justice. Beautiful!

And Alice has been pulling vines and such from all our grape vines. Looks like she got into poison ivy or sumak. She is in misery. Not much I can do. She has been putting on all kinds of stuff to reduce the iching/pain, etc. She usually gets a couple of small patches every year, but this is the worse I have ever seen. Here is a pic, but it not for the faint of heart.

Here are Greg's pics and my cleaned interior shots.







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added info on Alice (see edit history)
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I just love those Unimog 416 diesel trucks. I can only dream for now.

It is Thursday PM, April 15th. Greg has been busy. Here is his report and pics.

"It's all about getting it off the floor and on the car. Been putting it off , but tonight I buffed the windshield post stainless trim pieces. One had a dent in it, so I worked it out before I buffed . Loosely installed, they'll get caulked and secured later.

And the headlight buckets have been waiting. Took it upon myself to get them in tonight. Caulked and screwed in now, I need to buff the bulb clamping rings and get them in soon.

Got a few minutes on the outside door handle assemblies. All is not well. Need to do some parts scrounging and repair. Also need to begin the door vent window assembly death march."

I did finish cleaning the interior of the Avanti. She really looks good. I only have the glass to do and am finished. I also got a call from the radiator shop. They are about done with the fuel tank repair, and will seal tonight. They hope it will be ready tomorrow if the sealer dries overnight. They will give me a call in late morning if I can pick it up. I am ready to put it in.





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It is Friday early PM, April 16th "tanks a lot"

Got a call early this morning that the Avanti gas tank is all ready to go. Greg's rebuilt radiator is ready also. So headed out this morning and picked up both, and delivered the radiator to Greg. The tank and radiator were outside the shop waiting for me. All this running around plus a stop for lunch and more rubber gas line hose made this a four hour effort.

The tank looks great. Has six holes now where they had to get into it to clean all the rust. It was pretty bad. Here are some pics of the repaired tank. Going to do some prep work this PM and plan to put in the tank tomorrow. The price was right, $120. Best value on this car so far.

I think that I will do a quick spray of the tank, I have some rustoleum so that might offer some protection for the future. The big rust spot you see on the top of the tank was from the vent line leaking fuel at some point. It is just light surface rust.

Wiped down the tank really good with light solvent and let it dry, put on a coat of gray primer, and then two coats of gloss black. Done! No one will ever see it, but I know that it is protected. Maybe the next owner will thank me. Here is a pic. Will let it dry overnight.






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painted the tank (see edit history)
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Still Friday. Greg has been busy. He gets a lot done after hours, he works full time. Here is his report.

"Today's radiator and parts orders (SS brake lines and front/rear brake kits from SI) equalled the paycheck handed to me. We used to call Avantis "Plastic cars", but now it has new meaning.

I was also able to work in some progress this afternoon. Buffed and installed the headlight rings and bullbs. Today's big brown truck brought the ordered rubber grommets that fit the wiper motor mount, so got those in.

Not much Avanti time today. Friday is Tango lesson night, my weekly attempt to be social."

Here are pics of his work.




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It is Saturday, April 17th. Tank is in.

Spent the morning and most of the afternoon installing the gas tank. Everything went back easily with minor fitment issues. Made sure that everything was secure and tight so I would not have any fuel leaks. I do not want to pull this puppy back out. Here are a couple of pics.

Put in 10 gallons of gas and started her up. Ran great. The hesitation that I was feeling is gone. The car really pulls well. Much different than before. I must have been starving the engine with the cruddy gas tank. And as a big plus, the fuel gauge now works. Yippi!

Done for today. Tomorrow we will put in the back panel and re-install the seats. Then we should be good to go.

Just an additional note. You will see two wires dangling on the front of the tank. These are in the wiring harness and are for the optional rear radio speaker. The silver tape just in front of and about under the center of the fuel tank hides a big hole, I do not know what it is for so just taped it shut to keep out dust and road debris. Also there were two dime sized holes on either side of the tunnel on the floor. Taped these shut also. I thought they might be for seat belt anchors, but they are too far in and not reinforced. Have no ideas as to their purpose.

Opps, just remembered, the two holes hold the bolts/nuts that hold the back seat to the body of the car. How soon one forgets. It has been a couple of weeks.




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dangling wires and silver tape explanations, and Opps! (see edit history)
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Put in 10 gallons of gas and started her up. Ran great. The hesitation that I was feeling is gone. The car really pulls well. Much different than before. I must have been starving the engine with the cruddy gas tank. And as a big plus, the fuel gauge now works. Yippi!

Just a question, how big of tank is that? It looks like the gauge is reading just around 1/3 tank of gas and if it only represents 10 gallons that that would compute to a 30 gallon tank, no? Just asking...

BTW, as noted earlier the car is really starting to take shape, it's a lot of work without question but it is looking good. Scott

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Scott, I believe it to be 21 gallons. Yes, it does appear to read low based on the fact that it is physically almost half full with about 10 gallons of fuel. We will fill it up next week and will have a better idea on how the fuel gauge is reading. I would rather have it read a bit lower so we always know we have a few gallons of fuel still remaining in the tank when she hits E. I did notice that the arm of the sending unit was a bit higher than the old one. But then the old one was sagging down as the arm was half eaten away from rust. I am just happy that we have a fuel gauge that is working.

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The silver tape just in front of and about under the center of the fuel tank hides a big hole, I do not know what it is for so just taped it shut to keep out dust and road debris.

This hole may be there to avoid odors and vapors in the car. In this location, you will hardly have dirt entering.

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Roger, thanks. I will ask the Avanti guys to see if anyone knows. The tank itself is vented with a 1/4 line that goes from the top of the tank to the underside of the body.

Greg did some work on Saturday also, here is his report. He is catching me! Gotta keep moving.

"Didn't have a game plan for today. Decided to tackle something easy.

I'd been putting off the instrument panel and steering column. In need of cosmetics, I found myself removing the steering assembly (thought I was supposed to be putting this thing back together). With it out of the way, I could get up close to the instrument panel that was scratched up and the meters needed the rusting and tarnish removed. Cleaned, scrubbed, polished and masked off prior to respraying the panel with fresh paint. And the clock reinstalled.

I pulled the taillight assemblies out of the pile to clean. Retapped the threaded holes and loosely installed them . Waiting on fresh gaskets. Also noticed the parking light socket assemblies. Rusted, bulbs busted and stuck, they were finally bead blasted, sockets shot with rattle can galvanize before replaced loosely until the new gaskets come."

Here are Greg's pics. Note that the tach has a limit dial, my R2 does not. And his clock now works after a good cleaning. Of course, my does not, yet.






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It is Sunday, April 18th. No rest for the weary.

Today I thought I better put the back seat in. So spent the morning cleaning and scrubbing the seats, and then put in a couple of hours putting back in the panel over the gas tank. I also put in a note to the next person opening up the tank area. I just hope that it won't be me.

I do have some issues with the trunk release. It pulls out of the fitting and sometimes does not release the trunk. So I have a clamping issue with it at the fitting. Just another thing to look into or replace at some point. But I digress, back to the seats. Got them all cleaned up and the old musty smell is finally gone from the car. Seats are in and all fastened down. We are ready for a cruise (as soon as I get some more fuel).

Here are some pics of the interior. I took them from the good side. (if you look you will see no bolts holding in the back seat, they are in, just took the pic before I finished the work)

Remember, I have black electrical tape over the rips in the seams. I have called a couple of shops. It is not worth it to repair the seat as it would cost as much as the materials for both the front and rear seat. So tape it is for now until we decided when we want to do it. I have an estimate of $400 to put on the seat covers, so we are probably looking at a grand to do the front and rear with new covers.

OK, what is next on the list. Turn signal trouble shooting. The fronts do not work, there is no blinking on the rears, and if the horn is hooked up, it honks when you turn the stock to the left, and the lights still do not work. Have to get out the trusty meter and start checking what I have. Still have not been able to get off the cover in the steering wheel, but have a plan. We will see if I am successful; or not.







Edited by unimogjohn (see edit history)
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