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Hershey '09 Flea Market Space Renewals?


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Guest Siegfried

Well Steve, Good Luck.................. You DO KNOW someone in the Hershey Region who would have been able to help you out. I recall that I helped you out years ago on a car show entry.

Pre-Registration is mailed before Christmas every year and is due back by mid-February of the year of the meet. Been that way since I got my first Hershey space in 1985. FAR-OUT..............

Sorry if I sound mildy miffed...........BUT???????????????

Hershey Region WILL HAVE a summer flea market registration for 2009. How do I know???????? I'M STILL A MEMBER... I PAID my dues for 2009... And at last count there were lots of spaces that had renewed after last years (2008) sell out. I quess you might get lucky.

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Guest Siegfried

Previous response was meant for STOCK_STEVE and not our executive director. My mistake. YOH, Stock_Steve, my phone number and address are still the same as they were in 1986. Am still somewhere NW of Hershey. Happy hunting old buddy............. Let your VW lead the way.

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I'm not sure I know who you are, Semi, but not to worry. I received a helpful e-mail followup from the Fall Meet Chairman yesterday, and then he called me yesterday evening after having checked on my flea market space status. He gave me good advice on how to proceed--thanks again for everyone's help.

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Guest Siegfried

Of course you know me. But I'm not gonna tell you.... Someday the light will come on. Long live Volkswagen. At least they never needed, or will need 'BAILOUT'. A lot to be said for tough guy German management.

See you at Hershey and I hope you get your original spaces back.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ex98thdrill</div><div class="ubbcode-body">We got our confirmation, and the cancelled check for the spots.

....yup, after all these years my dad and I got a spot (actually 5 of them) in the flea market. </div></div>

So where are your spots Pat?

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Guest Siegfried

FINALLY... How did it feel when the 'light came on?' Just kidding. I get a little bent sometimes over Hershey because I'm still in the region, for 2009 anyhow, next year is up for grabs. Why? well you know me, always looking for something new. Anyhow lately I'm feeling not so 'Timeless', but getting better as the days go by. Lots of pain from the spine surery in 2007, and I guess I could become a pain killer drup adict, but I was there once before, and the withdrawl was god-awful. So I'll just deal with it. I have found that pushing weights helps the pain, but who needs a 60ty year old body builder? Imagine that.

Look forward to seeing you at Hershey. Say HELLO to your family from us, and when I see you again I'll be a grandpa. Erica is planning on delivering a baby boy sometime this month.

By the way, I saw Wiggins got his senior at Hershey. His car was always good enough for the awards it received.

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Aha, thanks for the add'l followup, Semi. As for my being "slow on the uptake," I guess that's par for the course (for me anyway). *Hopefully* I've learned my lesson this time and will be paying closer attention to stuff in the future. I again need to thank everyone who's given me good advice and suggestions.

Glad to hear you're doing better--and doing your best to take care of yourself for the long term--going to have lots of fun stuff to do as a grandpa, I'm sure (congratulations!).

Speaking of Okrasa-powered VWs, we've been *driving* our '54 a pretty good amount lately. AND we have also added a '63 Ghia Cabrio to the fleet--a real "diamond in the rough," but lots of potential and very solid--will never be even close to an AACA contender--just a fun driver.

Anyway, thanks again for the followup, Semi, and all the best to you and your family.

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Good luck with this. Last year around this time my dad started to wonder about his spots (that he had for over 30 years in a prime Chocolate field location) because he couldn't remember getting the card or sending it in. When he called he was told he was out of luck (even though the confirmations had not been mailed yet. Instead of his table with Auburn/Cord/Duesenberg parts there was some guy from Penn selling toys in his old sport.

He was pretty upset but I told him not to worry about it. The time is coming when you won't be able to give those spots away. Sadly, the traditional flea market is dying.

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Guest Siegfried

You know, I really hate to agree that the traditional flea market is fading away. Sure will be tough to judge the seller on the eletronic flea market. No face-to-face talking and you can sure learn a lot from a persons mannerisms and eyes!

I really do not like e-bay, and thats why, to date, I have never sold a damn thing on e-bay. I purchased a few itmes, only got scruched once, and was generally happy, but did miss meeting the seller face-to-face.

I don't sell a lot at Hershey, maybe because I have Volkswagen stuff, maybe not, but my objective at Hershey is to simply enjoy the flea market, the days out, and always meeting folks I never would have met if it wasn't for Hershey. Stock_Steve, years ago, referred to Hershey 'As The High-Holy Days', and he was right on the money. Hershey is 'almost' a religious experience, at least for all us car folks... Stop by, if you get a chance. I'm on the GREEN right beside the car corral. Just look for a white, or green Volkswagen Jetta and a very thin 60ty year old without a beard, but definetly a hat to keep away the sunburn...

And Steve, I'm not sure yet about the grandpa title. I 'STILL' have a tough time with mister. Makes me fell older then dirt.

Just kidding, I never though I'd see the day when I'd be a grandpa. Guess someone is looking out for me besides Pat, and I've finally figured out why that someone let me slide by for all these years. Awareness does arrive at some point in life.

Just pleased that I finally recognized the it.

Take ca re, and who knows, but I may visit 'left-nutmag' someday, or possibly Litchfield.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: alsancle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Good luck with this. Last year around this time my dad started to wonder about his spots (that he had for over 30 years in a prime Chocolate field location) because he couldn't remember getting the card or sending it in. When he called he was told he was out of luck (even though the confirmations had not been mailed yet. Instead of his table with Auburn/Cord/Duesenberg parts there was some guy from Penn selling toys in his old sport.

He was pretty upset but I told him not to worry about it. The time is coming when you won't be able to give those spots away. Sadly, the traditional flea market is dying. </div></div>

I am cautiously optimistic, alsancle, based on the contact I've had with officials (Hershey Region and National) since I became aware of my situation, and started scrambling.

Even though the US Postal Service is nearly error-proof, I am guessing that there are still those rare occasions when stuff gets lost in the mail, and perhaps that's what happened to me this time.

There is also obviously responsibility on my part for staying aware of what stuff should "normally" be happening, and when, through the year, especially for something as important as Hershey flea market spaces.

Anyway, we believe we're on the road to recovery in this case, and will do our best to follow up with how it all turns out...

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Semi-Intelligent</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I don't sell a lot at Hershey, maybe because I have Volkswagen stuff, maybe not, but my objective at Hershey is to simply enjoy the flea market, the days out, and always meeting folks I never would have met if it wasn't for Hershey. Stock_Steve, years ago, referred to Hershey 'As The High-Holy Days', and he was right on the money. Hershey is 'almost' a religious experience, at least for all us car folks... Stop by, if you get a chance. I'm on the GREEN right beside the car corral. Just look for a white, or green Volkswagen Jetta and a very thin 60ty year old without a beard, but definetly a hat to keep away the sunburn...</div></div>

It still is the "High Holy Days of Hershey," Semi! I hope to continue to attend for many years to come, and always look forward to seeing many old friends each time--including my long-time old-VW buddy "NOG" ("New Old Gramps") , a.k.a. "Ziggy Ghia-Freak"!

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They're in the red field right next to the Hershey Region Tent. The spots were occupied by Captain Mopar (Leon Wherley) for many years. Leon told us last year that he was retiring, we bought a lot of stuff from him over the years, so we put in for his spots and got them.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Siegfried
Incoming e-mail dated August 24, 2009:

"Hello Steve,

I personly checked you have RNI-37. See you at Hershey in the fall.

Rich Amspacher

Fall Meet Chairman"


Thanks Rich, Hershey Region, and AACA (including Karen White from National)!

See y'all at Hershey!

Well, I be dog-goned again. Hershey Reg. came through for you. See you in October,. Look for the Uncivilized 1984 WHITE Rabbit in DPC. AKA: Gracie.

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