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Happy New Year


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Well, very soon 2008 will close it's calendar door forever. What a year this a been and I don't mean that in a good way. I think most of us will be happy to see the old year depart. I hope all of you, my Reatta friends, have a wonderful 2009. I would like to take this time to thank everyone who make this forum possible, in front and behind the scenes. It is by far best automotive forum in cyberland. To all the members who give freely of their advice, thank you. You guys saved me countless dollars during my near 10 year ownership of my 89 Reatta. Conversely, I hope I was able to help a few owners as well. Again, Happy New Year!!!!

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Howard...I told you about 5 years ago in a post that you were among the best....still stands Sir.

And in agreement about 2008, but 2009 WILL be better for us all.

Thanks for your great wishes Howard, and to everyone have a safe and fantastic time tomorrow night.... and Shucks...do the same the rest of 2009 smile.gif


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Guest CL_Reatta


I wish I could have a good new years eve... gotta go to work at 5 and will spend midnight with my co-workers that I dont enjoy instead of my family where I should be....

But happy new year to everyone on this fantastic forum and all of your loved ones!

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Howard, Padgett, Nic, C L, and all the others that may or may not sign in: Hope you all have a great 2009 and thanks so much for all the info on this forum.

C L, not to be condesending, but take it from one of the "Old F**ts". Having to work on N Y Eve is better than not working at all.

Howard, my '89 White/Burgandy is still available. (See Nic's post).

Looks like we have all had some setbacks this year, maybe it's time for the whole USA to use our forum as an example of how to work together.

Enough soapboxing, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!!!!..... Jim

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I am not home that much, but when I am, I truely enjoy reading everyone on here and all the help they all are so freely giving.

How great when everyone can work together....

Happy New Year, yaaaall.

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Happy New Year to everyone on the forum as well. I started the year with 7 Reattae, now down to just one. Looking back, I did a heck of a lot better investing in the cars than in the stock market.

Hope everyone has a great 2009, headlights keep popping up, convertible visor clips don't break, a/c still blows cold and someone finds a stash of pens, tire gauges and flashlights for the zippered binders! smile.gif

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Guest Brolliar

I also want to wish all a Happy New Year. This is an amazingly knowledgeable group of car people and I am very thankful for the group and their help. If everyone worldwide was as helpful to others our world would be a better place.

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As a kid, some of the new year's eve traditions were to eat pickeled herring for good luck , and to bang on pots and pans outside at midnight to make some noise and to supposidly drive the bad sprits away.

This year I think I'll hit the Reatta's horn a few times at midnight to celebrate the new year with it's opportunities, you folks, and to maybe to also drive some of those bad spirits away.

Happy New year to All

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Guest Reatta1

I'll chime in here with my best wishes to all for a great 2009. May your Reatta's give you much pleasure and trouble free miles per smile.

And hope to see many of them in Colorado Springs.

Jim grin.gif

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