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Don't you love vandals?

Guest alex_houston

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Aw hell.

This kind of thing makes me so mad I can't stand it. It is also one of my worst fears (as far as my cars go). Is it just the glass that was broken? In the pic, I don't see any body damage, and what little is visible of the interior doesn't look bad.

If there is any good news, the side and vent glass isn't that difficult or expensive to find.

The front and back, not so much. There is a white 90 being parted posted to the forum now, maybe you could get that back glass.

Or, with all your other Reattas, maybe it would make a good parts car.

You do have my sympathy for the stupid damage to this car.

I hope you reported it to the police, and they catch the morons who did it. Probably kids mad about going back to school, getting in one last summer night of idiocy.


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Guest alex_houston

I have all the replacement glass except windsheild. That is the killer!

I have decided to just let the kid use the '89 blue now. Much, much nicer car, just a few things to fix and he will be driving again. I just wasn't ready for fast emergency mechanicing as fast as I can. I like doing it at my leasure when I feel like it. This time there will be complete insurance coverage!

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Guest simplyconnected

That's the reason I don't lock my cars, especially my convertable. If you want to go in my car, go right ahead... there's nothing in there, anyway.

I did have an incident where someone went in my car, opened the glove box, and rifled through it. I don't even mind that, but he left it open and drained my battery. (Sometimes I don't drive my car for a week.)

Vandalism of every kind is senseless and real cowardly. I am sorry it happened to you, and I hope they get whoever did it. These vandals should be made to pay DOUBLE for your loss.

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I understand what you are saying but in this case since all the glass was broken I doubt it was just a thief who did it. It appears to be damaged by some cowardly person seeking revenge or just pure old vandalism that was done because some stupid S.O.B. gets a kick out of doing it. There really is not much way to prevent that type of senseless act. Watching where you park and keeping the car inside helps but it still can happen.

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Guest Kitskaboodle

I would be pretty upset myself and be wishing all kinds of bad things for the purpetrator. (or however you spell it) frown.gif

Any chance your insurance carrier is gonna fix it?

I've had problems too but with my daily driver Toyota truck.

They stole my antenna and stole my tags on my license plate.

Hope they get pulled over and have to explain to the officer why they have 2008 tags on an unregistered vehicle!

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits.....


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Guest MauiWowee

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: steakneggs</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What's a Riviatta? Steak </div></div>

A Riviera front clip cleverly grafted onto a Reatta. cool.gif

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Alex, sorry about your car. Seems like a lot of that type thing on the news lately…

Kevin this is a picture someone posted some time ago. Looks very nice. I do not remember who did the work they may see this and post more pictures and retell the story or why and how this was done, KennyV.


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That is one well done conversion. My only complaint is the front bumper rub strip would look better in black, not grey, to match the rest of the belt molding. Or maybe better still, do it all in red.

Of course, just my opinion. Thanks for the pic.


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Guest alex_houston

The Riveata was created from lack of finding a Reatta front clip I could afford at the time. I kind of like it and it sure has gotten me a lot of attention. Too bad I quit driving it in preference of my '90 drop top. Some day I will either sell it or go back to it. An almost perfect '88 with just over 100k.

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Guest Mike_s

The Riveata is pretty spiffy looking, nice job.

Sorry to hear about the damage, there's too many other real problems to deal with than this stuff, what a waste.

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