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Long-term storage

Steve Braverman

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This may be a little out of scope for an AACA forum, but I'll ask anyway. I want to lay up a motorcycle for long-term storage and I'm not sure how to take care of the fuel system. The bike is a 1994 BMW, and it's fuel injected, so draining it dry is not an option. It may be sitting for a few years. Should I put in some fuel stabilizer and hope for the best?

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Judging by your location, this may be a little difficult now, but I would take the bike on a ride long enough to get run the tank almost empty. Then fill the tank with fresh gas and add a stabilizer for the ride home. Make sure that the ride home is long enough to get the stabilized gas into the fuel injection system.

Once you get the bike home and it cools, you should change the oil and the filter. This will make sure that any condensation that may accumulate due to the oil cooling down in a confined space.

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Bill Hirsch makes an excellent gas stabilizer that last for 3 plus years. I have been using it for 10 years with excellent results. Also provides carburetor, fuel injector, etc protection. I have even went 5 years with this product and no problems unlike stabil which is only good for 1 year maximum.


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Guest windjamer

Steve, B.G.Products has a product called supercharge 2. It is also best stabil on the market. PN.202. Dump a bottle in the tank take a short drive and store the bike. No worry.

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