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D Yaros

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Posts posted by D Yaros

  1. The quoted article was from the Hemmings Daily report. I read it and was left with the conclusion it is long on ideas and short on a viable plan. They want to make a green economical car, but their 1st endeavor will be something with a Studebaker name on it that will retail for $120K!! Nor was I impressed with the parts to be made in China bit.

  2. I know that 12,212 Dynamic 88 convertible cars were built in 19 and 62. I am fortunate enough to own one of them!

    What I am trying to get a handle on is how many of the original 12,212 are still around today?

    If you have one, do stand up and be counted. The following info will be of help and interest (info on mine is given) -

    Plant Manufactured: Lansing

    Selling Dealer State: Illinois

    Original Purchaser State: Indiana

    Current Location: Wisconsin

    Carb: 2 bbl

    Color: Ebony (Black)

    Interior: Gray & White

    Odometer Current: 35,584 (Actual)

  3. You say the "items are mainly gauge lables." Would these be small, light in weight, paper/plastic items? What other items might there be?

    I am in WI, and if Floyd is willing to send me the items in the mail, I could acquire them and then send them on to you in Australia.

  4. So I now have a couple of good pairs of shoes, made in USA, that can be re-soled by a local shoe repair or sent back to the factory to be "remanufactured". Seems like it is actually cheaper in the long run than buying throw away shoes.
    Would they be Allen Edmonds?
  5. We suggest whenever installing a carburetor to fill the carburetor through the bowl vent to minimize issues such as the sticking needle.


    Where is, how does one find the bowl vent on a Rochester carb. Aybody have a pic? How does one fill the float bowl this way?
  6. Hard to read but looks like its marked 'August 1954' and a part number might be 1582555.

    I would never challenge anyone on what they say, question maybe, but challenge no.

    In this instance I indeed do have a question. Where does one see/find 'August 1954' or Part No. '1582555' in the pic attached to the post? I sure do not see it, but I am an ol' codger!

  7. Jim,

    Your comments make a lot of sense. Plus, B-O-P has been affiliated in a lot of aspects over the years. Seems like a natural fit. I certainly would not be offended by having a Buick or Pontiac parked next to my Olds.

  8. On a related topic, I am having trouble wrapping my head around the logistics for the 2012 OCA Nat in Des Moines, IA. No host hotel (3 separate places of lodging) and not being able to drive my car in the evenings.

    How are folks supposed to be able to get together when scattered hither & yon without any means of transportation, I wonder?

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