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Everything posted by 60FlatTop

  1. John, For most that would be a five hour drive from Brockport. I am pretty sure I can do it in seven, maybe a little more. WE will take the NYS Thruway to Little Falls. Then we will ride Rt 5 on the north bank of the Mohawk to Scotia where we will have lunch at the Scotia Diner. I hope we can sit in the booth next to the bullet hole in the window. Over the mud flats to downtown Schenectady. Proctor's Theater Marquee and the overhead railroad tracks; how can you miss that experience. and across Rt 7 to my favorite stopping place, Harmony Mills and Cohoes Falls. I never take the quick route. Bernie
  2. "A shop manual and fairly basic tools should allow you to assemble it." There is a good chance that using the shop manual will put you way ahead of the typical rebuilding shop. You or I would read each paragraph carefully and take great pains to follow instructions. It has been my experience that the more professional your service provider is, the less likely they will pay attention to detail. This includes engine rebuilders, doctors, lawyers, transmission rebuilders, engineers, exhaust pipe makers, and just about any service that may be important to a "common" person. I shudder every time I have to use a service. And they are all so ready "to make it right". There is nothing professional about an oil change and it is harder to get even that done correctly. Do it yourself or be ready for the endless string of excuses. Not bitter, just tired of the same song and dance. Stop by and listen to the crappy exhaust or the whining transmission that was rebuilt last fall. Bernie
  3. Thanks, John, I always enjoy getting your comment when I post stuff. I hope to see you at the Eastern Regional. Bernie
  4. So we get this nice, hot holiday weekend in western New York; sitting in the shade. Suddenly get the idea to drive up through town and get an iced coffee for my wife and an iced tea for me. Back in the shade again- We both wore hats.
  5. Have you really diagnosed the need for a rebuild? Buicks, especially Dynaflow ones live pretty easy lives. And I can't think of anyone I would trust with either of my engines. I can make a list of most of the excuses for not getting the job done right just sitting here. That $2500 bebuild budget will be a minimum. I would search high and low to find a good running used engine before I committed to a rebuild even if I had to buy a whole car. What symptoms does your engine show? I had a customer with a very nice Hudson Commodore straight 8 who had his mind set on rebuilding the engine. I told him it wasn't necessary. Finally he stopped and turned to me. He said "Look, I don't care what you say, I'm not going to let you talk any sense into me!" Bernie
  6. Thanks for the pictures. I can't get enough Model 90's. Maybe I will put one one on mt Christmas list. Bernie
  7. Booster Dewey rebuilt and correctly replated my 1960 Electra booster about 2 years ago. He did a real nice job. It worked and has continued to work. The turn around time was good. John and Pete replied the same as I was thinking. If a repairman can't find the part in question on your car head for home FAST. Bernie
  8. Since my purchase of an exhaust system for my '60 Electra I have been watching Ebay and Craigslist, as well as Jolly John to find NOS or NORS pipes for my cars. I found perfect exhaust pipes for my '60 on Craigslist. They are manufactured replacement pipes. I just refuse to buy a so called "card bent" pipe. All the pipe you see in this picture is in my nephew's tin pile. Bernie Here is the finished installation of the system from a famous bender.
  9. Let's hope the engine rebuilder and the engine installer are two different people. Bernie "I wasn't born cynical and opinionated; I was taught."
  10. My daughter lives near Boston and I missed a trip to see her and the Buick Nationals last year because of the rattling and banging around of a POC exhaust system. Pipes poorly bent and the muffler wasn't even quiet. $600 of "the experts" pipes are behind my nephew's garage in the tin pile. There was no way I could drive 6 hours and listen to it. Bernie
  11. As a 34 year owner of my '64 Riviera. we can take the old Packard ad to heart; "Ask the Man Who Owns One." Whats that Avanti, a 4.6 liter? And who needs a hog trough? Or an early Borg Warner transmission? Then there is that Ajax frame.... I'd really rather have a Buick. Bernie
  12. Thinking back to the mid-1990's, I am pretty sure Cars had those in stock. I know I put a new one in. Bernie
  13. "He told me that the engine had just been overhauled and tearing it down was the last thing he would do." A man with conviction! It reminds me of the time I asked my sister if the priest did her brake jobs. A friend of mine once quoted: "The level of perfection you can achieve is directly proportional to the number of times you are willing to do the job over again." Willing is the key word. Bernie
  14. About 12 years ago I put these pieces into a sandwich bag. I had been having a vibration and couldn't get the car tuned quite right. When the piston disintegrated the rod stayed in the bore and just tap danced up and down doing a great peining job to the walls. The new engine runs good. Bernie
  15. Ed, I hate to write this. The car could have a cracked piston. I know of a couple, mine and a friends. Things weren't quite right but they had to break to finally show up. Lots of stuff can be overlooked even during a rebuild. I will see if I can get a picture of mine today. Bernie
  16. Gary, Here is one I have been very happy with. Tell him the non-running Buick convert to western New York sent you. Get It Done Transportation I Auto Transport, Car Carrier, Car Transport, Auto Movers, Car Movers Bernie
  17. Make sure the transmission fluid is not overheating and causing this problem, I thinking Dynaflow. A few years ago a friend asked me what would cause transmission fluid to blow out the fill pipe and cover his engine. Prior to that they had addressed a cooling problem with a re-cored radiator, new water pump, belts, and hoses. In the end his problem all along was dragging brakes. Bernie
  18. Marty, I had a similar decision to make last year. I looked at late model Jaguars, Lincoln Town Cars, Rolls-Royce Silver Spurs, and other semi-exotic stuff. I needed to reliably drive across New York State and back on a moments notice. This was the most durable choice for me and being 17 years old it gets a bit of attention. Bernie
  19. Summer is here. Don't sell the VW and switch the insurance so you can start driving the Buick. See how you like it. You are the only one who can tell. The one thing I have learned after only 50 years in the hobby, the path to disappointment is littered with logical ideas. Impulse, extravagance, illogical actions have always made my hobby experiences best. Jump in that car and drive it. You'll either like it or you won't. Bernie
  20. Keep an eye on the fluid level so you don't run low and drive the car around some. Nothing makes the rubber seals in a Dynaflow happier than hot fluid. They will swell up and work well with use. I had a Dynaflow that would run drip free as long as you drove it every day. If it sat for a week you had to add a quart. Bernie
  21. Rich, If the car has the tow package it will have a mechanical fan and shroud between the radiator and engine. Bernie
  22. My intent is to go to a Buick Club meet and enjoy the day with owners of similar cars where there is some continuity among the owners parked near me and what the spectators are viewing. Bernie
  23. I am still looking for one of these wheels. Bernie
  24. It is not hard to compress the front springs. We did it by hand, connecting the upper ball joint last. You just have to keep yelling "Push!, Push!, Push!" to your helper. Bernie
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