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Hemi Dude

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About Hemi Dude

  • Birthday 10/17/1939

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    Arizona, Other Clubs: TCA Owners Club #1545

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  1. No need for me to repeat it for the 3rd time.
  2. TomServo quote, "Idle Air Control valve should be very near throttle body." Tom, it is an intrinsic part of the throttle body, at least the HOLE is, it is a separate part as we all know but in MOPAR land and their shop manuals, it is called the AIS Motor or sometimes 'stepper motor'. It may sound dumb, but some people are confused by modern nomenclature. I get it, but still call it by its original name so us old MOPAR people will understand without having to try to translate it in their mind. 🥴 I'm glad we can agree on the term Throttle Position Sensor. 😜
  3. Well, if it operates normally now, leave it alone. If it acts up again, just for your comfort until you find a remedy, pull the connector to the EGR valve off and somehow cap the open ports. As for the Turkey in wet weather, sounds like a belt slipping, verify the quality of your drive belts and the tension on them. Adjust as needed. Notice I did not say 'TIGHTEN' No SBEC for that 3.0L engine would make an iota of difference in performance.
  4. So TomServo, your last words to us a week ago were, "Car runs and drives so I'm still a happy boy with his toy, but it'd be stellar to get this buttoned up because I feel like it would be 100% (for at least a bit) if I did manage to find and fix the problem." It would be nice to know if there are any new developments. Have you followed any of the suggestions to see if you can at least pin-point the problem you have been describing? Some of us here are either trying to get help or attempting to give assistance to those who ask, not really interested in how much a TC is worth at auction or how terrible it is that it has lost value over the years rather than gained. From DAY ONE the biased Press has spent most of their time putting the car down, initially because it did not appear on our shores on the date Lee Iacocca had promised. Then when it did, it was immediately identified as a 'jazzed up' LeBaron. Why? Because it was supposed to still look like a Chrysler. What are those highly valued Dodge Chargers or Plymouth Roadrunners underneath their hot looking bodies? Just a 2 door version of the cheapest 'B' body all 'jazzed up'! So some of you are crying, "Why aren't our TCs worth a hundred thousand dollars, or more, like them? Remember the Mustang? That's back in 1964. All it was, a Ford Falcon with different sheet metal to begin with. Same engine, though there was the HP 289, same front and rear suspension, no room to sit comfortably in the back seat, it just looked "COOL". But the press loved it and it made history! So, give it up with showing all this negative stuff about our cars and stick with the helping, the assistance of fellow owners of the car.
  5. "THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ALL YOUR TOYS AND STUFF WHEN YOU DIE IF YOU DON'T USE IT ALL UP BEFORE THEN!!! " When you die, you don't need these toys, you have a better place to go, if you KNOW the Lord. But this is a good reminder not to have a 'Garage Queen' sitting there and bragging about the low number of miles on that "useless' car. So use your TC, drive it a lot, come to the Chesterfield Meet if you are a TC Owners Club Member, and if you are not, maybe you should consider joining the group. Hemi... 304,250 miles on my TC
  6. You have done a good job at investigating this condition. From what you wrote, "If the EGR hose is capped, it idles great." This tell me that your drivability problem is likely a defective Backpressure Transducer. It is allowing vacuum to the EGR valve even at idle. Temporarily disconnect the vacuum to the EGR valve altogether, remembering also to cap the vacuum connection. Drive the car like this for a time and let us know the outcome. It should run smoother and more responsively now.
  7. I'll handle it in a short note here, individual parts for the ABS system are not readily available and Joe-Blow wold not be my pick as my mechanic, I'll send you a longer email.
  8. OK thanks we got that now. Have you checked the transmission fluid level when the system is up to operating temperature?
  9. Don’t ask. Just looking for someway that may need help.
  10. Tom, "you gotta tell us what you got" A 4 banger with a 413 or a 6 with an A604 transaxle. When you do, a better answer might be forthcoming.
  11. Well Ronnie, you have already given an answer I would likely have given as well, now I'm going to read the symptoms and see if we are both right. Missed you guys earlier. It's Sunday and I was in church.
  12. You know what is "NOT A PRETTY SIGHT"? Seeing NOTHING NEW FOR nearly a week! It gets pretty boring coming to this page and seeing NOTHING.
  13. Looking closer on a larger monitor, you are right, 'woodgrain plastic'. And 3584 is definitely newer, also July 89 build date is more than a year into production. Well, we all know better than to flip our TCs after those pictures. Looks like it 'hooked' right front wheel and flipped.
  14. And I'm sure the driver reset the trip odometer to '000' mid-flight too. It would be more logical to realize the odometer gears broke long ago. It appears to not be a really early built TC from the location of the hood strut mounting points, similar to the 90-91 cars but is early enough to have black instrument and switch bezels similar to my TC vin 0766.
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