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Everything posted by HarryJ

  1. Some few years ago I aquired a carb rebuilding business. I tried to make it pay for itself; however, no go. So, I had to liquidate the business and try to sell the real estate. From the inventory of the shop I kept a few items, among the junk I kept were two NOS in the box "Time Wiper" units. These are after market devices to give your car variable speed windshield wipers. Does anyone out there have any knowledge on these devices?
  2. Keiser31,,,,,,,,,I have confidence in you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,You seem to be somewhat like me. I tore into my '28 Chrysler some 35 years ago, but, I have tried to remain loyal to my survior. (see the current restoration section). By the way, that looks like a very interesting car.
  3. Folks, what I hate worst is to see someone tear a car all to pieces "with the intent to restore" and then realize the job of restoring the car is a great time consuming task. The poor car then has the parts lost and may never see the road again.
  4. I have been considering fleeing the blizzards here in Atlanta and spending some time in a warm clime. A friend of mine suggested Australia for a destination. From what he said................Australia has a serious car collector/restorer contingent. The question is............if I go down there what should I look for/expect?
  5. I've asked this before.............What was the last year Cadillac had hand crank windows?
  6. Let me know when they are found.....................I want to participate in the hanging! I HATE thieves!
  7. Thanx.......................guys..............watched the Ema/Leno video......great! Is there a public record for the collector to reference? I think not. Mr. Ema (who i kiss the ground he walks upon) needs to do more videos plus publish his database. What he has in his head is very valuable. This needs to be preserved!
  8. Dusenberg has never been at the top of my list in cars to own; however, the history of the individual serial numbers is quite intriguing, considering how the cars have been mixed and matched since they were assembled! Has anyone ever composed a history of all of the remaining cars and parts?.....................Provenance A friend has a saying, I believe about Derham Touristers "this is one of the seven survivors of the two they built".
  9. Now I must admit; ya'll may have addressed a question that has puzzled me for a while. Turns out the parts car I have has some sort of caps on the top of the spark plugs. I looked at them closely and cleaned up a few of them when I put some oil in each of the parts car's cylinders as a matter of preventive maintainence/preservation about a year and a half ago. I haven't thought of them again till I saw this post. These shields are made of red bakelite. They won't keep the water out of the spark plug wells; but, keep it off the plugs. I have included some pics for your viewing.
  10. Good luck Errol...................So many cars have met this one's fate both great and small, where they were torn apart and never touched again. To this day cars are dismantled and never touched again. I took my Chrysler down some 35 years ago; however I have tried to remain loyal to it and do it justice.
  11. Someone ask me to post some pictures of the master cylinder on my series "72".
  12. Guys..........thanx for the responses..................Scotts_DG8, It is a great mag on early cars; yes, there quite a few articles on early Dodges.
  13. Some years ago a good friend gave me about 175 copies of "Cars & Parts" magazine. These copies range from 1969 to 1982 with most being in the 70's and 80's. I have studied all of them and read quite a few of the articles; however, now I need to clear the shelves. Are these worth anything and/or is there a want for them out there?
  14. Not necesarily truck ,this is car size.
  15. Folks, I navagated in a '32 PB Plymouth in 2001 (see article in"WPC News" Jan 2002). It was great!! This was and hopefully still is a thrill of a lifetime!
  16. jcweis1.......Even though you passed on this deal; note that working with reproducing wood may take time and practice; however, if you mess up you can get another piece of wood!
  17. Hear..........Hear...............Peter, I shed a tear!
  18. Don........Thanx again!, I may need some more shots in the future.
  19. 1929model75...................try some chrome polish on your bright work with a nylon scrub pad.
  20. Keiser31,,,,,,,,,I may have spoken too soon,,,,,,,,,some of TexRiv's pics are missing; however this was noted in the past ( note post #66 & #116). TexRiv..............the answer to your question is, I don't know as the sending unit was part of the package. Please call John for a quote. It may have taken a long time for him to do the work for me; but, it looks EXCELLENT! They are very pleasant folks up there at his shop.
  21. Quite a few of the pictures that were posted by people participating on this post have disappeared! What happened? We need these back; or should I say, I need these back!!!!!!!
  22. Very,,,,,,,Very,,,,,,,Soon I will start work again on the Chrysler. First I need to acquire a sand blast booth; then, ascertain how to cast the potmetal (zinc) door and window handles. More anon.
  23. Just saw a Wheego today. They look sharp!
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