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Everything posted by hddennis

  1. Paul, sorry it took me so long to answer. Are you missing the accelerator parts or just want to know how they are assembled? I have the linkage that goes on the bellhousing but sold the accelerator pedal previously. Howard Dennis
  2. Thanks Sagefinds, that helps a lot. I can see the cowl is shaped differently from mine and to use your tank would take a lot of reshaping and bracket changing. That being said would you want to sell me the gas cap and the fuel shutoff? Still trying to find out what your other cowl is as I don't see any Maxwell's that match it, Howard Dennis
  3. Sagefinds, thanks for responding. It sounds like you have a 1918-19 Maxwell cowl. One quick way to tell is if you can see how the windshield was mounted. My car has two cast bases that are screwed to the cowl and are flat as is the windshield bottom which is held in place by posts that fit into holes on the end of each casting. 1918-19 cowls are completely smooth, arched and devoid of any castings. The curved to match the cowl windshield mounts on to posts that pierce the cowl and are fastened inside. The gas tank is similar but has different mounts. Hard to tell if it could be modified to fit or not. If it's not too much trouble post pictures. Howard Dennis
  4. Does anyone have or know where to get a 1916 or 1917 Maxwell Model 25 Gas Tank? If it helps I have a New Old Stock 1914 or 1915 Maxwell Model 25 Gas Tank to trade. Howard Dennis
  5. Anyone have or know where to get a 1916 or 1917 Maxwell Model 25 Gas Tank? If it helps I have a New Old Stock 1914 or 1915 Gas Tank to trade. Howard Dennis
  6. Ron, check this out on Google books. Might have some details from your trucks time in service. Howard Dennis https://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&q=Manual+of+the+Motor+Transport+Corps#spf=1588776169411
  7. While doing Maxwell research ran across this photo of Eddie Rickenbacker and a bear cub listed as Maxwell team mascot. I also have a picture from 1916 sales brochure with a bear. Does anyone have any other pictures or info on this bear/ Maxwell racing history? Howard Dennis
  8. To be truthful cleaning and re=bluing is ALL you can do with a used plug. Howard Dennis
  9. Just finished restoring 7 C4 Champion 2 piece plugs left over from my 1917 Maxwell restoration. Having trouble with my Maxwell's running I had removed the coil/ distributor unit and was bench testing it to find out why I couldn't maintain a reliable spark. Having a small continuity tester that beeps I for some unknown reason decided to make sure all my newly restored center electrodes were intact. Imagine my surprise when 5 of the 7 failed. Had I just restored 5 plugs for static display only? Again for some unknown reason I hooked all 7 plugs up to my bench testing ignition system and all 7 fire perfectly and now 4 pass the continuity test perfectly and 3 weakly. Any idea what is going on? Howard Dennis
  10. AHa, could you elaborate on the story of the Locomobile wreck and dock story? Never heard that before and I'm sure I'm not alone. Howard Dennis
  11. He would have been 24-25 years old and this picture supposedly shows him before he drove for Maxwell.
  12. Zepher, I'd like your opinion on this picture I bought off eBay years ago because it was Maxwell related. It shows drivers having what I assume was a post win toast. What is your opinion on the left hand driver being Eddie?
  13. Charlie, John Knox is my go to guy for leather belts : http://www.leatherdrivebelts.com/index.html Howard Dennis
  14. Thanks for the advice guys I'll pass it along. Old Buicks 2 I'll ask if he can send another picture as per your request. Howard Dennis
  15. Newly Acquired 1917 Maxwell 1Ton truck owner seeking help sent me this photo and I don't think the unit on the right side of his motor came from the Maxwell factory but was retrofitted by some mechanic later. Does anybody recognize what this came off and who made it? Thanks for looking, Howard Dennis
  16. Newly Acquired 1917 Maxwell 1Ton truck owner seeking help sent me this photo and I don't think the unit on the right side of his motor came from the Maxwell factory but was retrofitted by some mechanic later. Does anybody recognize what this came off and who made it? Thanks for looking, Howard Dennis
  17. Thought people would get a kick out of this picture found online but not identified as to what it shows. I believe it shows the engine components for the Maxwell 8 cylinder Vanderbilt cup race car. That is one LONG engine! Howard Dennis
  18. Wife and I can relate to this. Yesterday was my 6 week check up to see if last bladder cancer treatment was successful and we wouldn't have been out at all if not for this important test. Just 2 miles into trip at 10 AM we stopped at a traffic light and were rear ended by some "high" idiot who was taken away in cuffs for DUI all the while screaming obscenities at wife and I as well as the police officers! Very proud of how well our 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV endured the full speed crash as witness's claimed he never even touched the brakes. Rough start to our day but cancer free declaration later at Doctor's helped us endure it. Howard Dennis
  19. This picture fascinated me with all the writing and military symbols so I found out it is a 1910 Mitchell . Howard Dennis
  20. Thanks Terry, I didn't know how to respond as it's the very first time it's happened to me. Howard Dennis
  21. Yes, it is Terry but I'd like to find information in print as we have different opinions. I know of this award being given to private companies and you disagree and Francis wants to be paid money for his opinion and I've never paid for information in this hobby in the 64 years I've been involved with it. Howard Dennis
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