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Everything posted by mercer09

  1. In the rendering, the top is lowered . Looks sleeker...............
  2. By the way, I saw you had a '33 Plymouth I think. Did you used to live in Baltimore but moved to California? Not me Dyna............... and the other take on your beautiful car...........you want to cash out and invest the money. Maybe you should consider just letting your daughters deal with it. I know you dont want to do that, but it would be a gift and not something for you to worry about any longer. Easier to go into a home, if need be, wo a huge bank acct. It will all get eaten up anyway. You could then continue to enjoy the car for a good bit longer. Have a few properties and here in NJ prices are still depressed, unlike some other parts of the country. My take at this point is to just continue to rent them out and let my kids deal with it when Im gone. sometimes the change needs to occur in our attitudes and how we perceive life. Make lemonade from dem lemmons!
  3. so bottom line Dynaflash is, you really dont want to hear peoples advice. Your mind is made up. so you should keep on doing what you are doing.......... not trying to be rude here, just stating the truth. you asked and the "people" have spoken.
  4. Facebook Marketplace is the next free marketplace, I think it's traffic will not reach CL traffic. It is whooping CL's A.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the younger people prefer it. Harold- list your car for free on CL- just put it in the auto parts section............ I do it all of the time.
  5. Well your car is fantastic. I love 39s and yours is as rare as you say. I have seen it listed on ebay with an opening bid of 30k, but not meeting reserve. Not how I list cars.............. makes it very hard for a person to make a bid. I understand you dont want to go through all of the small things Matt mentioned, but I have to totally agree with him. Matt is a good bit younger and has a feel for the mkt. While I think the skirts are interesting, I agree they are a turnoff. I also agree with his statement to remove the fog lights. Some small things need to be done and then relisted. Perhaps list it on ebay for 1.00. yes have a reserve, but then you can see what the mkt is really trying to tell you. Auctions dont work well when they are started with too high of a ceiling price. Regarding millennial, they are not your target market. They are interested in far newer cars and very few have strong disposable income. Your mkt should be a guy between 40-60 yrs of age. I know this is MY opinion. FYI I am 59 years old and the exception- I love brass cars!!!!!!!
  6. IF IT HASNT SOLD- ALL ABOUT THE PRICE............................................!
  7. I believe Auburn is on the money. I would have guessed at 35k-though I have no idea if it would bring that. Im sure we all understand that it would be easy to have 100k into a car like yours, but as Auburn says, the mkt is a bit soft and one has only to watch the 32 Fords dropping in price to understand. good luck!
  8. that is the last year I saw also...........
  9. very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. roadster now on ebay for a firm 16500. A 400 convertible on ebay for 26500. might as well buy a restored car.............
  12. might also consider listing on Prewar.com many foreign countries listed
  13. Thanks =Randy. I am thinking the last car you mentioned might very well be this car. There is an astute model A guy in NH who sells all of the time. I wrote about the 13500. car and never recd an answer. and then a few days later, this one pops up for an added 5k. makes sense.
  14. no tax bringing them in if they are at least 25 yrs old. yes I agree that most Americans are skeptical buying from UK. so many scammers here today from other parts of the world. on the obverse, I just sold a 29 Dodge to UK about 3 months ago. I think you will get more for your cars keeping them in Europe. Norway and Sweden are always good places to sell. Germany has been nothing but a headache for me. so I wont sell there any longer. ebay is where I list, btw.
  15. all depends on your budget and what you like. nobody can answer that for you.
  16. thanks Trim- yes we discussed the waterpump in a previous post. gould will actually do a total rebuild on the pump and make the shafts for around 600. at 11k, guess it isnt worth it to me.
  17. my steering box is shot- who rebuilds these? if not going for anything but a driver, is there a substitute? my car runs, but needs everything- so I am trying to decide if I should keep it or sell it and call it a day. rdz69@aol.com also will need the water pump rebuilt and have that taken care of front axles and hubs are shot- better off replacing with tornado or? thank you.
  18. sounds like it should be sold right where it is and mostly likely to a hot rod guy. good luck!
  19. as Rusty said. Because you are talking budget and sharing expenses, you would be most likely best off by doing the minimum and selling the car. sounds to me like that is what your plans are anyway and if you have a very small budget, not worth going too far with this. if on the other hand, you plan to keep the car, that's another story.
  20. for anyone truly interested in this topic- you might want to buy a copy of The Quest-by Yergin it is 800 pgs long and not for the faint of heart. ironically, the end result of this total discussion will come down to politics- which we are not allowed to discuss on this thread and agreeably so.............
  21. My sons ex drives a used Prius. Batteries needed to be replaced-3000. plus His buddy went out and bought a used Prius-he was able to "regenerate" his old batteries-cost for upgrades about 2500. both cars cost over 35k new My son was gifted a 13000. versa for graduating college.(brand new car) He got a little over 30 mpg ran the car to 200k miles and was still going strong when he sold it. very very little maintenance. all three of them are early 30s. very easy to do the math..................
  22. That still added up to a 50,000 litre load of fuel , 5 nights a week. That's a lot of emissions however you slice it. Scrubbers are still a long way off as a retrofit on most existing vessels. And the existing world wide fleet of heavy fuel ships puts a tremendous quantity of exhaust emissions up the stack. ships pollution is far worse then the automobile, but some on here think they will save the world with an electric car or two.............. so be it. everybodys mind is on what they want to think. Its a "feel good" situation. My son sails as a 2nd engineer, he laughs when we have these discussions. He says, you should see the "shiat" we burn once we get out to sea. alls fair game in love and war!
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