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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. Willis - I remember years ago with my 3L 91 Ranger with 5 speed, a cap, and over 500 pounds of humanity in the cab...center lane, on one side a 5.0L Mustang convertible and on the other a '70s 4 door...these guys were staging at the light. The light turned green and I beat both of them up to speed limit. I almost had to pull over we were laughing so hard. The driver needs to be taken into account sometimes. I recall mentioning that on a forum and someone then talking about how the Mustang convertible was the heaviest of the Mustangs and making other excuses. It still brings a grin to my face.
  2. I doubt that Ellie can make it...sigh. Maybe I should make sure Bryne knows about it...his red '66 is kind of neat as a mildly modified car...under the hood is all red and chrome.
  3. Daryl, I could use the top latches. I had to rob them from my '61 Invicta for the '62 Special as both were broken.
  4. Privacy laws and the like have made this much more difficult. I would simply try contacting the WV DMV with as good information as you have, and see what they have to say. Records potentially may have been destroyed, lost, or otherwise made inaccessible. Good luck.
  5. Not until I can get under the hood. Of course, that also assumes that what is on my car is correct....
  6. It's really neat to see the progress photos together over a short span of time. Thanks for posting and keep it up.
  7. Now that I look at this thread again (I see an edit in the post with photos, but don't recall the photos before), I'm betting that the paint code colour is N for the lower colour, called Cordovan. I would expect the top should be C for Arctic White (paint code on data plate on firewall NC). Cordovan is a deep, rich metallic brown that grows on you. My '61 Invicta convertible is the same colour with a tan top. If I could make it happen, this Skylark would be mine just for the ability to someday park the two Cordovan '61s side by side at a show and see how much interest is generated.
  8. Here we go...it is almost hard to believe I bought this car 7.5 years ago. The kids were in some of the photos and they really have grown (2, 4, 6 to 9, 11, and 13). It's a bit dirty, but hopefully this helps out. If you need something a bit higher resolution, it will have to wait until photos are taken with a newer digital camera. This was the first car I ever drove to a show...that was nice. Unfortunately, it has been in storage pretty much since then. At last attempt, it would crank fine, but not fire. That's not all that surprising, I guess.
  9. Erik, Sorry, I have been away from the site for a bit. I will be out where my '52 RM is tomorrow morning. The hood is covered and it may be a bit of grief to get at the hood latches, but I'll try to make time to uncover and get at it. For now though, I'll see if I have something. This is from my web page. All the photos of this car are on another computer.
  10. Congrats Jared. I, for one, am happy to hear about you keeping the car original. Good luck with Alice. At least one of the first things you'll see is her stripping :rolleyes:
  11. Wow. You are much more patient than I am to be able to pull that chain work off.
  12. Ultimately, any car in that condition is worth $500 no problem. The one decent shot with a hubcap center showed it to be in nice condition. There were a couple NOS centers available in Colorado that would have been $75 each. The parts on the car would easily be worth the current price. Granted, the engine will need work, but it will cost $3k to rebuild a running but tired or damaged engine too. That being said, in the right hands, this could be a nice car for not too much money. A #2 car would approach a $10k value according to OCPG, so this would be a good candidate for someone who doesn't need to spend a lot to get it home. I'd like it myself, but I already have a number of projects and not enough space, not to mention it's a long way off. It would be nice to see it going to a good home, but failing that, it would be nice to see it going some place like Wheatbelt or to someone who will make the good parts available to the Buick collector community.
  13. I swapped the '41 with the Wildcat yesterday. I had the camera with me, so I took a few shots. I think I have a new favourite photo...the '41 isn't clean or anything, but I just like the look of the shot.
  14. Welcome to the wonderful world of Buicks Mike. It's great that you are jumping in and sorting things out...I wish I could do that. We really enjoyed Colorado Springs this summer...a beautiful part of the world.
  15. Chuckle. I have a friend who used to teach up there, but that was probably 20 years ago. I have in-laws in Edmonton, so we get there and around St. Paul every couple of years. I can't help but think we have had this conversation before...guess it must be all those gray hairs sprouting on my head....
  16. I know some of the moderators don't like some of the off topic stuff, but I think something is wrong if this community of forum members can't take a moment to consider the sacrifices made by the armed forces of our nations. The last couple of days I've been thinking about how Buick changed, particularly for the second world war. We have seen a number of staff cars here. We also have the changes that occurred in the Buick factories, switching from automobile production to the Hellcat tank destroyers and Liberator bomber production. It seems to me I've seen something about it, but I should really try to find out how GM of Canada changed their production - I know they did, but I'm not sure what they manufactured. Since Buick was making trucks during part of the first world war, it makes me wonder how many made their way over to Europe for transport or ambulances, if any.
  17. If you search online for automotive price guides, sides like nadaguides.com can give you an idea of the value of the car. Pete is right about places to sell the car, as you are reaching an audience of Buick enthusiasts. That being said, there are sites like eBay and CraigList that offer you another venue. Something that may be less hassle for you would be to find someone in your part of the world who would perhaps sell it on a commission basis (dealer that does some specializing in old cars, for instance) - that depends on what is in your area. Good luck.
  18. Drool. Any chance of seeing it in Ames next year? Of course, that car looks like it would put my wagon to shame though....
  19. The Super (Model 56R) had an original shipping weight of 3775 lbs.
  20. Cool...that's quite the find. I suppose you are looking at taking a saw over there yourself to get it out. Congrats.
  21. I have the remains of a 26 Model 20. I intend to part it out, but wasn't planning on it until next year when I get it out of the trailer. I'm not absolutely certain the lenses are intact though.
  22. Canada's a big place...what part does this Electra convertible live? If it is nearby, or possibly where I travel, I'd love to see it.
  23. Charles, Do you have bigger images of those newspaper shots? If so, would you mind e-mailing them to me? I could show them off at the local car club meeting on Sunday. I suppose I could pay the money to the Free Press, but they're already working on giving me less for the money I pay, but that's another story.
  24. Leaves hanging down...only a couple inches over from the key hole though.
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