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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Gotta' give it to you, Bob...that's a darn good concept. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
  2. Tom and Pat... True. Photos can be taken as cars are entering or leaving. My concept was at "local" shows where the management could have a one hour photo op of closed cars. Not every spectator is waiting for cars to enter or leave. Most come and meander around during the show hours. Up to the owners who would take the time to close the car. In all cases, of which, prompted my thoughts were from many cases of people walking around. Personally, I am willing to bet I have closed up my car upwards of 20+ times from spectators who made a request. Just a suggestion based upon spectator generated requests that could add something to a show...do with it what you want. Regards, Peter.
  3. Ron and Steve... I suggested this in general for "any" car shows. I never mentioned a Photo Op at AACA Meets. I am fully aware a Photo Op Hour would be nice for spectators at the majority of car shows. AACA Meets are the exeption and are the minority considering all the Lion's Club, Fire Company, Car Club shows that go on all around the country to include AACA Region & Chapter local shows. There are only AACA National Judges at AACA Meets. Just a thought as I witnessed a desire by spectators many times and the young folks at the AACA Museum show reminded me of it. There were no National Judges at the Museum show so this could be tabled for the future if management so desires. Peter J.
  4. Yes I did, Pat...really great photos. Will be sending the CD to Wayne. Regards, Peter.
  5. Some years ago, I posted a suggestion for the benefit of all the folks strolling around car shows taking photos. My point was to have, for example, an "advertised" one hour photo-op session, say, from 9:00-10:00 a.m., with "all" vehicle hoods, trunks, and, doors closed. Today, at the AACA Museum Expo, an observation brought this to mind, again. There were about 7 "young folks" walking by who were there for photography. One older guy was directing the younger guys on how to take a good photo of autos. Heard him saying, "take it from an angle to capture the car's features, and, so on..." What caught my attention was this older youth saying "I wish the owner would close the hood and doors so we could really take a great photo." These young guys were absolutely excited about seeing so many fine vehicles, especially, the late '60's Camaros, an Olds 442, and, muscle cars in general. When I overheard them stating disappointment about not being able to take a "closed car" photo, it prompted me to bring this to light, again. To those within the management of a car show, consider a "photo op" period. There seems to be a customer base for this. It may draw better attendance if advertised in advance and create a "win-win situation" for all interested parties/audiences. Regards, Peter J.
  6. Had a great time! Weather was extremely comfortable, vehicles present were a very nice assortment, and, to hold it on the grounds of the AACA Museum made it a special event. Thanks to the volunteers that worked so hard to generate a much appreciated day for all present. (In jest to all who have asked if I drive my TR6...now I can officially say "you bet!". Logued a record breaking 121 miles today (71 of them at 70 m.p.h. average on the PA Turnpike going home.) The Ford Mustang display at the Museum is a must-see for those who have the opportunity. To enjoy a great car show and tour "our" Museum within 5 hours...not too shabby for one day. (Made an observation concerning "show car photography", of which, I brought up some years ago with little, if any, response. I will start a separate thread on this.) Regards and gratitude, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  7. Likewise, it was nice meeting you folks, Olds442. Though brief, nice to put a face to a keyboard. "Congratulations" on the 1st Junior. Takes a lot of work, but, pays off. As for Buffalo, we'll have to make time to chat. Always fun. Had a good trip back to Reading, PA. Saw a Swift Transportation driver near Marion, PA on a right on ramp. Turned on my CB to let him know I moved over. This was great. We started talking about the Hagerstown Meet, it gravitated to the Antietam Battlefield, and, we wound up talking Civil War History all the way up to Carlisle, PA. To boot, we passed quite a few show cars along the way, so, that was a nice experience for both of us. As for the Meet, the show was really great. I mentioned to the folks at the DF meeting how amazed I was to see so many in the Truck classes and very impressed with the amount & quality of cars in the DP Class. (Either for, or, against the DP class, my gratification was none of us would have ever had the opportunity to see such a wide variety of unusual and quality cars had the show been limited to vehicles in the "judging classes". Those DP cars simply would not have been there.) Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  8. Newbee...Welcome to the AACA Forum. As Bob noted, post a photo and it certainly would of help to describe your find with more detail than "an old car". You will not receive much, if any, response based upon such a general description. Folks on this forum will exert great effort and personal time to provide assistance, however, it is impossible without reciprocating on your part. Regards, Peter J.
  9. Ben...Welcome to the AACA Forum. By all means stay on-line. You are correct that there are some great folks here, not to mention, very knowledgeable in offering information on the "Preservation of Automobliles as they left the factory". The Forum's rules and the "Mission of this AACA member owned" website are published. Please read them and go from there. Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  10. Kansteach...Welcome to the AACA Forum. As Dave suggested, try to scan them for members to see. Just a suggestion...you could donate them in your name to the AACA Museum for future generations to see. Please contact me if you desire to go this route. Regards, Peter J.
  11. Howard... I had the pleasure of meeting up, again, with the said "cheap Dutchman" at the DF meeting at Hagerstown today. On the other hand, there wasn't anything nearby to buy, so, I cannot verify if his money is good, or, not. (Kidding aside, nice seeing you again Rick) At the DF Meeting we had KRK (Karl & Mary Krouch, Rick Hoover, Ron Green, (Novaman) Dave, Friartuck (Chris Wantuck). Everyone arrived at one time, so, I missed 2 guys, of which, Rick could add. ex98thdrill (Pat & his father, Nelson Thorpe) were here. As for the show, it was very nice weather, nice location at the AgCenter. I am certain others will start a thread on the show. I do not want to further detract from this thread's intent. Regards, Peter. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
  12. You are welcome... Becky, there are many knowledgeable contributors to this forum, so, please post any questions and we will try our best to assist. Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  13. Howdy, Wayne...sorry, too, you cannot make it, but, as I noted, there will be other meets. Albert...look forward to meeting you and Bill. I plan to arrive around 1:30. Hopefully, you guys can take a few minutes on Saturday for the DF meeting. Jim...nice to hear from you again, bud. As I mentioned to Wayne, we'll meet up somewhere. (I'm 56 years old and if I had a choice, I'd do exactly what you are doing!!) John and Cindy...GREAT!! Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  14. Albert, From experience, you should have no problems with parking in the morning or afternoon at the designated field next to the Show Field. Now, if you come at, say, 3:00 a.m., then you may have a problem.) As Steve mentioned, anyone who plans on parking at their hotel/motel had better check in advance...this leads to a gripe, of which, I always have observed. (Believe me, I am not the only one...) The host Region/Chapter of any National, or, AGNM, will state clearly in the meet brochure, "No Trailer Parking at XXX Hotel". Well, there are folks that ignore this completely, put orange cones, and/or, rope barriers behind the trailer's ramp door to be certain they have room to back the car off. Average: taking the tow vehicle (17'), trailer (24'), ramp door "down" (8'), and, another 20 feet to back the car off, (average of 69 feet parked counter to pavement parking lines) the question of where to park your "single car/truck" makes all parking at meet hotels a premium. I have witnessed anywhere from 12-30 that do this. These rude folks eliminate about 14 "single" vehicle parking slots "per rig" at every meet. This does not include hotel guests that have nothing to do with the AACA Meet. Simply staying there while on a trip. This post does not mean a hill of beans, as there will always be rude people out there. Bottom line, I would be more concerned about where to park your tow vehicle over the trailer. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> If any of the Moderators desires to blow my post away, do so by all means for detracting from the subject. I thought it a good time to let loose with a long standing gripe as I have played by the Meet rules, only, to come back from the trailer parking area to find I must struggle to find a parking slot...) Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
  15. Shall do, Wayne...I'll click away and get them to you.
  16. Hi, Stephen... This topic came up some years ago. All sorts of suggestions/comments were made with no really accurate way of determining the number. Some suggested the Motor Vehicle Department of one's state. Others suggested Club Registries. If I recall correctly, and, in general, the consensus was that a ballpark figure could be the only answer. Some people have various marques and do not belong to clubs. Some have them in museums and not registered with a license plate. Some have cars that are not registered. I believe many of us would find it interesting, however, how to go about it is a real challenge for an "accurate" answer. Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  17. Becky...Welcome to the AACA Forum. I am moving your thread to the AACA Buy/Sell area for exposure. You may also want to scroll down on the main page and you will see the Studebaker Club's area. Scroll down and you will see "Post-War (1948 and newer)". Post your query there, too. Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  18. Senior63...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Greg did a good job answering your question. If you have a chance at Hagerstown, we DF folks are planning to meet around 1:00 p.m. in Class 25-D at my red Triumph TR6. Lot of fun. Nice to meet people, of whom, we communicate with on the Forum. Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  19. Hi, Bill...hope all is well in the Lone Star. Thanks for posting this. Interesting to say the least. Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  20. Greg...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Your query comes up quite often and the script is almost identical each time. My recommendation is, click on "Antique Automobile Club of America" in the immediate left column, scroll down to "Regions/Chapters" on-line, then, go for the nearest to your location. If you scroll down a little further, you will see a map of the United States. Here, you can click on the state you want, and, you will see a listing of every Region/Chapter within our club. Regards, Peter J. P.S.--Your query has generated few, if any responses, in the past concerning the same subject. It tells me that the majority of AACA members will not "lease" their vehicles for weddings. After all, the AACA's purpose is the preservation of vehicles as they left the manufacturer. I am not saying some members would not make an offering, simply making the above statements based upon experience to save you trouble and time.
  21. franklinman... Please reference the info Dave mentioned. Look at the top of the page, fill in whatever blanks you can. Dave, thank you for giving him a direction for a better response from whomever. Regards, Peter J.
  22. mistermuscles... Please leave your post here and I suggest you look into: www.britishcarforum.com, and/or, www.vtr.org Regards, Peter J.
  23. Hi, Jan... Suspending it above water, in my opinion, would only distort it more, if not having any affect at all. Any moisture, or, humidity will penetrate the sub-surface and lift it without having any pressure on the total piece. As others mentioned above, pressure should be placed on both sides evenly. As Bob, I believe, mentioned, wet a piece of cardboard, let it dry, perform a simple test, which should not take to long, and, go from there. Unless time is of the essence, why risk ruining it further without a few tests. Cardboard should have the same results of any "sandwiched" composites within my thought pattern. Even flat configured grey iron castings warp, especially over 12" lengths. Regards, Peter J...
  24. Without doubt, Pat...I'll arrive around noon Friday, then, do some recon until I find you and Nelson. Regards, Peter J.
  25. You bet, Stephen... The TR-7, for all intents and purposes, was the demise of Triumph. They were in such a rush to comptete with the likes of the Datsun 240-Z, and, the wedge shaped, aerodynamic style, that, it caught the old guard without a clue. That is why I stated "phew!!..." Had my eye on the TR-6 in its first year, 1969, and swore I would get one after my discharge from the Army. Bought it, still have it... By the way, good thread you started. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
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