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Everything posted by 6219_Rules

  1. My brother is out there...not threatened yet in Topanga Canyon...and he is worried about it. I noticed a post on here that told of a gentleman who lost his home and his Model T. Now add to this the fact that most of these fires were started by arsonists and you have something to really worry about. Once again, people rise to the challenge and prove that they CAN be more vile and miserable than the last bunch. Lord, I am losing my faith in Man. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
  2. Now THAT is a beauty. I am glad you finally got it out of storage. What a gorgeous car. May I ask how much Coker charged for those whites? I have been debating on tires of the '47 Caddy (it currently has wide white wall bias ply). I can put on the proper size Goodyear Regatta IIs for $80/tire, black wall (the original look) but the whites are SO pretty.
  3. Obviously I have not thought this through enough. But the idea was there. I think, if the system is available, the best thing to do is buy the right system, size, etc., for the space and be done with it. If cost is a factor, and when is it not, then getting the information on the system will give you critical data for building your own. When we tried to back the '47 into my garage space, the exhaust permeated the house. It wasn't terrible but bad enough for me to drop the idea. Condo living seems to preclude a decent garage. so geht es zum leben. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
  4. Yes, thank you, Bob. I really need a set of manuals for my 1947. I have the two reprinted soft copies (the 42 and 46/47 addenda) but I would like the others. There ARE others, aren't there?? <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
  5. Hi Mick! I have several manuals so I should be able to look that up for you....check out the AACA General Forum for a post "dysfunctional Mechanics?", then you will understand why my son won't let me NEAR the spark plugs!!! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> How much should I pay for a compression tester? I think we tried to get one last year but the plug holes are much narrower in the old flat head, and there were no adapters available. Personally I think it is just a matter of seals but heck what do I know about engines!! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
  6. Dan said to set a tentative date and he would check to see if he is free. So how about Nov. 8th or 9th?
  7. Hey I have the perfect name for ALL Cadillacs!! The Cadillac Whatever. Let the customer fill in the blank <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Part of our difficulty, I assume from reading this thread and feeling it myself, is that we identify the marque with memories of home, quality and a life that is now sepia toned with time. Nostalgia. Memories, if good, become fixed and idyllic with time. My memories of Uncle Ayer's '50 Buick Roadmaster have that quality. My parents remember it less fondly as it was hot, heavy and a bear to drive. <shrug> And those 20 something buyers doubtless recall the cars of their childhood the same way. Can you IMAGINE feeling that way about a '77 Maverick?? But, heck, I feel that way about the '61 Plymouth Valient! Of course you all know this...it is just good to remember. And something else my son is learning in marketing and advertising. Most products like automobiles are not aimed at anyone over 40 because the future (as short sighted as it is in the industry's bottomline) is pointed squarely at the 20 year olds. I am out of that loop and have been for a long, long time. That is OK too. I like the new Caddys for the most part, and have always held a special place in my heart for Buick, although I have never owned one. I have owned Oldsmobile and loved them. I just realise that at 47 I am in the largest portion of the buying public that purchases on memory rather than innovation. That does not mean they don't pay attention to it, however what drives older people are their memories and experiences. So we will smart at the changes and grouse about the names because its new and unfamiliar. I will always prefer Roadmaster to LaCrosse or whatever it is. Its a perfectly normal human reaction.
  8. I was kind of afraid you would say that. My ex is building a garage on new property she has in Denver. I think the idea is so my son and I will have a place to work on the cars. I just thought the club might, like a local chapter but with all the legal and insurance crap you have to deal with, not to mention egos, it was a pipe dream to start. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
  9. Hmmm I think I can see that. What it really boils down is that groups within the hobby congregate loosely around what they consider to be important aspects of the hobby. For some it is the enjoyment of owning a Classic. For others showing a brilliantly restored car. And for others yet, having a car that is a classic and a survivor; I am sure there are more categories than that..I am just making suggestions. Well, at some point I want to have my car as original as possible, which is a change in direction from 3 years ago when I got the car. Then I just wanted an old car in good shape to drive.
  10. OK, I will send him a PM then let you and John know what we come up with in the next couple of weeks.
  11. OK, I have a question...do you think there is a way we can finance large jobs like engine rebuilds? The main problem is that anything over $1000 will cost a hefty interest fee. Being on a fixed income, I try to do work on my cars a piece at a time where $400 is the highest I can go at any one time. I am beginning to think we should all consider creating and funding a local garage with tools where we can meet and work on our cars. It would afford those of us who know very little about working on cars to learn, and those who do, a chance to advance the causes of the hobby. It does not have to be anything large, just a place we can go locally. I have been talking to my son about this. With the cost of mechanics it seeems if we worked together we could better afford this hobby, have more community involvement and make more friends! Impossible? Probably.
  12. Let me make the first suggestion....let us look at doing it on a Saturday or Sunday. Meeting place is Austins in Ft.Collins and make it for sometime around 1pm. How does that sound? I am looking forward to meeting Dan, and seeing Howard again! This time I PROMISE to bring my '47. At least John has seen it!! I am sure the Dutchman will be in tip top shape to make the trip!
  13. Hi MrEarl, Well I have been thinking about tis for some time, and even though my garage is small what I have come up with is fairly simple. It will require a dryer vent and flexible tubing. Install the vent in the garage wall, and be sure to seal it well, then install the heating tube. Then when you use it, insert the tube over the exhaust pipe, and seal it with duct tape. Of course you will need to be certain that the tube does not have holes etc. I am sure a flexible gas vent tube will be adequate. Another idea is to install an exhaust fan in the roof or wall just to be safe.
  14. Just an opinion, but I think flames are a bit much. It is a matter of taste though. I have seen paint jobs that are awesome. Very flashy and attention grabbing. It is more of a rodder thing than preservation but what the heck. You can always repaint it later. I just hope you are doing it yourself because the cost is prohibitive in my book! Just my .02. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
  15. Rainier is the name of a particular color of Blue Buick used in the 30s....I learned this on here by the way <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />. Rendezvous is a silly name. I like the idea of numbers....1947 88, 98 etc.. I do not find the current names bad or wrong, just uninteresting like their styles. When you say Invicta I think of the 1959 Invicta. Or Roadmaster...I think of the 1957 or 50 (because my Uncle had one). Roadmaster carries a lot of nostalgia for me, so I was very happy to see it back in 1996 and saddened when it vanished along with the large sedans. I apologise for my opinion to those who like them or see their value but I loathe the SUV craze. I see nothing appealing in a big boxy truck. I like pickups for their utility and have owned an SUV, a 1993 Pathfinder, but I prefer the automobile in coupe, sedan and convertible. That is my .02. Still the modern thrust is towards SUV utility and that is that. By the way...have you noticed the new Cadillac SUV is called the CTX (I think)..the Preformance Utilitity Vehicle...a PU if ever I saw one!!! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
  16. I am!! I am!!! It should be another 4 years though. Until then I plan on being at the next National in Colorado. It is time to start showing him. Thank you for the information, Glenn. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
  17. It would be...except for the fact that I have no garage to do it in and no TALENT either!!! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> No seriously, look for the post on Dysfunctional Mechanics on the AACA or CCCA. What I am hoping to do is sell my 1981 Chevy pickup and use the proceeds to have the engine rebuilt. That would be $3200. sigh.
  18. Oh I LOVE Miatas!! My ex had two, and my son had a beautiful 2001 Miata in dark green...what a marvelous car. Pat had one of the 1990, the second silver one in the US. It was totalled in 1996. In May her 2002 and Jonathan's 2001 burned in her garage that took out the house, 3 antiques and a 1960 Cadillac 6269. Both Pat and Jonathan are racers and are looking to buy another car for vintage racing. Thank you for your kind words. The '47 is very special to me. I would rather drive it than the '77 Eldorado that I have. I don't think it is on the Photo Post site yet. It is all original with 78000 miles on it. I am the third owner. I will post them today. I may have already done so...my memory is poor...so if I did it would be under 'Tiffany' (I named the car for Audrey Hepburn in 'Breakfast at Tiffanys").
  19. So correct me if I am wrong, but I am getting the distinct impression that going with the ground up, minute detailing as described, is a particular 'look' for the show circuit. Survivors are appreciated more because of their originality, though the sale/cost indicator is a poor one at best, because that is how they came off of the line. If I were to return my car to its original paint, original interior without embellishment, to the standard set in 1947 at Cadillac and as it landed at the dealership, that would make it more desirable than if I detailed it to a fair thee well. Interesting. This would mean not only getting the data right on how it looked but being able to duplicate the work quality at that time. I feel better about my car. Given the above, I can then assume that a less than stellar paint job would be good if the right color and paint mixture. It seems the difference between modelers that build a model to be the brightest example in contrast to those that prepare it to look like the real thing on the street, dust, dings and all. Am I on the right track here?
  20. Here in Longmont, my new home has a garage the size of a mouse house...only my Father's 2000 Beetle fits, and only just. So where to put the '47 Caddy or the Eldorado? I am looking at some expensive all weather car covers. You should be aware that I drive my cars year round weather permitting but I do miss having a large garage to house them. I am still considering a storage center or something, but on a fixed income that is not easy. $110 a month is what is quoted and that bites into my finances. I don't mind skimping on food, but I hate to take away from the car's. Do any of you have suggestions or experience with car covers in snow and ice? That would help my decision greatly. Thank you.
  21. OK now I am totally embarrassed. Having never been to a large show or seen winners of this kind, I guess I was out of my league. But hey, you never know...the Dutchman might win someday!!! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> So what do these plaques look like, and how large are they? Do they have to be permanently displayed? Even at the cost of drilling holes in the car?
  22. Nice car, Mick. Really nice! On the Photo Post, go to the search window on the lower right, select USERNAME and enter Randall A. McGrew. That will bring up my car photos.
  23. Hi Mick, Well let's see...the engine runs beautifully. The oil pressure stays right at 30 except when hot and then it drops to 15 on the street but not always. There is smoke but it appears whitish or slightly blue and only occasionally when I start it up or excellerate hard from a stop sign. You can smell it when it is just idling...but then that is probably due to the terrible exhaust system it has right now. The engine leaks when it is just sitting. It looks like the larger spot is up front, and one in the rear. I suspect rings and maybe valves but to be honest I really have no idea. Honestly the car runs wonderfully. If anything is to be done, it is to have the exhaust system replaced. The front and rear main seals do require the engine to be pulled unless you can weasel the rope seal into place as some have suggested. Unfortunately I am unable to do that due to my disability.
  24. Now THAT is what I call a Cadre of Caddys!! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Mine is not as polished but would look perfect with the others. I have been hearing how common the '47 6269 sedan is, and yet I cannot find them for sale on the internet, and we do look! They are not as desirable as a convertible 62 or the venerable 60 Special but I think the 6269 sedan is a marvelous car, roomy and comfortable. Is your '47 a Buick? (Just a guess but I would think so) and what kind is it? Any pictures?
  25. LOL no. My family is Scot/Irish...Protestant Irish...so I guess my mother thought it was funny or maybe she was serious. She doesn't recall now.
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