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Everything posted by 24T42

  1. Matt, I forgot to mention that your daughter Mayellen was in the Wheels spotlight. I am going to see if National will let me use the story and picture to post on the Junior AACA web site. I have tried many times in the past to get a Spotlight section going but to no avail. Maybe now is the time. If not, maybe you could send me a different photo of her to post. Hint, Hint!
  2. Ok - I finally uploaded the Beatles Drive My Car to the Junior AACA juke box. Still looking for more songs to add. Maybe soon. To access the Junior AACA juke box- 1. go to JUNIOR AACA web site 2. Look under SPECIAL FEATURES 3. Choose what decade you want. You can listen to songs individually or you can open the JUKEBOX which will load in the background. You can listen while you surf. It will load and play all the songs in the CAR TUNES section. They will play in order unless you hit the SHUFFLE button. Enjoy!
  3. Patt, Wheels is distributed by the US Mail system. I am not sure about an email copy for distribution to non-members. My guess that would be frowned upon because Wheels is the major benefit of Junior AACA membership. But perhaps someone with some authority from National will respond. At one time it was available on the Junior AACA web site but for reasons previously expressed it was pulled from the Internet.
  4. Wow! I just received the new Wheels (Junior AACA newsletter) today. Kim Miller, and everyone at National that helped, should be congratulated. It was a totally new magazine in layout and content. It was also printed in color. I enjoyed reading it very much. Thank you guys and gals. Job well done. Judy
  5. I am currently working on a new web site for the AACA - the 75th anniversary site. When finished, it will contain the complete history of the AACA including photos. If you like to see early photos of Hershey, 1. go to the AACA 75th Anniversary web site 2. Choose PHOTO ALBUMS from the menu 3. Choose 1950s 4. There are Hershey photos on 1954 - slides 47-50 1955 - slides 75-80 1956 - slides 9-13 1957 - slides 27-28 1958 - slide 2-3 5. Or if you prefer, you can go to TIMELINE Click on the decade of choice; then AACA; then the year you want. You will see a menu listed under the year at the top of the page. Choose CLUB ACTIVITIES and then FALL MEET. The page will shift to that section about Hershey. I am currently up to 1958. Please check back as more will be added. This in an on-going project.
  6. Steve, As always, thank you for your help and quick response. Judy
  7. I am looking for a picture of the new AACA Grand National Award. I thought Steve posted one but I can't seem to find it. Does anyone else remember seeing one? If so, did you happen to book mark it? Thanks in advance.
  8. Egao No Genki, You seem to have a passion for music about cars. Why don't you tell us something about yourself and about the car(s) you own, is applicable. Judy
  9. First off let me thank you for your generous offer. But as I have stated before, the only material that can go into the Juke box are MP3s. I am sorry but I can not use You Tube material. Second off, you have to be real sensitive to the copyright issue - at least here in the United States. So I try to own a copy of every song that is loaded into the jukebox. I am trying to find some more songs but they have to be in a certain format. I am glad you enjoy the jukebox feature of the Junior AACA web page. ENJOY! Judy Edwards Web Editor, Junior AACA web page
  10. Further down in his post, he added - <span style="font-weight: bold">Merit</span> - adequate. Meets the basic requirements. Clearly identifies the region/chapter and includes such important features as downloadable membershp application and contact information. Has good value to the region/chapter and supports the membership and recruitment objectives. Promotes events, provides sufficient info to facilitate participation. Is an interesting site that adequately describes the club, what they do, and how to participate. Supports National AACA. Is active and current. <span style="font-weight: bold">Distinction</span> - a very good to excellent site meeting all basic requirements detailed above. Has considerable value to the region/chapter and supports the membershp and recruitment objectives by actively encouraging participation. Reports on activities to encourage participation. Supports the hobby in a broader perspective and offers features and services beyond what is normally found in just a "bill-board" type of website. Is active and current. <span style="font-weight: bold">Excellence</span> - An outstandng site that is graphically appealing, navigatges extremely well, is active and does an outstanding job supporting the region/chapter and supports the membership and recruitment objectives. Offers outstanding reporting and promition of activities, encourages participation, offers features not normally found in "bill-board" style websites. Is always active and current and makes you want to visit again and again. Supportive of AACA's objectives and encourages participation on a broader scale. An exemplary site that you would refer others to as an example of "the best." I always evaluate a site as though I were new to the area and looking for a club to join. What would make me want to do that? Is the info there going to make it easy for me to participate in some activities? Is it easy to contact people? Do I feel welcome? Sites also need to clearly identify themselves with a region or chapter logo and the AACA logo. A link to National AACA is critical as is the ability to download a membership application and find out how to become a member. Nothing about the site should be outdated, insufficient, or difficult.
  11. Mark, Bruce is correct in that the web site awards mirror that of the newsletters awards. That is except there is no written official outline to follow like the Newsletter Achievement Awards Program (NAAP), which is for newsletters. However, Terry Bond, Vice President of the Internet Committee, posted the following guidelines in 2000. Every Vice President since then has followed them. Hope this helps. ****************************** "First, each site linked to the AACA National site is evaluated by the AACA Internet Committee. The review is a year-long process that includes many site visits by committee members to evaluate them. Here are some of the areas we consider to be important: - Functionality and ease of use - Originality and creativity - Presentation, graphics, design and appeal - Content including a calendar of events, promotion of activities, promotion of AACA, articles, activity reports, photos, club info, etc. - Timeliness of content and currency of info. - Interest to the membership and prospective members. - Value to the membership and prospective members. - Is the Webmaster clearly identified and able to be contacted? - Are the officers of the club identified and able to be contacted? In short, a good web site mirrors a good newsletter. It must be current, active, and of considerable value in serving the membership, encouraging participation and must also serve as a recruiting tool for prospective members. You don't need to register in advance to participate in the review process. Everyone receiving an award of Excellence, Distinction or Merit received a special logo that can be displayed on the web site. ..."
  12. PS - it is also said that we have very, very long memories.
  13. This weekend I think she is in Charlotte for the show.
  14. Thanks, Steve. I didn't think the program was discontinued. I just wanted to check before I published the renewal form. Thanks for the quick reply.
  15. Thanks, Steve. I didn't think the program was discontinued. I just wanted to check before I published the renewal form. Thanks for the quick reply.
  16. I was updating my AACA renewal membership application and went to the AACA web site to verify the fees. The only categories listed were Annual membership, life membership, and student membership. Are we no longer offering the Junior memberships? Thanks in advance.
  17. I was updating my AACA renewal membership application and went to the AACA web site to verify the fees. The only categories listed were Annual membership, life membership, and student membership. Are we no longer offering the Junior memberships? Thanks in advance.
  18. Just a reminder - the deadline for the NAAP is tomorrow April 1st. In order to be eligible, National must have your Region/Chapter's officer reporting form.
  19. Earl, That's the problem. There hasn't been any snow in Carolina this year. Judy
  20. Or - maybe a 'friend' would let you hitchhike for the day. Worse case scenario - I know all the places they are going. We could have our own tour of unfortunates who didn't get to register and just happen to be at the same stops they are going to. Always glad to help when I can.
  21. Wayne, You should be good to go as long as 100 people didn't get their packet there by 9:37 am. Judy
  22. Brian, Thanks for posting your feelings. I think we have all experienced the problem one time or another. I know I have. This year just seems to be little worse. And when I say that - I mean the number that have fallen from master's to distinction or merit. It is hard to believe that a web site would drop that far unless they just completely abandoned the project all together. Anyone else want to weigh in on the issue.
  23. There has been a lot of talk lately about the judging last year with the AACA web sites. There has been mention of establishing a program similar to the Newsletter Achievement Awards Program (NAAP) that was adopted last year for print publications for web sites. For right now I will call the new web program WAAP - Web Site Achievement Awards Program. Joe Gagliano, 2008 VP of Internet, has stated that he will "look into a point judging approach like the newsletter contest, NAAP, if it is concluded that is the best and fairest way to do it". These programs take a lot of time to develop and can not be accomplished right away. If the WAAP was created and approved by the Board the earliest it could be implemented is 2009. I am sure Joe will consider all sides and avenues of the issue. Let's do our part. If you are in favor of the establishment of this program, please say so. And, if you think it is a bad idea tell us that also. I am sure Joe would appreciate all creative and pertinent comments for and against. Just to be clear on one point - I was not asked to post this nor do I serve in any official capacity. I just thought it would be nice to give Joe some input from the web editor's viewpoint.
  24. On the Fall 07 Rummage Box thread, I promised Wayne I would write up something on the STYLES feature in Publisher, which allows you to apply a set of formatting options to an article with the click of one button. If you have any problems or it just doesn't make sense, please let me know and I will try again. For some reason even the simplest thing becomes complicated with you try to write a set of instructions. Using STYLES in Publisher
  25. Glad it worked for you! Let's see - a 15-minute savings X 12 newsletters/year equates to a savings of 3 hours per year. What are you going to do with the extra time? I have been using Publisher since version 1 - I guess that is about 10+ years. I use it for all of the Region's needs so I guess I have learned a few tricks along the way. Glad to share. I will see if I can't write something up on STYLES this weekend, which should save you even more time.
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