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  1. I have noticed most times the problem lies at the wire connection to the clamp. Corroded,, loose or both.
  2. The hand vacuum pump does not have a lock in system to maintain a steady vacuum. Use a long line and suck on it and lock the vacuum with the tip of your tongue.. ( The brake Booster in a car has a vacuum lock for the brakes. When you turn off the ignition , press a few times on the brake pedal to exhaust the booster)
  3. Frank, you forgot mention the fan belt must be removed.
  4. After sand blasting brush Vapo Rust and agitate, do not let it dry. Brush some more and let sit for about half and hour or so and then power wash. Blow dry. Before painting warm the surface with a propane torch and watch the residual moisture on the metal dries up. Then paint. Painting a warm metal ? It last longer
  5. In my days the company I Worked for used Gunk. Soak overnight and wash with warm water and blow dry. Next process, if you are trying a home cleaning, the ultrasonic tank helps. I am going into 89 years old. That is a loooong time ago compared to you spring chickens. Harry Thornhill, Canada
  6. Pfeil, thank you for the information. Harry.
  7. Pfeil, I trust your judgement. Thank you.
  8. Thanks guys, but i think it was a side valve 6. I stand corrected.
  9. After reading all the articles on this topic I could not help but notice the time and effort taken by all the dedicated people trying to preserve antiquities with love . My reason for getting involved in restoring an old car is different. I worked for a transport company as a mechanic. Some fellow workers stated " I cannot wait for the day to retire". After a few months of retirement they were back at the garage visiting. They were actually bored not having anything to do. I decided to keep myself busy after retirement by doing what I love to do so I bought a 1928 Dodge Senior by chance. I had no idea what the mechanics involved. Wooden spokes wheels has always fascinated me. As luck would have it I ended up with a car with hydraulic brakes and a rebuilt engine with zero miles. I was about to do some cosmetic repairs when one morning , as I opened the driver door, it dropped, Bugs had chewed the wood sill at the A pillar. It was a blessing in disguise. The inside of the body sheet metal was unpainted and full of surface rust. The long road to restoration had started. It is 20 years since and thousands of dollars spent , ready for a paint job. Sometimes visitors will ask me" When is it going to be finished ?" My answer is always Who cares? I love what I do and I do what I love, it keeps me mentally and physically fit. At 88 going on to 89 I drive safely. I still do my backyard gardening The secret is to keep the mind and body active. Harry in Thornhill, Canada. Cheers.
  10. I recently saw on yutube a Pontiac (50's) with a flowthrough head. Carburetor on one side and exhaust on the other side. Can any one tell me what year and model it is ?
  11. I would remove the thermostat and fill the rad with vasol ,rotate the engine for about 5 minutes, drain then fill with Vaporust . Rotate engine and let sit for a day, then flush. repeat until effluent comes out clean. Use air pressure to help push out liquid .
  12. There is a cork seal at the end of the output shaft. Use a sharp pick to remove old seal and use a piece of cork sheet and make a new one. I did just that on my 1941 Buick Century. Miter the edges of the cork seal and lightly oil or grease the outside of the cork to make entry easy.
  13. Frank DuVal, your marbles are stable. I love to read you blogs. Cheers, Harry
  14. If the 41 is like my 41 Special then the transmission must be removed completely, Big job. Rear end has to be pulled back off the body. Watch out for the bolts that holds the cup rear coil springs. The passenger side bolt is counter clockwise. You may need to remove the bell housing. That means the flywheel must be removed. The flywheel with not clear the bell housing unless you hack a piece. This is the time to have the flywheel and clutch assembly serviced. Use a few aligning studs to help with bolting the oil pan. Mark the position of the flywheel bolts pattern. They are staggered. To keep the pan gasket in place use fine sewing thread to tie in places. The unique thing about these old Buicks all the nuts and bolts of moving parts on the passenger side are counter clockwise. I AM 88 GOING IN 89 AND SOMETIMES LOOSE MY MARBLES SO DO NOT CRUCYFY ME, PLEASE. Oh yes, reseal the gear box output shaft cork seal while at it. Working space is limited. Go to Walmart and buy some patience, it may help. Cheers. Harry.
  15. I stand corrected. At 88 going 89 I sometimes loose my marbles. The straight pin 1156 is for parking and 1157 staggered pins is dual. If the turn signal clicks once and stays on the bulb on that side is burnt out. I am talking about cars and trucks of the 60's and up. There are lots of room for mistakes especially with oldies. Second Hand vehicles ? Look out for anything.
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