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Annie G

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Everything posted by Annie G

  1. Annie G

    Thank You

    I agree - I kept saying to my husband and father in law, "I can't imagine how much work this was to put together every year!!" Just amazing... so well done, everything was great, although I'd love to see another beautiful day like 2017 Show Day in 2017 See you in 2019!
  2. I'll post my photos shortly - my husband did us right, as usual, and got lots of great photos of the cars pulling in
  3. My husband always says that I don't know the real Hershey experience without the mud! I, for one, am ok with that! My father in law has been going for over 40 years. My husband has been with him many, many times. I've gone 6-7 times since 2001.... however, this year is 5 in a row for me and the first without a vehicle on the show field! This will be the first time, however, that I'll be working at the Membership tent on the Chocolate field Friday afternoon! Come say hi!!
  4. Wow!!! Guess we need to go in the Summertime in 2020
  5. Why did I sell it? I had a buyer lol And I want something smaller, although my husband thinks a station wagon isn't smaller, only shorter! What can I say?! Thanks for the words of encouragement guys! I'm really looking forward to the search. BTW, I've volunteered to work the Membership Booth on the Chocolate Field 2-4 Friday! Come say hi
  6. Sold it on Memorial Day. I've been trying to sell since last October and found a buyer. I'm still sad that I let it go, but it was time.
  7. Thanks so much! I've got my fingers crossed that I'll find my next baby
  8. Sounds good to me! I'm trying to find something myself since I am without a vehicle Gonna be so weird being at Hershey without my Burb!
  9. Sniff sniff... I was hoping someone might have something for me! oh well, maybe I'll luck out when I get there.
  10. Since all cars in AACA are eligible at 25 years old, why single out one class to 35 years old? Seems quite unfair.
  11. A side note, if you are able to show your car and judge, you don't need a parking pass
  12. So I've sold the Burb and have been looking for another vehicle. Requirements: Clean! Runs well (it will be my daily driver) Can be entered into HPOF or DPC Late 60's-'94 station wagon or Blazer (I'd love a full-size one but am sure it will be out of my price range) I'm fairly comfortable with going up to $10k. I know it's not a lot, and my choices might be slim, but it's what I've got to work with If you're bringing it to Hershey - post the photo here and where you will be so I can take a look Thanks!
  13. Thanks for the tips! I'll try them out tomorrow night
  14. Hello! I'd like to add a "click here for more photos" link in my newsletter but am not sure how to do that. I'm using publisher then converting to a PDF. Thanks for the help! Annie
  15. Thank you! Likewise, it's so nice to meet you too in person
  16. yes, there were a few in the museum. So much to see!!!
  17. Thanks to the General Greene Chapter for hosting this year! Petty's Garage was a fantastic location for a car show. Here are photos Joel and I took throughout the day: https://photos.app.goo.gl/LWYNhQFOFoDADTpq2
  18. Best of luck to you Victoria! They are lucky to have you
  19. Thanks! Us too - And Joel took the day off from work, so he'll be there taking photos for us while I'm judging
  20. According to the brochure: http://www.aaca.org/images/meet_brochures/2018_Southeast_Spring_Brochure.pdf 2-4 today, in the in-field tent. You can't miss it!
  21. Judging will start at 11am regardless of the weather
  22. Thanks Terry! It was truly my pleasure to help out! I was honored to be asked to be the assistant and I learned so much from Stan and Mike. I couldn't have asked for better mentors in this amazing club . I too am sad to be missing Charlotte next weekend, but we've committed to raising funds for St Baldrick's for the 10th year in a row and next Saturday is a big occasion for Joel to shave his head in solidarity of children fighting cancer. We hope there will be a time when we won't need to do any fundraising, but we've committed. (I just hope next year our event is a different day then the Charlotte meet.)
  23. I will pass along the Thanks for the car show photos to my Husband
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