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Everything posted by Dodgy6

  1. and I thought no one ever listened to me.... Thanks for the amazing photos you two.
  2. Now there is a good idea - an archive of factory photos.
  3. Life just gets in the way.... I'm a bit behind you though Ian! Just starting on the journey. I got two kids in nappies, not much cash to throw at the DA, no stroke, (yet, fingers crossed!), more than enough to do around the house like you, and I'm hoping to get mine done by retirement age. That gives me 28 years..... I reckon I might be half a chance! That bonnet is a thing of beauty even in primer. And I see a cruiser ute....:cool:
  4. Great info guys. Sounds like it was mostly manufacuring practicality decision then. Where's John Keiser on this? He was delivering his Grandfather's lumber to Dodge main to make these inserts back in '31 wasn't he? I heard he liked the the look of those new DH6's so much that he bought one straight off the line!
  5. Pretty sure they used heavier guage sheet metal for vehicles in the past compared to what gets used today. It all comes down to metalurgy technology I suppose, and cost of raw materials too. If you can make your steel go further on the production line then the manufacturer is quids in. The fact these things were made heavier back then works in our favour now because the steel lasts longer and it had less impurities in it too. I doubt a modern car left sitting out in the weather for a few decades like alot of us find our Dodges would still be in restorable shape. Case in point is the 40 series Landcruiser, which I've had a few - the early production years starting back in the 50's and 60's used heavier guage steel in the bodies than the later Cruisers of the 70's and 80's. Barring some basic design flaws that caused rusting in certain spots, the older ones have held up better than the newer trucks if not treated right because of thicker and possibly better steel. I have an unrestored '69 that the panels are in amazing condition and better shape compared to my '84.
  6. Since roof inserts seem to be the flavour of the week, I've been wondering why these old cars were build this way with an insert rather than a solid one piece metal roof. - Was it something to do with problems in the manufacturing process that they couldn't find a way to make a body shell with a solid roof? - Was it just the fasion of the time? - Was it "manufacturing cost" related and cheaper to make with the insert? Anyone have a theory or know for sure? Ross.:confused:
  7. Tehe, well I have been told I have the mind like a childs! I just checked out your album Ian. Damn, that thing has a lot of metal! She's coming up nice though. Makes me kind of glad I have a TJR body with just the skins and wood frames to deal with - probably comes with its own headaches though. No roof on mine and only half a body will be on the plus side. I like your hidden speakers and i-pod idea. Not strictly factory, but it sure beats winding up a gramaphone and putting it on the back seat.... Keep up the good work, and I bet you are counting the sleeps till it goes to the paint shop.
  8. 10 years to build a chicken coup eh? Still, It must be the prettiest darn chicken coup I've ever seen..... Seriously though, it does look like a quality job. Got any old pics of your car when you started Ian? I am always very interested in befores and afters, and just to see what people can achieve. Ross.
  9. Great looking ute with very cool bed, Vic! :cool:
  10. Also, in the reading of old threads on this forum that I have done, I have seen a few where people have rebuilt the tops themsleves. I'm sorry I can't remember exactly who they are right now but people with the knowledge of how to do it are on here and there should be some pics as well. Have a bit of search and you may find some stuff that gets you moving in the right direction. Best of luck with it, and nice car! :cool:
  11. DP_3 Window that is some great info. Would you happen to have any knowledge of chassis/frame numbers on vehicles imported into Australia? I have talked to a few people, and myself included, that don't seem to have one stamped on their chassis. Mine is a '29 DA TJR body and I'm wondering if there were some chassis that were not marked for some reason. Thanks
  12. Well, where were you guys 6 months ago when this thread started?!! I wouldn't have had to have stuck my neck out! Great info. I'll get back in my box now..... Beetles Bailey, I have sent you a PM.
  13. I'd like to see some pics of the area in question if you have any handy John. (no, no, no.... not pics of flogging!) My front seat back will end up being the rear of the tub if that makes sense, so I'll be dealing with a similar problem. As my DA will be not be following a standard ragtop design, any ideas would be most useful and what you do with yours would be great to see. Ross
  14. :cool: Something like that would work well on the back end of my ute! Even if it is expensive let me know and I'll see what can be done about it. Thanks heaps. Or maybe I can just cut one out of an old porcelain sign with my aviation snips.....
  15. If I am allowed to indulge my theory before I get my coat and head back to traffic duty.....I wonder of some of the edges are the original sign edges??? I presume the top and maybe the top corners are the nice round edges you are refering to Ron? The others edges still look hand cut to me. So maybe some original and some "newer" edges? No, I've not tried to cut one of these signs with snips either so I'm just working with my gut on this! Oh well, whatever the true story is we've had some fun, (apart from Jason that is....)
  16. My '29 DA has 8 leaves in the rear spring packs. It was a phaeton to begin with then got turned into a ute at some stage so I don't really know it the springs were beefed up at that point or not. Maybe 8 is right. (???) I cannot vouch for the correct number of leaves as that is one of the many things I have not investigated yet. Hopefully someone else will have a more definitive answer.
  17. I know this is an old thread but I thought this sign was cool so I went all CSI on it. There are a couple of things worth mentioning. 1. The sign appears to me to have been hand cut with some sort of snips that leave a striated pattern on the edge of the metal. If you look closely at the bottom right edge and the top left edge you will see the pattern. These marks on the cut surface are consistent with the marks left by modern day "aviation snips" which I am familiar with. I don't know how long aviation snips have been around but surely not back in the Dodge Brothers era. There may have been other tools that leave similar marks though. The fact that these marks only show up on those particular edges is also consistent with how you would hand cut those curves with left and right snips.. On the other curves , the striated marks would show on the waste metal from the cut 2. The left hand side internal corner seems to have a bit of overcut. I have put a circle around it on the attached pic. Your metal shop teacher in high school probably warned you about doing this when you cut sheet metal with snips. My conclusion is that the sign may have been cut more recently out of another older sign that may have originally been a dealer or service agent sign so this could be its second incarnation and most likely a one off piece and therefore almost impossible to put a date on. I still think it is cool. :cool:
  18. Beautiful car. I love it. :cool: Yours is ok too John....
  19. Thanks guys. Looks like I'll be passing. I was going to offer him less if it didn't sell, but there is already a bid on it now, and it is too much for not working and maybe missing parts. I did unfortunately hit a roo this week but it was with a hundred or so kilos of metal attatched to the front of my old troop carrier. Doh! :eek:
  20. I would like to clarify as to what exactly we are talking about. I first read this and replied at 5.30am and now re-reading after being fully awake I am unsure whether it is the frame or the bush that is in question. I definately have to do my brass bushes and will need some "new" spring hangers. Maybe a pic George? :confused:
  21. I'm fairly certain by comparing pictures that this is the correct guage for my DA. However, the pictures don't show a needle present in the guage and the seller says he can't see one in there either. I guess I'll be passing on it unless anyone can verify that it is possible that the needle may have dropped out of view. All the dash pics I've seen show the needle resting at empty even in guages that are removed from the vehicle. Any thoughts? Ross.
  22. A job I need to do too and would also love any information on this. Come on guys - help some brothers out!
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