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Everything posted by JRA

  1. Hello Robert Do you still have the inspection light for sale? Is this model the proper part for a 1926 Studebaker Big Six, dashboard inspection light? Is there a dashboard housing for this light? Thanks Julio
  2. Hello , I am looking for pictures or any information regarding the folding windshield for 1926 Studebaker Big Six, sports roadster, model EP. The car is missing the bottom part of windshield, as can be seen in the pictures. I am also looking for the dashboard inspection light assembly, a picture of it or the actual part for sale. In addition, I want to buy a disc wheel, 19” 6 lugs, for this car. Any detailed pictures for this model will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Julio
  3. I have mant 6v cars with these cutout relays. I got them on Brillman. https://brillman.com/?s=Cutout&post_type=product
  4. Any pictures of the folding windshield? I have intensively searched on internet without success. I got unclear pictures of 1927 models. Thanks, Julio
  5. I have tried to reach Chad, but got no answers on that phone. Do you know if he already sold the car or parts? Thanks, Julio
  6. Hi Oldford, I believe that based on engine number and car external characteristics, it is a 1926 automobile. Aren’t your headlights for 1927 cars? Regarding to parts, I am looking for: - one disc wheel complete with rim, 20” diameter. - dashboard inspection lamp assembly - bottom part of the folding windshield. Any help offered will be very much appreciated. Thanks Julio 1929 Marmon 78 Touring Speedster 1929 Chrysler 75 Roadster 1929 Hudson Super Six Sedan 1929 Dodge-Brothers Six Brougham 1928 Chevrolet National Touring 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook 4 dr Sedan 1954 Willys CJ3B Jeep
  7. Any other parts available to sell for 1926 Big Six ? Any pictures to share? I have talked to Kevin in N/C Industries and he doe not have the pattern for the windshield, but could help if I send info and pictures? Any pictures to share of the botton frame piece of the folding windshield?
  8. Hi Wayne, I am interested on the set. Could you please send me an email, or share your email address? Do you have other parts available? julioalbernaz@hotmail.com thanks Julio
  9. Thanks, Wayne, just sent you a private message. Im looking for pictures of the botton part of the windshield, or any source of information about it. Regards Julio
  10. Thanks a lot, Studeq! Based on your information, it became clear to me that the car is 1926. I am out of town, so when I am back I will search for letter number series. About the folding windshield, any comment.? Regarding the EP model, do you know a good source of parts? I am looking for the set for the steering column (horn button and levers), inspection light with power cord that is inserted to the dashboard, botton part of the windshield, among others, extra disc wheel... Could you please share more pictures of EP rodsters? I need good references to use on the restauration. My email is: julioalbernaz@hotmail.com thanks a lot, again! Julio
  11. Hello Guys, I am strugling to define the year of this Studebaker Big Six roadster. I did not find any body or serial number. The engine number is EP39841, so EP is the 1925-1926 Big Six. However the car has some features that I umderstand are from 1927: front wheels mechanical brakes and two piece folding windshield (botton part is missing). The rumble seat has wood arms, available in 1926 and 1927. Disc wheels with 6 lugs. Cowll lights seem to be wrong. The books I have demonstrate the puzzle on the year identification for 1926/27. The engine number is quite high, so it could be an EP late model. I think it is 1927, because the front brakes, but I would appreciate your inputs. Thanks, Julio
  12. Just forgot to mention, the link under the front page image has a better quality picture of the car.
  13. That is the tricky part. I did this research already. By that time, the presidential car was supposed to be a Lincoln. I believe it is not a Lincoln in the picture. This is not the president's car. It belonged to the Church, as the Cardinal Achbishop went to the Presidential Palace to convince the president to leave the office and resign, instead of trying to resist to the deposition. The text in the newspaper tells that. Unfortunately I was unable to get any reference about the Cardinal's car. The hints in my view are the rear door hinges, the hubcap and wheel, the size of the quarter window, window moulding, parallel body stripes below windows, and the square type appearance of the rear part. Only this newspaper had the opportunity to take this picture. The other newspapers in that same day had the news but only had archive pictures of the president. This event happened late in that night, and supposed to be in secret, once the deposed president left to exile. This picture was taken by a clever journalist, that put a small tree branch on the car path, so the chauffeur had to reduce the speed to cross over it in its way out of the garage. So the doubt still exists...and this half car picture is our only source. Thanks, JRA
  14. Hi All, I have broken my head for months trying to identify this car. I believe it is a Cadillac, is it? The picture was taken in Oct 1930. It is from a Brazilian newpaper, about the deposition of the Brazilian president at that time. The car belonged to Rio de Janeiro´s Cardinal Archbishop, who is beside of the deposed president in the back seat. It is a 7-seat car, chauffeur driven, based on the newspaper text. The hubcap makes me believe it is a Cadillac, maybe with Buffalo wheels? Could be a 1927 model? Probably the custom series...but I am not sure at all. PictureCarWL1930.bmp Thanks, JRA
  15. The "fuel starvation" starts after the 2nd mile. And you are right to say it is running very hot. I have already checked the timing, following the instruction book, and it is ok. The tube is already wrapped with fiberglass whool, so I will try to cover the exhaust manifold too. The carburetor has just received a new repair kit from Carburetor King. I believe enlarging the carb jet could be an interesting thing to try. If I use a electric fuel pump, what kind of pressure should be delivered at the carburetor inlet? 2 psi? 3 psi? Thanks, Julio
  16. Thanks for the Reply, Ben. There are no coils in the pipe. It is descending and straight. Summer temperatures goes from 80F to 100F. The gasoline has 27% ethanol and I live and drive in a city about 950m (3116ft) above sea level. Thanks Julio
  17. I have a 1928 Chevrolet and a 1929 Chrysler that I gave up of the vacuum tanks and I am using electric pumps. I have installed low pressure pumps and also used a bypass in the carburetor gas intake to collect any excess of fuel and return it in an independent fuel line to the tank. In other hand, I have 1929 Dodge-Brothers that runs perfectly with the vacuum tank. Currently I am having deep issues the vacuum tank of my 1929 Hudson SuperSix, and I believe is vapor lock. Differently of the other cars, the vacuum tank of the 1929 Hudson is in the firewall opposite side of the carburetor, so the fuel line passes behind the engine. To add an additional difficulty, I live in Brazil, where most of the time we have warm and hot weathers, and the gasoline has 27% of ethanol (Brazilian law requirement, unfortunately). I have wrapped the fuel line with heat insulator, but with weak results. When I increase the speed the engine suffers of starvation, despite the fact the vacuum tank is full. I have checked twice already, that when the engine starts to lack of power I had more than 2 liters of gasoline in the vacuum tank. So apparently the vacuum is working well in the aspect of getting the gasoline from the fuel tank to the vacuum tank reservoir, however, it seems the gasoline is not flowing with the right pressure to the carburetor. Any chance to escape from the electric pump in this 1929 Hudson? Regarding the Old Car Fan comment about have a fire truck following the car with electric pump. What kind of measures should be taken, when using an electric fuel pump, in order to reduce risks of fire? Thanks, JRA
  18. Hello All, I own a 1929 Dodge-Brothers Six, series DA, brougham. How many Dodge-Brothers DA were built in 1929? And how many did have Brougham body style? Is this info somehow available? Thanks, JRA
  19. I think I will try the wooden stick idea to measure the oil level. Paul, just to confirm, considering a stick that goes inside the oil fill hole, is the 2.25 inches mark FULL? What would be the MINIMUM mark? Thanks JRA
  20. Thanks Zeke. Do you know where I can buy such glass, once mine is cracked? And how can I replace it? How can we seal the ends of such glass tube? Thanks, JRA
  21. Thanks Paul and Rusty. It is a Standard Sedan, with wooden spoke wheels, dual sidemaount and trunk. I am enjoyng a lot this car. I am wondering if it is going to be faster than my 1929 Chrysler 75... See pictures attached. Y ou can see the glass tube for oil level indication. It seems to be original. Once it is cracked, how can I replace it? Where can I find such glass tube, is it a special type? Is there any special seals at its ends? Thanks, JRA 1928 Chevrolet National, touring 1929 Dodge-Brothers Six, brougham 1929 Hudson Super Six, standard sedan 1929 Chrysler 75, roadster 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook, four door sedan 1954 Willys-Overland Jeep, CJ3B
  22. Hello Everyone, I just bought an 1929 Hudson and I do not know to check oil level. The engine does not have a dip stick, but a sort of glass tube. This tube seems to be empty. How does it work? Thanks, JRA
  23. Hello Guys, What is the right carburetor model for a Canadian built, 1927 McLaughlin Buick, standard six? Thanks, JRA
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