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Everything posted by broker-len

  1. a friend has one of these and the distributor base is broken any suggestions ? is a 30U base the same
  2. Just a thought about some of the cool pictures that are posted THEY ARE SO SMALL how ever you copy and post try to be aware of how they come through I keep a library of car pictures and some of the greatest picks can not be seen just an oponion
  3. If you want to see some great shots Google LINCOLN HIGHWAY and follow the linques read the history
  4. Got a great book all old car lovers will enjoy it a history of early autos and the country's road system try to get maybe through your library
  5. has good bones !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Made by NAPA in the 30s this is a copy of my book e mail me at bobnroman@yahoo.com over 100 pages
  7. I have one left it is on E bay (252785608494) if there is a demand will make more bobnroman@yahoo.com
  8. thanks for working on sight can not seems to attach pictures have in Doc file Jepg format help
  9. This was originally produced by NAPA in the 30s was made available by ----CRANK AND HOPE PUBLICATIONS---this a good copy of my book bound in a plastic cover----with more info added from my library it covers 31 to 36 Plymouth it covers generator specs--valve measurements--engine clearances--setting up the third brush on generator and cutout--has a lube chart--spark plug settings--distributor set up--clutch-transmission pictures---rear end--section on brakes--setting up front end--and wiring diagrams--tons of pictures---added info on BB1 updraft carb----105 PAGE SIDES------E mail me for more pictures if you have one of these cars you will find this valuable ----BR E mail me bobnroman@yahoo.com
  10. Look at this---------------------the art of yesteryear !!!!!!!!!!! CARS AT END !!!
  11. broker-len

    not true

    Just what are you asking ????? the first Plymouth was 1928
  13. got a book ford first 100 years early attempt at mobile radio radio car.pdf
  14. have been told mid 40s but not sure one missing contact bobnroman@yahoo.com
  15. Looking for 31 32 PA hubcaps as pictured only good shape contact bobnroman@yahoo.com
  16. Looking for------31-32 PA Hubcaps--------as pictured only if it is real good shape
  17. Is $ 10.00 a piece plus shipping to much ? let me know
  18. Chilton Books---78,89,92,76 other books some hayns------61 Corvair, 91 Escory, 70 Buick, 75 ford, 68 Chevy, 80 Subaru, 69 Chevy, 88 Merc GMQ----------------------------contact at bobnroman@yahoo.com
  19. Has anyone talked With L&L or know anything about them been doing business for a long time but can not contact them or find on Web
  20. I heard there is a way to search Craigslist for a specific car in all US states any one know what it is ?
  21. it is for a friend of mine could you E mail him at----- "hspencesr@aol.com" <hspencesr@aol.com> he can give specs
  22. when I took these pictures there was a sort of caretaker living in a mobile home a big building full of parts he told me the land was for sale and they had to clear it are you near there ? had his phone number long ago
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