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Everything posted by broker-len

  1. broker-len

    1930 Roadster

    I have a PA never have a problem with batteries go to outlet only selling batteries truckers buy the 6 Volt and put two together to get 12 better cranking
  3. broker-len

    30 U

    have been looking for a cam gear for my PA plymouth the parts book states that the same gear is used for all 4 cylinders the one that came out is made by general electric fiber gear some one sent one out of a 30 U and is made by westinghouse and different part number but looks the same any one have any experience with this ?
  4. Why can't you just put another core in the original Rad ?
  5. I have found this problem especially in the speedster section links are posted for what seems to be pictures with jpeg designation can not seem to open them up-------------------what am I doing wrong ?
  6. see the steam engine and more picks----early flying machine
  7. noticed the timing instructions is'nt this called power timing
  8. see both Model A and T rail road cars Chuck the engineer told me that the T rear end can have a second ring gear so it can go in reverse as fast as foward
  9. spent a few days in Boothbay HARBOR, Main they have two transportation museums in area BOOTHBAY RAILWAY has a narrow gage rail road the steam engine few days a wk------- take a ride----- great collection of cars, stationary engines and large collection of outboad motors ----------------OWLS HEAD TRANSPORTATION mUSEUM old plains, cars ,motor bikes will post some of the better pictures will put more later
  10. I know it can be fixed my shop just does not want to see me any more because I hold them responsible for some bad work they did in the past but at best it is risky the company that make it that does not want to stand behind it told me to drill and use a roll pin either that or threaded if it goes it and clears the thickness of end plate or backs out and hits the block TROUBLE if I had no other alternative would try but some one from oregon sent me one that is an original which I will probobely use can get new aftermarket for $ 200.00 don't want to spend money just trying to see if any one has any other gears to choose from
  11. still have the original know where the marks are my shop thinks it is a risky fix if the pin shifts could slip out a new gear is available for $ 200.00 am trying to find a kind person who has an original in their garage
  12. the cam gear is keyed came off easy here is the problem have had this car over 40 years in 70s had it rebuilt the shop put a after market gear see pictured drive it very little 6 years ago retirement wanted to get it all done could not get it running smooth the more I tinkered the worse it got found out who made the gear and was told they had problems the hub tended to shift in gear throughing the timing out so now need to find one or buy new after market
  13. In the past few months I have been beating your ears about my plymouth that would not run-------------went through checking ignition timing , vacuum, two carbs checked valve timing I found it--------------had to take hood and rad off pulled timing case and found the cam gear hub, which is an after market, had slipped in the gear sending the motor out of time now am looking for a cam gear for a 4 cylinder 32 plymouth part number 42294 stamped on gear same gear 28 to 32 PB plymouth
  14. the only one making them is Tom Hanaford he sells to Eggie and they mark up hanaford has them but seeing what my options are
  15. looking for a cam gear for 32 PA Plymouth 4 cylinder
  16. looking for a cam gear for 1932 PA plymouth 4 cylinder
  17. thank you for responding but not sure what you are saying how would I find this crossover point and what would I do when I find it
  18. had a 32 plymouth motor rebuilt several years ago have had trouble with running of motor we have figured out that the cam is the problem -----have compared the timing marks with old gear do not know where the shop got this gear ----------------- does any one know who's gear this is ?????---------------------------bobnroman@yahoo.com
  19. broker-len

    32 PA

    Looking for a NOS cam gear for 32 Plymouth PA bobnroman@yahoo.com
  20. It used to be free but with the high cost of paper and ink I am forced to charge $ 40.00 which will comer the cost of shipping in the USA send me a message at bobnroman@yahoo.com will give you my address for a check
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