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Everything posted by Landman

  1. Chuck, No complications. They are healing fine according to the surgeon. I think he's waiting for the scabs to fall off before he removes the stitches. They still wrap them to prevent any bending since the tendons were severed and they are probably being held together mostly by the sutures still. He said three months until we can start therapy to get them to bend again. Now, if they remain straight forever, that'll count for a complication. As far as the bones, they said three months for them to mend. I had gouged thriugh about 3/4 of the thickness, and with my small hands, that doesn't leave much.
  2. John,what is the thing with the small rubber wheels?
  3. Today I tackled the woodgrain on the window garnish moldings. I have to let it set then there's three more operations to go through before they're done. Also primed and painted the black line on the other 5 hubcaps.
  4. Looking at your front steering photo brought back some memories. I powned the other end of the spectrum (a 110) for 12 years. I remember searching high & low for a replacement center bolt. It turs out the hole in the crossmember had enlarged so we cleaned up the hole and a friend made a new oversize bolt with all the shoulders andgbrease passages.
  5. Oh boy Paul, you bet that this is one that I'll follow. I had this one for a while and thoroughlly enjoyed it. Sold it for the wrong reasons.
  6. Tom. I got the aluminum strips from the Filling Station, an important Chevy supplier : https://www.fillingstation.com/. Hard day at the office today. Finished nailing the grained vinyl. Masked up the area where the nailhaeds are & laid a thin bead of seam sealer. The I nailed the wire-on, laid a bead of seam sealer on the inside and closed it. Managed to get some wrinkles. Also had a tough time trimming the fabric that stuck out. Sliced into the wire-on in a couple of places. Should have trimmed it before putting the wire-on on it. Disppointing results.
  7. Hi Ian, Actually this is a bit different from stock. On cars with radios there was chicken wire to support the wadding. It served as the antenna as well. I clearly remember it when we played in that car as kids over 55 years ago. The burlap is also there to support the wadding. I don't know whether it was there in radio cars as well. On the original setup, the fabric was held down by a nailing strip which had bolts in the corners to help hold it down. Mine will use wireon which came with the roof kit. The nailing strips are no longer available but aluminum strips of the same profile are. You have to drill them for screws and bend them to go around the corners. I have them but I'm afraid I'd make a mess of them.
  8. Started on the roof insert. Put in a layer of burlap to support the cotton batting. Put down a few rows of very thin 2-sided tape to hold the batting in place. Laid a masking tape around the opening and marked the location of the nailing slots. Laid down and trimmed the batting so it just covers the opening. Spread the grained vinyl over that and started tacking it in place.
  9. The people using that multi-level parking above the Texaco station better be careful when getting out the passenger side.
  10. Chris, is that primer we see under the red or was the car Acqua at one time?
  11. Assembled the other vent window. Ran a bead of window sealer and wrapped the rubber around the windshield and rear window glass. That is messy stuff to play with. Now I know what Chris was talking about. Installed the door glass in its channel and installed the side seals in their tracks. Peened the tracks over the rubber to hold it. There was lots of window sealer left so I put some in the gap between the toeboard end plates and the side of the cowl. Installed the new elbow in the radiator's bottom hoses.
  12. Well here it is -20C and we're quite comfortable in my shop. I even spent 2 hours on snowshoes this afternoon and broke a sweat.
  13. I did the same too. The honeycomb didn't pass the test so I told the guy to recore using the old tanks. Didn't turn out anywhere as nice as yours though. Happy New Year Ian.
  14. Hi Lahti. Nice solid project on what will be a nice reliable driver. And its all there! Congrats. Looking forward to following your work.
  15. That wall looks familiar somehow. I seem to remember seeing a Packard Vicky there.
  16. Bernie, if anyone had any doubts about your abilities back then , I'm sure they don't have any now.
  17. Dec 27 - Installed the lacing on the rad shell. Also set the rad shell/firewall distance using a spare hood panel. Took out the repop hood hinge to double check. It doesn't fit in the hold down brackets, it is too long and the holes are 2.5" apart instead of 3.5" which is what they should be. Gave up in disgust. :mad: Checked the catalogue. It did say "Modify to fit". Dec 28 - Tackled it again. Marked and drilled the holes where they should be. Trimmed the pin part to fit the keepers. Shortened the hinge to match the old one. Mounted it to the spare hood panel and trial fitted to the car. Still too tight. Had to let the rods out 1/8". Then I got nice gaps. That took almost a whole day. Who said it was going to be easy! At least now, when I put the hinge on the painted hood (which should be here next week along with the rest), it should fall right in place. Then I went and got a box of beer. After all it is Friday.
  18. Perhaps ypu'll be in your wheelchair directing your great grandson on the second restoration.
  19. Began playing with the passenger door. Installed the dovetail, sound deadener for the desired "thunk". Installed the door check links to the car. Installed the glass in the vent window frame. Trial fitted the vent window assembly and the other window components. Lots of fiddling and adjusting coming up. I find that the splines in my expensive rechromed vent window cranks are just about gone. I wonder if that was caused by the plating process or I just sent worn items. :confused:
  20. Roger, it is a good thing you tell us about your errors because not one of us would be able to spot them and we would continue to think you are perfect. Fascinating project!!
  21. I have to agree with everyone else here, Bernie. The results are spectacular. It reminded me of a photo of my father and his brother holding up their sister with a Packard in the background. It looks just a bit newer than yours, possibly 26 or 27. The Quebec '27 license plate was yellow with black letters, so the photo itself is likely 1927.
  22. Not much in the last couple of days. Masked the rest of the hubcaps to paint the black stripe. Mounted the grille shell/rad assembly along with the support rod. Fiddled with the hood hinge retainers and the hood hinge itself. It doesn't fit in the retainers. Checked the supplier's catalog. It says "trim to fit". Will do. Spent part of the afternoon fixing my snowblower before it's needed again.
  23. Mounted the central brace and the radiator to the shell. Picked up the doors.
  24. Installed the grille in the shell. Had a ***** of a time removing the masking tape afterwards. Managed to make a few tiny scratches .Stood there looking at it and it seemed something was missing. After a while, what's left of my memory engaged and said; "Splash apron". Sure. It mounts on the same bolts as the grille . So off comes the bottom part except one where the bolt head skipped its moorings. I needed an exotic combination of pliers to hold the bolt to get the nut off. No much squeezing power in my right hand yet. Installed the splash apron. Positioned and secured the welting. Before I put the rad in there I need to make sure the Chevy emblen is at the right height. The good people at VCCA will help me with that. Looking at several photos , I think it's in the right place.
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