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Everything posted by Landman

  1. Chris I still think you should come here in the blizzard and work on my upholstery.
  2. The seat is ready. I should pick it up around Thursday. I think it looks good for an "incorrect" seat.
  3. Jeff, Have you thought of a curved lamination like you see on some chairs sometime. They are extremely rigid.
  4. Does anyone have one of these who would be willing to make me a sketch with measurements? I'd like to build my own.
  5. Thank you gentlemen. I'm getting antsy to go for a ride. The first few ones will be anxious since if it stalls when warm, it won't start again.
  6. Installed the trunk side liners. Started putting the fabric on the partition panel. Loaded up the car to take it to the upholsterer. He will install the headliner and the upper panels. then we'll add up the bill and I may elect to finish the bottom myself.
  7. Since I am using a sedan seat, I had to build a partition between the cabin and the trunk. As the floorpans aren't exactly flat, there was a gap along the bottom, worse in the middle. I used some extra material from the upholstery kit to make a skirt seal. Chased the threads in some wheel nuts. Cleaned, primed and painted them with Eastwood's cadmium paint. Cleaned up and painted the horn brackets I bought on eBay. Found a pipe clamp which would fit nicely as the other side of the brackets. Now I'll attempt to find where I can get one.
  8. Tnsnks Mr. Keiser. It is a repop but I do believe it looks like the original.
  9. David, here's a 1912 which belongs to a friend of mine. I only have a photo of one side. I can call him & ask. This one was called a mile-a-minute roadster.
  10. Yesterday, repainted the floor pans. They were quite shopworn. Today, jacked it up and adjusted the brakes. At least I think I adjusted the brakes. Some of those cotter pins weren't easy to reach with all the stuff in place. The pedal stop (yellow arrow) was especially tricky, needing arms with a couple of universal joints. Received the horn brackets I bought on eBay. They aren't quite like the originals but they can be made to work.
  11. Chris, do you work at a vampire control company?
  12. Just bought 50" of 00 cable and the fittings. Made up a set of cables. Made a difference but not once it has started and stopped. Will try another battery next. Then I'd like to find a proven starter to try.
  13. I have a number one positive cable and an original braided ground strap.
  14. A retired service station owner who is himself a collector came and went over the timing, valve adjustments, idle speed adjustments and we got the car to run very smoothly. It now starts with the 6V when cold but doesn't turn over when hot. It does start hot with the 12V. We checked the battery and it is right up.Other than bigger battery cables, I think we'll have to wait until it loosens up before risking a trip away from home. I wonder how long that is going to take. I think I've gone as far as I dare with the upholstery. Will take the car to an upholsterer for installation of the headliner. And perhaps the rest of the panels as well.
  15. I like that layout. I think I'll do that too. Thanks for the idea. Any royalties due?
  16. I got my windlace as part of a kit. I you contact Sonjs=a at the following address, she may be able to help you. scorliss@lebaronbonney.com.
  17. Finished installing the windlace. Glued the seals to the sills using dowels to hold the seal in the groove. Installed the sills. Installed the kick panels. While checking out some of the other panels for fit it became apparent that there was something wrong with the windshield header. The wiper control grommets appeared to be in the wrong place. It turned out the wiper motor was in the wrong position. Removed the wood and expanded the notch to give clearance to the wiper motor. The little "feet" of the motor are too short. While it is the correct motor, it could have come from another application. Like any fly by night operator, I just shimmed it up. It fits now.
  18. installed the trim on the driver's door. Started on the windlace on the passenger door opening.
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